(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Storage_functors module Int = struct type t = int let encoding = Data_encoding.uint16 end module Int32 = struct type t = Int32.t let encoding = Data_encoding.int32 end module Z = struct include Z let encoding = Data_encoding.z end module Int_index = struct type t = int let path_length = 1 let to_path c l = string_of_int c :: l let of_path = function | [] | _ :: _ :: _ -> None | [ c ] -> int_of_string_opt c type 'a ipath = 'a * t let args = Storage_description.One { rpc_arg = RPC_arg.int ; encoding = Data_encoding.int31 ; compare = Compare.Int.compare ; } end module Make_index(H : Storage_description.INDEX) : INDEX with type t = H.t and type 'a ipath = 'a * H.t = struct include H type 'a ipath = 'a * t let args = Storage_description.One { rpc_arg ; encoding ; compare ; } end module Block_priority = Make_single_data_storage(Registered) (Raw_context) (struct let name = ["block_priority"] end) (Int) (* Only for migration from 004 *) module Last_block_priority = Make_single_data_storage(Ghost) (Raw_context) (struct let name = ["last_block_priority"] end) (Int) (** Contracts handling *) module Contract = struct module Raw_context = Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["contracts"] end) module Global_counter = Make_single_data_storage(Registered) (Raw_context) (struct let name = ["global_counter"] end) (Z) module Indexed_context = Make_indexed_subcontext (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["index"] end)) (Make_index(Contract_repr.Index)) let fold = Indexed_context.fold_keys let list = Indexed_context.keys module Balance = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["balance"] end) (Tez_repr) module Frozen_balance_index = Make_indexed_subcontext (Make_subcontext(Registered) (Indexed_context.Raw_context) (struct let name = ["frozen_balance"] end)) (Make_index(Cycle_repr.Index)) module Frozen_deposits = Frozen_balance_index.Make_map (struct let name = ["deposits"] end) (Tez_repr) module Frozen_fees = Frozen_balance_index.Make_map (struct let name = ["fees"] end) (Tez_repr) module Frozen_rewards = Frozen_balance_index.Make_map (struct let name = ["rewards"] end) (Tez_repr) module Manager = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["manager"] end) (Manager_repr) module Spendable_004 = Indexed_context.Make_set(Ghost) (struct let name = ["spendable"] end) module Delegatable_004 = Indexed_context.Make_set(Ghost) (struct let name = ["delegatable"] end) module Delegate = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["delegate"] end) (Signature.Public_key_hash) module Inactive_delegate = Indexed_context.Make_set(Registered) (struct let name = ["inactive_delegate"] end) module Delegate_desactivation = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["delegate_desactivation"] end) (Cycle_repr) module Delegated = Make_data_set_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered) (Indexed_context.Raw_context) (struct let name = ["delegated"] end)) (Make_index(Contract_repr.Index)) (** Only for migration from proto_004 *) module Delegated_004 = Make_data_set_storage (Make_subcontext(Ghost) (Indexed_context.Raw_context) (struct let name = ["delegated_004"] end)) (Make_index(Contract_hash)) module Counter = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["counter"] end) (Z) (* Consume gas for serilization and deserialization of expr in this module *) module Make_carbonated_map_expr (N : Storage_sigs.NAME) = struct module I = Indexed_context.Make_carbonated_map (N) (struct type t = Script_repr.lazy_expr let encoding = Script_repr.lazy_expr_encoding end) type context = I.context type key = I.key type value = I.value let mem = I.mem let delete = I.delete let remove = I.remove let consume_deserialize_gas ctxt value = Lwt.return @@ (Raw_context.check_enough_gas ctxt (Script_repr.minimal_deserialize_cost value) >>? fun () -> Script_repr.force_decode value >>? fun (_value, value_cost) -> Raw_context.consume_gas ctxt value_cost) let consume_serialize_gas ctxt value = Lwt.return @@ (Script_repr.force_bytes value >>? fun (_value, value_cost) -> Raw_context.consume_gas ctxt value_cost) let get ctxt contract = I.get ctxt contract >>=? fun (ctxt, value) -> consume_deserialize_gas ctxt value >>|? fun ctxt -> (ctxt, value) let get_option ctxt contract = I.get_option ctxt contract >>=? fun (ctxt, value_opt) -> match value_opt with | None -> return (ctxt, None) | Some value -> consume_deserialize_gas ctxt value >>|? fun ctxt -> (ctxt, value_opt) let set ctxt contract value = consume_serialize_gas ctxt value >>=? fun ctxt -> I.set ctxt contract value let set_option ctxt contract value_opt = match value_opt with | None -> I.set_option ctxt contract None | Some value -> consume_serialize_gas ctxt value >>=? fun ctxt -> I.set_option ctxt contract value_opt let init ctxt contract value = consume_serialize_gas ctxt value >>=? fun ctxt -> I.init ctxt contract value let init_set ctxt contract value = consume_serialize_gas ctxt value >>=? fun ctxt -> I.init_set ctxt contract value (** Only for used for 005 migration to avoid gas cost. *) let init_free ctxt contract value = I.init_free ctxt contract value (** Only for used for 005 migration to avoid gas cost. *) let set_free ctxt contract value = I.set_free ctxt contract value end module Code = Make_carbonated_map_expr (struct let name = ["code"] end) module Storage = Make_carbonated_map_expr (struct let name = ["storage"] end) module Paid_storage_space = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["paid_bytes"] end) (Z) module Used_storage_space = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["used_bytes"] end) (Z) module Roll_list = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["roll_list"] end) (Roll_repr) module Change = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["change"] end) (Tez_repr) end (** Big maps handling *) module Big_map = struct module Raw_context = Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["big_maps"] end) module Next = struct include Make_single_data_storage(Registered) (Raw_context) (struct let name = ["next"] end) (Z) let incr ctxt = get ctxt >>=? fun i -> set ctxt (Z.succ i) >>=? fun ctxt -> return (ctxt, i) let init ctxt = init ctxt Z.zero end module Index = struct type t = Z.t let rpc_arg = let construct = Z.to_string in let destruct hash = match Z.of_string hash with | exception _ -> Error "Cannot parse big map id" | id -> Ok id in RPC_arg.make ~descr: "A big map identifier" ~name: "big_map_id" ~construct ~destruct () let encoding = Data_encoding.def "big_map_id" ~title:"Big map identifier" ~description: "A big map identifier" Z.encoding let compare = Compare.Z.compare let path_length = 7 let to_path c l = let raw_key = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn encoding c in let `Hex index_key = MBytes.to_hex (Raw_hashes.blake2b raw_key) in String.sub index_key 0 2 :: String.sub index_key 2 2 :: String.sub index_key 4 2 :: String.sub index_key 6 2 :: String.sub index_key 8 2 :: String.sub index_key 10 2 :: Z.to_string c :: l let of_path = function | [] | [_] | [_;_] | [_;_;_] | [_;_;_;_] | [_;_;_;_;_] | [_;_;_;_;_;_] | _::_::_::_::_::_::_::_::_ -> None | [ index1 ; index2 ; index3 ; index4 ; index5 ; index6 ; key ] -> let c = Z.of_string key in let raw_key = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn encoding c in let `Hex index_key = MBytes.to_hex (Raw_hashes.blake2b raw_key) in assert Compare.String.(String.sub index_key 0 2 = index1) ; assert Compare.String.(String.sub index_key 2 2 = index2) ; assert Compare.String.(String.sub index_key 4 2 = index3) ; assert Compare.String.(String.sub index_key 6 2 = index4) ; assert Compare.String.(String.sub index_key 8 2 = index5) ; assert Compare.String.(String.sub index_key 10 2 = index6) ; Some c end module Indexed_context = Make_indexed_subcontext (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["index"] end)) (Make_index(Index)) let rpc_arg = Index.rpc_arg let fold = Indexed_context.fold_keys let list = Indexed_context.keys let remove_rec ctxt n = Indexed_context.remove_rec ctxt n let copy ctxt ~from ~to_ = Indexed_context.copy ctxt ~from ~to_ type key = Raw_context.t * Z.t module Total_bytes = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["total_bytes"] end) (Z) module Key_type = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["key_type"] end) (struct type t = Script_repr.expr let encoding = Script_repr.expr_encoding end) module Value_type = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["value_type"] end) (struct type t = Script_repr.expr let encoding = Script_repr.expr_encoding end) module Contents = struct module I = Storage_functors.Make_indexed_carbonated_data_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered) (Indexed_context.Raw_context) (struct let name = ["contents"] end)) (Make_index(Script_expr_hash)) (struct type t = Script_repr.expr let encoding = Script_repr.expr_encoding end) type context = I.context type key = I.key type value = I.value let mem = I.mem let delete = I.delete let remove = I.remove let set = I.set let set_option = I.set_option let init = I.init let init_set = I.init_set let consume_deserialize_gas ctxt value = Lwt.return @@ Raw_context.consume_gas ctxt (Script_repr.deserialized_cost value) let get ctxt contract = I.get ctxt contract >>=? fun (ctxt, value) -> consume_deserialize_gas ctxt value >>|? fun ctxt -> (ctxt, value) let get_option ctxt contract = I.get_option ctxt contract >>=? fun (ctxt, value_opt) -> match value_opt with | None -> return (ctxt, None) | Some value -> consume_deserialize_gas ctxt value >>|? fun ctxt -> (ctxt, value_opt) end end module Delegates = Make_data_set_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["delegates"] end)) (Make_index(Signature.Public_key_hash)) module Active_delegates_with_rolls = Make_data_set_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["active_delegates_with_rolls"] end)) (Make_index(Signature.Public_key_hash)) module Delegates_with_frozen_balance_index = Make_indexed_subcontext (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context) (struct let name = ["delegates_with_frozen_balance"] end)) (Make_index(Cycle_repr.Index)) module Delegates_with_frozen_balance = Make_data_set_storage (Delegates_with_frozen_balance_index.Raw_context) (Make_index(Signature.Public_key_hash)) (** Rolls *) module Cycle = struct module Indexed_context = Make_indexed_subcontext (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["cycle"] end)) (Make_index(Cycle_repr.Index)) module Last_roll = Make_indexed_data_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered) (Indexed_context.Raw_context) (struct let name = ["last_roll"] end)) (Int_index) (Roll_repr) module Roll_snapshot = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["roll_snapshot"] end) (Int) type unrevealed_nonce = { nonce_hash: Nonce_hash.t ; delegate: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ; rewards: Tez_repr.t ; fees: Tez_repr.t ; } type nonce_status = | Unrevealed of unrevealed_nonce | Revealed of Seed_repr.nonce let nonce_status_encoding = let open Data_encoding in union [ case (Tag 0) ~title:"Unrevealed" (tup4 Nonce_hash.encoding Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding Tez_repr.encoding Tez_repr.encoding) (function | Unrevealed { nonce_hash ; delegate ; rewards ; fees } -> Some (nonce_hash, delegate, rewards, fees) | _ -> None) (fun (nonce_hash, delegate, rewards, fees) -> Unrevealed { nonce_hash ; delegate ; rewards ; fees }) ; case (Tag 1) ~title:"Revealed" Seed_repr.nonce_encoding (function | Revealed nonce -> Some nonce | _ -> None) (fun nonce -> Revealed nonce) ] module Nonce = Make_indexed_data_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered) (Indexed_context.Raw_context) (struct let name = ["nonces"] end)) (Make_index(Raw_level_repr.Index)) (struct type t = nonce_status let encoding = nonce_status_encoding end) module Seed = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["random_seed"] end) (struct type t = Seed_repr.seed let encoding = Seed_repr.seed_encoding end) end module Roll = struct module Raw_context = Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["rolls"] end) module Indexed_context = Make_indexed_subcontext (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["index"] end)) (Make_index(Roll_repr.Index)) module Next = Make_single_data_storage(Registered) (Raw_context) (struct let name = ["next"] end) (Roll_repr) module Limbo = Make_single_data_storage(Registered) (Raw_context) (struct let name = ["limbo"] end) (Roll_repr) module Delegate_roll_list = Wrap_indexed_data_storage(Contract.Roll_list)(struct type t = Signature.Public_key_hash.t let wrap = Contract_repr.implicit_contract let unwrap = Contract_repr.is_implicit end) module Successor = Indexed_context.Make_map (struct let name = ["successor"] end) (Roll_repr) module Delegate_change = Wrap_indexed_data_storage(Contract.Change)(struct type t = Signature.Public_key_hash.t let wrap = Contract_repr.implicit_contract let unwrap = Contract_repr.is_implicit end) module Snapshoted_owner_index = struct type t = Cycle_repr.t * int let path_length = Cycle_repr.Index.path_length + 1 let to_path (c, n) s = Cycle_repr.Index.to_path c (string_of_int n :: s) let of_path l = match Misc.take Cycle_repr.Index.path_length l with | None | Some (_, ([] | _ :: _ :: _ ))-> None | Some (l1, [l2]) -> match Cycle_repr.Index.of_path l1, int_of_string_opt l2 with | None, _ | _, None -> None | Some c, Some i -> Some (c, i) type 'a ipath = ('a * Cycle_repr.t) * int let left_args = Storage_description.One { rpc_arg = Cycle_repr.rpc_arg ; encoding = Cycle_repr.encoding ; compare = Cycle_repr.compare } let right_args = Storage_description.One { rpc_arg = RPC_arg.int ; encoding = Data_encoding.int31 ; compare = Compare.Int.compare ; } let args = Storage_description.