(* Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for Ligo *) (* To disable warning about multiply-defined record labels. *) [@@@warning "-30-42"] (* Utilities *) open Utils (* Regions The AST carries all the regions where tokens have been found by the lexer, plus additional regions corresponding to whole subtrees (like entire expressions, patterns etc.). These regions are needed for error reporting and source-to-source transformations. To make these pervasive regions more legible, we define singleton types for the symbols, keywords etc. with suggestive names like "kwd_and" denoting the _region_ of the occurrence of the keyword "and". *) type 'a reg = 'a Region.reg let rec last to_region = function [] -> Region.ghost | [x] -> to_region x | _::t -> last to_region t let nseq_to_region to_region (hd,tl) = Region.cover (to_region hd) (last to_region tl) let nsepseq_to_region to_region (hd,tl) = let reg (_, item) = to_region item in Region.cover (to_region hd) (last reg tl) let sepseq_to_region to_region = function None -> Region.ghost | Some seq -> nsepseq_to_region to_region seq (* Keywords of Ligo *) type kwd_begin = Region.t type kwd_const = Region.t type kwd_down = Region.t type kwd_fail = Region.t type kwd_if = Region.t type kwd_in = Region.t type kwd_is = Region.t type kwd_for = Region.t type kwd_function = Region.t type kwd_parameter = Region.t type kwd_storage = Region.t type kwd_type = Region.t type kwd_of = Region.t type kwd_operations = Region.t type kwd_var = Region.t type kwd_end = Region.t type kwd_then = Region.t type kwd_else = Region.t type kwd_match = Region.t type kwd_procedure = Region.t type kwd_null = Region.t type kwd_record = Region.t type kwd_step = Region.t type kwd_to = Region.t type kwd_mod = Region.t type kwd_not = Region.t type kwd_while = Region.t type kwd_with = Region.t (* Data constructors *) type c_False = Region.t type c_None = Region.t type c_Some = Region.t type c_True = Region.t type c_Unit = Region.t (* Symbols *) type semi = Region.t type comma = Region.t type lpar = Region.t type rpar = Region.t type lbrace = Region.t type rbrace = Region.t type lbracket = Region.t type rbracket = Region.t type cons = Region.t type vbar = Region.t type arrow = Region.t type ass = Region.t type equal = Region.t type colon = Region.t type bool_or = Region.t type bool_and = Region.t type lt = Region.t type leq = Region.t type gt = Region.t type geq = Region.t type neq = Region.t type plus = Region.t type minus = Region.t type slash = Region.t type times = Region.t type dot = Region.t type wild = Region.t type cat = Region.t (* Virtual tokens *) type eof = Region.t (* Literals *) type 'x variable = string reg type 'x fun_name = string reg type 'x type_name = string reg type 'x field_name = string reg type 'x map_name = string reg type 'x constr = string reg (* Comma-separated non-empty lists *) type 'a csv = ('a, comma) nsepseq (* Bar-separated non-empty lists *) type 'a bsv = ('a, vbar) nsepseq (* Parentheses *) type 'a par = (lpar * 'a * rpar) reg (* Brackets compounds *) type 'a brackets = (lbracket * 'a * rbracket) reg (* Braced compounds *) type 'a braces = (lbrace * 'a * rbrace) reg (* The Abstract Syntax Tree *) type t = < ty: unit > ast and 'x ast = { types : 'x type_decl reg list; constants : 'x const_decl reg list; parameter : 'x parameter_decl reg; storage : 'x storage_decl reg; operations : 'x operations_decl reg; lambdas : 'x lambda_decl list; block : 'x block reg; eof : eof } and 'x parameter_decl = { kwd_parameter : kwd_parameter; name : 'x variable; colon : colon; param_type : 'x type_expr; terminator : semi option } and 'x storage_decl = { kwd_storage : kwd_storage; store_type : 'x type_expr; terminator : semi option } and 'x operations_decl = { kwd_operations : kwd_operations; op_type : 'x type_expr; terminator : semi option } (* Type declarations *) and 'x type_decl = { kwd_type : kwd_type; name : 'x type_name; kwd_is : kwd_is; type_expr : 'x type_expr; terminator : semi option } and 'x type_expr = Prod of 'x cartesian | Sum of ('x variant, vbar) nsepseq reg | Record of 'x record_type | TypeApp of ('x type_name * 'x type_tuple) reg | ParType of 'x type_expr par | TAlias of 'x variable and 'x cartesian = ('x type_expr, times) nsepseq reg and 'x variant = ('x constr * kwd_of * 'x cartesian) reg and 'x record_type = (kwd_record * 'x field_decls * kwd_end) reg and 'x field_decls = ('x field_decl, semi) nsepseq and 'x field_decl = ('x variable * colon * 'x type_expr) reg and 'x type_tuple = ('x type_name, comma) nsepseq par (* Function and procedure declarations *) and 'x lambda_decl = FunDecl of 'x fun_decl reg | ProcDecl of 'x proc_decl reg and 'x fun_decl = { kwd_function : kwd_function; name : 'x variable; param : 'x parameters; colon : colon; ret_type : 'x type_expr; kwd_is : kwd_is; local_decls : 'x local_decl list; block : 'x block reg; kwd_with : kwd_with; return : 'x expr; terminator : semi option } and 'x proc_decl = { kwd_procedure : kwd_procedure; name : 'x variable; param : 'x parameters; kwd_is : kwd_is; local_decls : 'x local_decl list; block : 'x block reg; terminator : semi option } and 'x parameters = ('x param_decl, semi) nsepseq par and 'x param_decl = ParamConst of 'x param_const | ParamVar of 'x param_var and 'x param_const = (kwd_const * 'x variable * colon * 'x type_expr) reg and 'x param_var = (kwd_var * 'x variable * colon * 'x type_expr) reg and 'x block = { opening : kwd_begin; instr : 'x instructions; terminator : semi option; close : kwd_end } and 'x local_decl = LocalLam of 'x lambda_decl | LocalConst of 'x const_decl reg | LocalVar of 'x var_decl reg and 'x const_decl = { kwd_const : kwd_const; name : 'x variable; colon : colon; vtype : 'x type_expr; equal : equal; init : 'x expr; terminator : semi option } and 'x var_decl = { kwd_var : kwd_var; name : 'x variable; colon : colon; vtype : 'x type_expr; ass : ass; init : 'x expr; terminator : semi option } and 'x instructions = ('x instruction, semi) nsepseq reg and 'x instruction = Single of 'x single_instr | Block of 'x block reg and 'x single_instr = Cond of 'x conditional reg | Match of 'x match_instr reg | Ass of 'x ass_instr | Loop of 'x loop | ProcCall of 'x fun_call | Null of kwd_null | Fail of (kwd_fail * 'x expr) reg and 'x conditional = { kwd_if : kwd_if; test : 'x expr; kwd_then : kwd_then; ifso : 'x instruction; kwd_else : kwd_else; ifnot : 'x instruction } and 'x match_instr = { kwd_match : kwd_match; expr : 'x expr; kwd_with : kwd_with; lead_vbar : vbar option; cases : 'x cases; kwd_end : kwd_end } and 'x cases = ('x case, vbar) nsepseq reg and 'x case = ('x pattern * arrow * 'x instruction) reg and 'x ass_instr = ('x variable * ass * 'x expr) reg and 'x loop = While of 'x while_loop | For of 'x for_loop and 'x while_loop = (kwd_while * 'x expr * 'x block reg) reg and 'x for_loop = ForInt of 'x for_int reg | ForCollect of 'x for_collect reg and 'x for_int = { kwd_for : kwd_for; ass : 'x ass_instr; down : kwd_down option; kwd_to : kwd_to; bound : 'x expr; step : (kwd_step * 'x expr) option; block : 'x block reg } and 'x for_collect = { kwd_for : kwd_for; var : 'x variable; bind_to : (arrow * 'x variable) option; kwd_in : kwd_in; expr : 'x expr; block : 'x block reg } (* Expressions *) and 'x expr = Or of ('x expr * bool_or * 'x expr) reg | And of ('x expr * bool_and * 'x expr) reg | Lt of ('x expr * lt * 'x expr) reg | Leq of ('x expr * leq * 'x expr) reg | Gt of ('x expr * gt * 'x expr) reg | Geq of ('x expr * geq * 'x expr) reg | Equal of ('x expr * equal * 'x expr) reg | Neq of ('x expr * neq * 'x expr) reg | Cat of ('x expr * cat * 'x expr) reg | Cons of ('x expr * cons * 'x expr) reg | Add of ('x expr * plus * 'x expr) reg | Sub of ('x expr * minus * 'x expr) reg | Mult of ('x expr * times * 'x expr) reg | Div of ('x expr * slash * 'x expr) reg | Mod of ('x expr * kwd_mod * 'x expr) reg | Neg of (minus * 'x expr) reg | Not of (kwd_not * 'x expr) reg | Int of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg | Var of Lexer.lexeme reg | String of Lexer.lexeme reg | Bytes of (Lexer.lexeme * MBytes.t) reg | False of c_False | True of c_True | Unit of c_Unit | Tuple of 'x tuple | List of ('x expr, comma) nsepseq brackets | EmptyList of 'x empty_list | Set of ('x expr, comma) nsepseq braces | EmptySet of 'x empty_set | NoneExpr of 'x none_expr | FunCall of 'x fun_call | ConstrApp of 'x constr_app | SomeApp of (c_Some * 'x arguments) reg | MapLookUp of 'x map_lookup reg | ParExpr of 'x expr par and 'x tuple = ('x expr, comma) nsepseq par and 'x empty_list = (lbracket * rbracket * colon * 'x type_expr) par and 'x empty_set = (lbrace * rbrace * colon * 'x type_expr) par and 'x none_expr = (c_None * colon * 'x type_expr) par and 'x fun_call = ('x fun_name * 'x arguments) reg and 'x arguments = 'x tuple and 'x constr_app = ('x constr * 'x arguments) reg and 'x map_lookup = { map_name : 'x variable; selector : dot; index : 'x expr brackets } (* Patterns *) and 'x pattern = ('x core_pattern, cons) nsepseq reg and 'x core_pattern = PVar of Lexer.lexeme reg | PWild of wild | PInt of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg | PBytes of (Lexer.lexeme * MBytes.t) reg | PString of Lexer.lexeme reg | PUnit of c_Unit | PFalse of c_False | PTrue of c_True | PNone of c_None | PSome of (c_Some * 'x core_pattern par) reg | PList of 'x list_pattern | PTuple of ('x core_pattern, comma) nsepseq par and 'x list_pattern = Sugar of ('x core_pattern, comma) sepseq brackets | Raw of ('x core_pattern * cons * 'x pattern) par (* Projecting regions *) open! Region let type_expr_to_region = function Prod node -> node.region | Sum node -> node.region | Record node -> node.region | TypeApp node -> node.region | ParType node -> node.region | TAlias node -> node.region let expr_to_region = function Or {region; _} | And {region; _} | Lt {region; _} | Leq {region; _} | Gt {region; _} | Geq {region; _} | Equal {region; _} | Neq {region; _} | Cat {region; _} | Cons {region; _} | Add {region; _} | Sub {region; _} | Mult {region; _} | Div {region; _} | Mod {region; _} | Neg {region; _} | Not {region; _} | Int {region; _} | Var {region; _} | String {region; _} | Bytes {region; _} | False region | True region | Unit region | Tuple {region; _} | List {region; _} | EmptyList {region; _} | Set {region; _} | EmptySet {region; _} | NoneExpr {region; _} | FunCall {region; _} | ConstrApp {region; _} | SomeApp {region; _} | MapLookUp {region; _} | ParExpr {region; _} -> region let instr_to_region = function Single Cond {region;_} | Single Match {region; _} | Single Ass {region; _} | Single