(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Error_monad type 'a parsing_result = 'a * error list val no_parsing_error : 'a parsing_result -> 'a tzresult type point = { point : int ; byte : int ; line : int ; column : int } val point_zero : point type location = { start : point ; stop : point } val location_zero : location val point_encoding : point Data_encoding.encoding val location_encoding : location Data_encoding.encoding type token_value = | String of string | Int of string | Ident of string | Annot of string | Comment of string | Eol_comment of string | Semi | Open_paren | Close_paren | Open_brace | Close_brace type token = { token : token_value ; loc : location } val tokenize : string -> token list parsing_result type node = (location, string) Micheline.node (** Beginning of a sequence of consecutive primitives *) val min_point : node list -> point (** End of a sequence of consecutive primitives *) val max_point : node list -> point val node_encoding : node Data_encoding.encoding type error += Invalid_utf8_sequence of point * string type error += Unexpected_character of point * string type error += Undefined_escape_sequence of point * string type error += Missing_break_after_number of point type error += Unterminated_string of location type error += Unterminated_integer of location type error += Unterminated_comment of location type error += Unclosed of token type error += Unexpected of token type error += Extra of token type error += Misaligned of node type error += Empty val parse_toplevel : ?check:bool -> token list -> node list parsing_result val parse_expression : ?check:bool -> token list -> node parsing_result val print_location : Format.formatter -> location -> unit val print_point : Format.formatter -> point -> unit