(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) type 'a lazyt = unit -> 'a type 'a lazy_list_t = LCons of 'a * ('a lazy_list_t tzresult Lwt.t lazyt) type 'a lazy_list = 'a lazy_list_t tzresult Lwt.t let rec (-->) i j = (* [i; i+1; ...; j-1] *) if Compare.Int.(i >= j) then [] else i :: (succ i --> j) let rec (--->) i j = (* [i; i+1; ...; j-1] *) if Compare.Int32.(i >= j) then [] else i :: (Int32.succ i ---> j) let split delim ?(limit = max_int) path = let l = String.length path in let rec do_slashes acc limit i = if Compare.Int.(i >= l) then List.rev acc else if Compare.Char.(String.get path i = delim) then do_slashes acc limit (i + 1) else do_split acc limit i and do_split acc limit i = if Compare.Int.(limit <= 0) then if Compare.Int.(i = l) then List.rev acc else List.rev (String.sub path i (l - i) :: acc) else do_component acc (pred limit) i i and do_component acc limit i j = if Compare.Int.(j >= l) then if Compare.Int.(i = j) then List.rev acc else List.rev (String.sub path i (j - i) :: acc) else if Compare.Char.(String.get path j = delim) then do_slashes (String.sub path i (j - i) :: acc) limit j else do_component acc limit i (j + 1) in if Compare.Int.(limit > 0) then do_slashes [] limit 0 else [ path ] let pp_print_paragraph ppf description = Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" Format.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_space pp_print_string) (split ' ' description) let take n l = let rec loop acc n = function | xs when Compare.Int.(n <= 0) -> Some (List.rev acc, xs) | [] -> None | x :: xs -> loop (x :: acc) (n-1) xs in loop [] n l let remove_prefix ~prefix s = let x = String.length prefix in let n = String.length s in if Compare.Int.(n >= x) && Compare.String.(String.sub s 0 x = prefix) then Some (String.sub s x (n - x)) else None let rec remove_elem_from_list nb = function | [] -> [] | l when Compare.Int.(nb <= 0) -> l | _ :: tl -> remove_elem_from_list (nb - 1) tl