(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) module type LOGGER = sig type request val log_empty_request: Uri.t -> request Lwt.t val log_request: ?media:Media_type.t -> 'a Data_encoding.t -> Uri.t -> string -> request Lwt.t val log_response: request -> ?media:Media_type.t -> 'a Data_encoding.t -> Cohttp.Code.status_code -> string Lwt.t Lazy.t -> unit Lwt.t end type logger = (module LOGGER) val null_logger: logger val timings_logger: Format.formatter -> logger val full_logger: Format.formatter -> logger type ('o, 'e) rest_result = [ `Ok of 'o | `Conflict of 'e | `Error of 'e | `Forbidden of 'e | `Not_found of 'e | `Unauthorized of 'e ] tzresult type content_type = (string * string) type raw_content = Cohttp_lwt.Body.t * content_type option type content = Cohttp_lwt.Body.t * content_type option * Media_type.t option type rest_error = | Empty_answer | Connection_failed of string | Not_found | Bad_request of string | Method_not_allowed of RPC_service.meth list | Unsupported_media_type of string option | Not_acceptable of { proposed: string ; acceptable: string } | Unexpected_status_code of { code: Cohttp.Code.status_code ; content: string ; media_type: string option } | Unexpected_content_type of { received: string ; acceptable: string list } | Unexpected_content of { content: string ; media_type: string ; error: string } | Generic_error (* temporary *) type error += | Request_failed of { meth: RPC_service.meth ; uri: Uri.t ; error: rest_error } val generic_call : ?logger:logger -> ?accept:Media_type.t list -> ?body:Cohttp_lwt.Body.t -> ?media:Media_type.t -> [< RPC_service.meth ] -> Uri.t -> (content, content) rest_result Lwt.t val generic_json_call : ?logger:logger -> ?body:Data_encoding.json -> [< RPC_service.meth ] -> Uri.t -> (Data_encoding.json, Data_encoding.json option) rest_result Lwt.t val call_service : Media_type.t list -> ?logger:logger -> base:Uri.t -> ([< Resto.meth ], unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC_service.t -> 'p -> 'q -> 'i -> 'o tzresult Lwt.t val call_streamed_service : Media_type.t list -> ?logger:logger -> base:Uri.t -> ([< Resto.meth ], unit, 'p, 'q, 'i, 'o, 'e) RPC_service.t -> on_chunk: ('o -> unit) -> on_close: (unit -> unit) -> 'p -> 'q -> 'i -> (unit -> unit) tzresult Lwt.t