(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Lwt.Infix type t = raw (** Non private version of Block_store_locator.t for coercions *) and raw = Block_header.t * Block_hash.t list let raw x = x let pp ppf loc = Block_header.pp ppf (fst loc) let encoding = let open Data_encoding in (* TODO add a [description] *) (obj2 (req "current_head" (dynamic_size Block_header.encoding)) (req "history" (dynamic_size (list Block_hash.encoding)))) (** Computes a locator for block [b] picking 10 times the immediate predecessors of [b], then 10 times one predecessor every 2, then 10 times one predecessor every 4, ..., until genesis or it reaches the desired size. *) let compute ~predecessor ~genesis b header size = if size < 0 then invalid_arg "compute: negative size" else let repeats = 10 in (* number of repetitions for each power of 2 *) let rec loop acc size step cnt b = if size = 0 then Lwt.return (List.rev acc) else predecessor b step >>= function | None -> (* reached genesis before size *) if Block_hash.equal b genesis then Lwt.return (List.rev acc) else Lwt.return (List.rev (genesis :: acc)) | Some pred -> if cnt = 1 then loop (pred :: acc) (size - 1) (step * 2) repeats pred else loop (pred :: acc) (size - 1) step (cnt - 1) pred in if size = 0 then Lwt.return (header, []) else predecessor b 1 >>= function | None -> Lwt.return (header, []) | Some p -> loop [p] (size-1) 1 repeats p >>= fun hist -> Lwt.return (header, hist) type validity = | Unknown | Known_valid | Known_invalid let unknown_prefix cond (head, hist) = let rec loop hist acc = match hist with | [] -> Lwt.return_none | h :: t -> cond h >>= function | Known_valid -> Lwt.return_some (h, (List.rev (h :: acc))) | Known_invalid -> Lwt.return_none | Unknown -> loop t (h :: acc) in cond (Block_header.hash head) >>= function | Known_valid -> Lwt.return_some (Block_header.hash head, (head, [])) | Known_invalid -> Lwt.return_none | Unknown -> loop hist [] >>= function | None -> Lwt.return_none | Some (tail, hist) -> Lwt.return_some (tail, (head, hist))