Loop While {region; _} | Single Loop For ForInt {region; _} | Single Loop For ForCollect {region; _} | Single ProcCall {region; _} | Single Null region | Single Fail {region; _} | Block {region; _} -> region let core_pattern_to_region = function PVar {region; _} | PWild region | PInt {region; _} | PBytes {region; _} | PString {region; _} | PUnit region | PFalse region | PTrue region | PNone region | PSome {region; _} | PList Sugar {region; _} | PList Raw {region; _} | PTuple {region; _} -> region let local_decl_to_region = function LocalLam FunDecl {region; _} | LocalLam ProcDecl {region; _} | LocalConst {region; _} | LocalVar {region; _} -> region (* Printing the tokens with their source regions *) type 'x visitor = { ass_instr : 'x ass_instr -> unit; bind_to : (region * 'x variable) option -> unit; block : 'x block reg -> unit; bytes : (string * MBytes.t) reg -> unit; cartesian : 'x cartesian -> unit; case : 'x case -> unit; cases : 'x cases -> unit; conditional : 'x conditional -> unit; const_decl : 'x const_decl reg -> unit; constr : 'x constr -> unit; constr_app : 'x constr_app -> unit; core_pattern : 'x core_pattern -> unit; down : region option -> unit; empty_list : 'x empty_list -> unit; empty_set : 'x empty_set -> unit; expr : 'x expr -> unit; fail : (kwd_fail * 'x expr) -> unit; field_decl : 'x field_decl -> unit; field_decls : 'x field_decls -> unit; for_collect : 'x for_collect reg -> unit; for_int : 'x for_int reg -> unit; for_loop : 'x for_loop -> unit; fun_call : 'x fun_call -> unit; fun_decl : 'x fun_decl reg -> unit; instruction : 'x instruction -> unit; instructions : 'x instructions -> unit; int : (string * Z.t) reg -> unit; lambda_decl : 'x lambda_decl -> unit; list : ('x expr, region) nsepseq brackets -> unit; list_pattern : 'x list_pattern -> unit; loop : 'x loop -> unit; map_lookup : 'x map_lookup reg -> unit; match_instr : 'x match_instr -> unit; none_expr : 'x none_expr -> unit; nsepseq : 'a.string -> ('a -> unit) -> ('a, region) nsepseq -> unit; operations_decl : 'x operations_decl reg -> unit; par_expr : 'x expr par -> unit; par_type : 'x type_expr par -> unit; param_decl : 'x param_decl -> unit; parameter_decl : 'x parameter_decl reg -> unit; parameters : 'x parameters -> unit; param_const : 'x param_const -> unit; param_var : 'x param_var -> unit; pattern : 'x pattern -> unit; patterns : 'x core_pattern par -> unit; proc_decl : 'x proc_decl reg -> unit; psome : (region * 'x core_pattern par) reg -> unit; ptuple : ('x core_pattern, region) nsepseq par -> unit; raw : ('x core_pattern * region * 'x pattern) par -> unit; record_type : 'x record_type -> unit; sepseq : 'a.string -> ('a -> unit) -> ('a, region) sepseq -> unit; set : ('x expr, region) nsepseq braces -> unit; single_instr : 'x single_instr -> unit; some_app : (region * 'x arguments) reg -> unit; step : (region * 'x expr) option -> unit; storage_decl : 'x storage_decl reg -> unit; string : string reg -> unit; sugar : ('x core_pattern, region) sepseq brackets -> unit; sum_type : ('x variant, region) nsepseq reg -> unit; terminator : semi option -> unit; token : region -> string -> unit; tuple : 'x arguments -> unit; type_app : ('x type_name * 'x type_tuple) reg -> unit; type_decl : 'x type_decl reg -> unit; type_expr : 'x type_expr -> unit; type_tuple : 'x type_tuple -> unit; local_decl : 'x local_decl -> unit; local_decls : 'x local_decl list -> unit; var : 'x variable -> unit; var_decl : 'x var_decl reg -> unit; variant : 'x variant -> unit; while_loop : 'x while_loop -> unit }