(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Preapply_result open Validation_errors let rec apply_operations apply_operation state r max_ops ~sort ops = Lwt_list.fold_left_s (fun (state, max_ops, r) (hash, op, parsed_op) -> apply_operation state max_ops op parsed_op >>= function | Ok (state, _metadata) -> let applied = (hash, op) :: r.applied in Lwt.return (state, max_ops - 1, { r with applied }) | Error errors -> match classify_errors errors with | `Branch -> let branch_refused = Operation_hash.Map.add hash (op, errors) r.branch_refused in Lwt.return (state, max_ops, { r with branch_refused }) | `Permanent -> let refused = Operation_hash.Map.add hash (op, errors) r.refused in Lwt.return (state, max_ops, { r with refused }) | `Temporary -> let branch_delayed = Operation_hash.Map.add hash (op, errors) r.branch_delayed in Lwt.return (state, max_ops, { r with branch_delayed })) (state, max_ops, r) ops >>= fun (state, max_ops, r) -> match r.applied with | _ :: _ when sort -> let rechecked_operations = List.filter (fun (hash, _, _) -> Operation_hash.Map.mem hash r.branch_delayed) ops in let remaining = List.length rechecked_operations in if remaining = 0 || remaining = List.length ops then Lwt.return (state, max_ops, r) else apply_operations apply_operation state r max_ops ~sort rechecked_operations | _ -> Lwt.return (state, max_ops, r) type prevalidation_state = State : { proto : 'a proto ; state : 'a ; max_number_of_operations : int ; max_operation_data_length : int } -> prevalidation_state and 'a proto = (module Registered_protocol.T with type validation_state = 'a) let start_prevalidation ?protocol_data ~predecessor ~timestamp () = let { Block_header.shell = { fitness = predecessor_fitness ; timestamp = predecessor_timestamp ; level = predecessor_level } } = State.Block.header predecessor in let max_operation_data_length = State.Block.max_operation_data_length predecessor in State.Block.context predecessor >>= fun predecessor_context -> Context.get_protocol predecessor_context >>= fun protocol -> let predecessor = State.Block.hash predecessor in begin match Registered_protocol.get protocol with | None -> (* FIXME. *) (* This should not happen: it should be handled in the validator. *) failwith "Prevalidation: missing protocol '%a' for the current block." Protocol_hash.pp_short protocol | Some protocol -> return protocol end >>=? fun (module Proto) -> Context.reset_test_chain predecessor_context predecessor timestamp >>= fun predecessor_context -> begin match protocol_data with | None -> return None | Some protocol_data -> match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Proto.block_header_data_encoding protocol_data with | None -> failwith "Invalid block header" | Some protocol_data -> return (Some protocol_data) end >>=? fun protocol_data -> Proto.begin_construction ~predecessor_context ~predecessor_timestamp ~predecessor_fitness ~predecessor_level ~predecessor ~timestamp ?protocol_data () >>=? fun state -> (* FIXME arbitrary value, to be customisable *) let max_number_of_operations = 1000 in return (State { proto = (module Proto) ; state ; max_number_of_operations ; max_operation_data_length }) let prevalidate (State { proto = (module Proto) ; state ; max_number_of_operations ; max_operation_data_length }) ~sort (ops : (Operation_hash.t * Operation.t) list)= let ops = List.map (fun (h, op) -> let parsed_op = match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Proto.operation_data_encoding op.Operation.proto with | None -> error Parse_error | Some protocol_data -> Ok ({ shell = op.shell ; protocol_data }: Proto.operation) in (h, op, parsed_op)) ops in let invalid_ops = List.filter_map (fun (h, op, parsed_op) -> match parsed_op with | Ok _ -> None | Error err -> Some (h, op, err)) ops and parsed_ops = List.filter_map (fun (h, op, parsed_op) -> match parsed_op with | Ok parsed_op -> Some (h, op, parsed_op) | Error _ -> None) ops in let sorted_ops = if sort then let compare (_, _, op1) (_, _, op2) = Proto.compare_operations op1 op2 in List.sort compare parsed_ops else parsed_ops in let apply_operation state max_ops op parse_op = let size = Data_encoding.Binary.length Operation.encoding op in if max_ops <= 0 then fail Too_many_operations else if size > max_operation_data_length then fail (Oversized_operation { size ; max = max_operation_data_length }) else Proto.apply_operation state parse_op in apply_operations apply_operation state Preapply_result.empty max_number_of_operations ~sort sorted_ops >>= fun (state, max_number_of_operations, r) -> let r = { r with applied = List.rev r.applied ; branch_refused = List.fold_left (fun map (h, op, err) -> Operation_hash.Map.add h (op, err) map) r.branch_refused invalid_ops } in Lwt.return (State { proto = (module Proto) ; state ; max_number_of_operations ; max_operation_data_length }, r) let end_prevalidation (State { proto = (module Proto) ; state }) = Proto.finalize_block state >>=? fun (result, _metadata) -> return result