(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** {1 Prefixed Base58Check encodings} *) module Prefix : sig val block_hash: string val operation_hash: string val operation_list_hash: string val operation_list_list_hash: string val protocol_hash: string val context_hash: string val ed25519_public_key_hash: string val cryptobox_public_key_hash: string val ed25519_public_key: string val ed25519_secret_key: string val ed25519_signature: string val net_id: string end (** An extensible sum-type for decoded data: one case per known "prefix". See for instance [Hash.Block_hash.Hash] or [Environment.Ed25519.Public_key_hash]. *) type data = .. (** Abstract representation of registred encodings. The type paramater is the type of the encoded data, for instance [Hash.Block_hash.t]. *) type 'a encoding = private { prefix: string ; length: int ; encoded_prefix: string ; encoded_length: int ; to_raw: 'a -> string ; of_raw: string -> 'a option ; wrap: 'a -> data ; } (** Register a new encoding. The function might raise `Invalid_arg` if the provided [prefix] overlap with a previously registred prefix. The [to_raw] and [of_raw] are the ad-hoc serialisation/deserialisation for the data. The [wrap] should wrap the deserialised value into the extensible sum-type [data] (see the generic function [decode]). *) val register_encoding: prefix: string -> length: int -> to_raw: ('a -> string) -> of_raw: (string -> 'a option) -> wrap: ('a -> data) -> 'a encoding val check_encoded_prefix: 'a encoding -> string -> int -> unit module Alphabet : sig type t val bitcoin: t val ripple: t val flickr: t val make: string -> t val all_in_alphabet : t -> string -> bool val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end (** Encoder for a given kind of data. *) val simple_encode: ?alphabet:Alphabet.t -> 'a encoding -> 'a -> string (** Decoder for a given kind of data. It returns [None] when the decoded data does not start with the expected prefix. *) val simple_decode: ?alphabet:Alphabet.t -> 'a encoding -> string -> 'a option (** Generic decoder. It returns [None] when the decoded data does not start with a registred prefix. *) val decode: ?alphabet:Alphabet.t -> string -> data option (** {2 Completion of partial Base58Check value} *) (** Register a (global) resolver for a previsously registred kind af data. *) val register_resolver: 'a encoding -> (string -> 'a list Lwt.t) -> unit (** Try to complete a prefix of a Base58Check encoded data, by using the previously registered resolver associated to this kind of data. Note that a prefix of [n] characters of a Base58-encoded value provides at least [n/2] bytes of a prefix of the original value. *) val complete: ?alphabet:Alphabet.t -> string -> string list Lwt.t (** {1 Low-level: distinct registering function for economic protocol} *) (** See [src/environment/v1/base58.mli]} for an inlined documentation. *) module Make(C: sig type context end) : sig val register_encoding: prefix: string -> length: int -> to_raw: ('a -> string) -> of_raw: (string -> 'a option) -> wrap: ('a -> data) -> 'a encoding val decode: ?alphabet:Alphabet.t -> string -> data option val register_resolver: 'a encoding -> (C.context -> string -> 'a list Lwt.t) -> unit val complete: ?alphabet:Alphabet.t -> C.context -> string -> string list Lwt.t end (** {2 Low-level Base58Check encodings} *) (** Base58Check-encoding/decoding functions (with error detections). *) val safe_encode: ?alphabet:Alphabet.t -> string -> string val safe_decode: ?alphabet:Alphabet.t -> string -> string option (** Base58-encoding/decoding functions (without error detections). *) val raw_encode: ?alphabet:Alphabet.t -> string -> string val raw_decode: ?alphabet:Alphabet.t -> string -> string option (**/**) val partial_decode: ?alphabet:Alphabet.t -> string -> int -> string option val make_encoded_prefix: string -> int -> string * int