(Pair (left_args, right_args)) end module Owner = Make_indexed_data_snapshotable_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["owner"] end)) (Snapshoted_owner_index) (Make_index(Roll_repr.Index)) (Signature.Public_key) module Snapshot_for_cycle = Cycle.Roll_snapshot module Last_for_snapshot = Cycle.Last_roll let clear = Indexed_context.clear end (** Votes **) module Vote = struct module Raw_context = Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["votes"] end) module Current_period_kind = Make_single_data_storage(Registered) (Raw_context) (struct let name = ["current_period_kind"] end) (struct type t = Voting_period_repr.kind let encoding = Voting_period_repr.kind_encoding end) module Current_quorum_004 = Make_single_data_storage(Ghost) (Raw_context) (struct let name = ["current_quorum"] end) (Int32) module Participation_ema = Make_single_data_storage(Registered) (Raw_context) (struct let name = ["participation_ema"] end) (Int32) module Current_proposal = Make_single_data_storage(Registered) (Raw_context) (struct let name = ["current_proposal"] end) (Protocol_hash) module Listings_size = Make_single_data_storage(Registered) (Raw_context) (struct let name = ["listings_size"] end) (Int32) module Listings = Make_indexed_data_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["listings"] end)) (Make_index(Signature.Public_key_hash)) (Int32) module Proposals = Make_data_set_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["proposals"] end)) (Pair(Make_index(Protocol_hash))(Make_index(Signature.Public_key_hash))) module Proposals_count = Make_indexed_data_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context) (struct let name = ["proposals_count"] end)) (Make_index(Signature.Public_key_hash)) (Int) module Ballots = Make_indexed_data_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["ballots"] end)) (Make_index(Signature.Public_key_hash)) (struct type t = Vote_repr.ballot let encoding = Vote_repr.ballot_encoding end) end (** Seed *) module Seed = struct type unrevealed_nonce = Cycle.unrevealed_nonce = { nonce_hash: Nonce_hash.t ; delegate: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ; rewards: Tez_repr.t ; fees: Tez_repr.t ; } type nonce_status = Cycle.nonce_status = | Unrevealed of unrevealed_nonce | Revealed of Seed_repr.nonce module Nonce = struct open Level_repr type context = Raw_context.t let mem ctxt l = Cycle.Nonce.mem (ctxt, l.cycle) l.level let get ctxt l = Cycle.Nonce.get (ctxt, l.cycle) l.level let get_option ctxt l = Cycle.Nonce.get_option (ctxt, l.cycle) l.level let set ctxt l v = Cycle.Nonce.set (ctxt, l.cycle) l.level v let init ctxt l v = Cycle.Nonce.init (ctxt, l.cycle) l.level v let init_set ctxt l v = Cycle.Nonce.init_set (ctxt, l.cycle) l.level v let set_option ctxt l v = Cycle.Nonce.set_option (ctxt, l.cycle) l.level v let delete ctxt l = Cycle.Nonce.delete (ctxt, l.cycle) l.level let remove ctxt l = Cycle.Nonce.remove (ctxt, l.cycle) l.level end module For_cycle = Cycle.Seed end (** Commitments *) module Commitments = Make_indexed_data_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["commitments"] end)) (Make_index(Blinded_public_key_hash.Index)) (Tez_repr) (** Ramp up security deposits... *) module Ramp_up = struct module Rewards = Make_indexed_data_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["ramp_up"; "rewards"] end)) (Make_index(Cycle_repr.Index)) (struct type t = Tez_repr.t * Tez_repr.t let encoding = Data_encoding.tup2 Tez_repr.encoding Tez_repr.encoding end) module Security_deposits = Make_indexed_data_storage (Make_subcontext(Registered)(Raw_context)(struct let name = ["ramp_up"; "deposits"] end)) (Make_index(Cycle_repr.Index)) (struct type t = Tez_repr.t * Tez_repr.t let encoding = Data_encoding.tup2 Tez_repr.encoding Tez_repr.encoding end) end