(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) type t = int32 type voting_period = t include (Compare.Int32 : Compare.S with type t := t) let encoding = Data_encoding.int32 let pp ppf level = Format.fprintf ppf "%ld" level let arg = let construct voting_period = Int32.to_string voting_period in let destruct str = match Int32.of_string str with | exception _ -> Error "Cannot parse voting period" | voting_period -> Ok voting_period in RPC.Arg.make ~descr:"A voting period" ~name: "voting_period" ~construct ~destruct () let root = 0l let succ = Int32.succ let to_int32 l = l let of_int32_exn l = if Compare.Int32.(l >= 0l) then l else invalid_arg "Voting_period_repr.of_int32" type kind = | Proposal | Testing_vote | Testing | Promotion_vote let kind_encoding = let open Data_encoding in union ~tag_size:`Uint8 [ case ~tag:0 (constant "proposal") (function Proposal -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Proposal) ; case ~tag:1 (constant "testing_vote") (function Testing_vote -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Testing_vote) ; case ~tag:2 (constant "testing") (function Testing -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Testing) ; case ~tag:3 (constant "promotion_vote") (function Promotion_vote -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Promotion_vote) ; ]