open Error_monad module Public_key_hash : S.INTERNAL_HASH with type t = Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t module Public_key : sig include (module type of Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Public_key) val encoding: t Data_encoding.t val param: ?name:string -> ?desc:string -> ('a, 'b) Cli_entries.params -> (t -> 'a, 'b) Cli_entries.params val of_b58check: string -> t tzresult end module Secret_key : sig include (module type of Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Secret_key) val encoding: t Data_encoding.t val param: ?name:string -> ?desc:string -> ('a, 'b) Cli_entries.params -> (t -> 'a, 'b) Cli_entries.params val of_b58check: string -> t tzresult end module Signature : sig include (module type of Tezos_crypto.Ed25519.Signature) val encoding: t Data_encoding.t val param: ?name:string -> ?desc:string -> ('a, 'b) Cli_entries.params -> (t -> 'a, 'b) Cli_entries.params val of_b58check: string -> t tzresult end include (module type of Tezos_crypto.Ed25519) with module Public_key_hash := Public_key_hash and module Public_key := Public_key and module Secret_key := Secret_key and module Signature := Signature