(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) type balance = | Contract of Contract_repr.t | Rewards of Signature.Public_key_hash.t * Cycle_repr.t | Fees of Signature.Public_key_hash.t * Cycle_repr.t | Deposits of Signature.Public_key_hash.t * Cycle_repr.t let balance_encoding = let open Data_encoding in def "operation_metadata.alpha.balance" @@ union [ case (Tag 0) ~title:"Contract" (obj2 (req "kind" (constant "contract")) (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding)) (function Contract c -> Some ((), c) | _ -> None ) (fun ((), c) -> (Contract c)) ; case (Tag 1) ~title:"Rewards" (obj4 (req "kind" (constant "freezer")) (req "category" (constant "rewards")) (req "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding) (req "cycle" Cycle_repr.encoding)) (function Rewards (d, l) -> Some ((), (), d, l) | _ -> None) (fun ((), (), d, l) -> Rewards (d, l)) ; case (Tag 2) ~title:"Fees" (obj4 (req "kind" (constant "freezer")) (req "category" (constant "fees")) (req "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding) (req "cycle" Cycle_repr.encoding)) (function Fees (d, l) -> Some ((), (), d, l) | _ -> None) (fun ((), (), d, l) -> Fees (d, l)) ; case (Tag 3) ~title:"Deposits" (obj4 (req "kind" (constant "freezer")) (req "category" (constant "deposits")) (req "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding) (req "cycle" Cycle_repr.encoding)) (function Deposits (d, l) -> Some ((), (), d, l) | _ -> None) (fun ((), (), d, l) -> Deposits (d, l)) ] type balance_update = | Debited of Tez_repr.t | Credited of Tez_repr.t let balance_update_encoding = let open Data_encoding in def "operation_metadata.alpha.balance_update" @@ obj1 (req "change" (conv (function | Credited v -> Tez_repr.to_mutez v | Debited v -> Int64.neg (Tez_repr.to_mutez v)) (Json.wrap_error @@ fun v -> if Compare.Int64.(v < 0L) then match Tez_repr.of_mutez (Int64.neg v) with | Some v -> Debited v | None -> failwith "Qty.of_mutez" else match Tez_repr.of_mutez v with | Some v -> Credited v | None -> failwith "Qty.of_mutez") int64)) type balance_updates = (balance * balance_update) list let balance_updates_encoding = let open Data_encoding in def "operation_metadata.alpha.balance_updates" @@ list (merge_objs balance_encoding balance_update_encoding) let cleanup_balance_updates balance_updates = List.filter (fun (_, (Credited update | Debited update)) -> not (Tez_repr.equal update Tez_repr.zero)) balance_updates type frozen_balance = { deposit : Tez_repr.t ; fees : Tez_repr.t ; rewards : Tez_repr.t ; } let frozen_balance_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { deposit ; fees ; rewards } -> (deposit, fees, rewards)) (fun (deposit, fees, rewards) -> { deposit ; fees ; rewards }) (obj3 (req "deposit" Tez_repr.encoding) (req "fees" Tez_repr.encoding) (req "rewards" Tez_repr.encoding)) type error += | Non_delegatable_contract of Contract_repr.contract (* `Permanent *) | No_deletion of Signature.Public_key_hash.t (* `Permanent *) | Active_delegate (* `Temporary *) | Current_delegate (* `Temporary *) | Empty_delegate_account of Signature.Public_key_hash.t (* `Temporary *) | Balance_too_low_for_deposit of { delegate : Signature.Public_key_hash.t ; deposit : Tez_repr.t ; balance : Tez_repr.t } (* `Temporary *) let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"contract.undelegatable_contract" ~title:"Non delegatable contract" ~description:"Tried to delegate an implicit contract \ or a non delegatable originated contract" ~pp:(fun ppf contract -> Format.fprintf ppf "Contract %a is not delegatable" Contract_repr.pp contract) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding)) (function Non_delegatable_contract c -> Some c | _ -> None) (fun c -> Non_delegatable_contract c) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"delegate.no_deletion" ~title:"Forbidden delegate deletion" ~description:"Tried to unregister a delegate" ~pp:(fun ppf delegate -> Format.fprintf ppf "Delegate deletion is forbidden (%a)" Signature.Public_key_hash.pp delegate) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)) (function No_deletion c -> Some c | _ -> None) (fun c -> No_deletion c) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"delegate.already_active" ~title:"Delegate already active" ~description:"Useless delegate reactivation" ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "The delegate is still active, no need to refresh it") Data_encoding.empty (function Active_delegate -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Active_delegate) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"delegate.unchanged" ~title:"Unchanged delegated" ~description:"Contract already delegated to the given delegate" ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "The contract is already delegated to the same delegate") Data_encoding.empty (function Current_delegate -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Current_delegate) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"delegate.empty_delegate_account" ~title:"Empty delegate account" ~description:"Cannot register a delegate when its implicit account is empty" ~pp:(fun ppf delegate -> Format.fprintf ppf "Delegate registration is forbidden when the delegate implicit account is empty (%a)" Signature.Public_key_hash.pp delegate) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)) (function Empty_delegate_account c -> Some c | _ -> None) (fun c -> Empty_delegate_account c) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"delegate.balance_too_low_for_deposit" ~title:"Balance too low for deposit" ~description:"Cannot freeze deposit when the balance is too low" ~pp:(fun ppf (delegate, balance, deposit) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Delegate %a has a too low balance (%a) to deposit %a" Signature.Public_key_hash.pp delegate Tez_repr.pp balance Tez_repr.pp deposit) Data_encoding. (obj3 (req "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding) (req "balance" Tez_repr.encoding) (req "deposit" Tez_repr.encoding)) (function Balance_too_low_for_deposit { delegate ; balance ; deposit } -> Some (delegate, balance, deposit) | _ -> None) (fun (delegate, balance, deposit) -> Balance_too_low_for_deposit { delegate ; balance ; deposit } ) let is_delegatable c contract = match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | Some _ -> return_false | None -> Storage.Contract.Delegatable.mem c contract >>= return let link c contract delegate balance = Roll_storage.Delegate.add_amount c delegate balance >>=? fun c -> match Contract_repr.is_originated contract with | None -> return c | Some h -> Storage.Contract.Delegated.add (c, Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) h >>= fun c -> return c let unlink c contract balance = Storage.Contract.Delegate.get_option c contract >>=? function | None -> return c | Some delegate -> Roll_storage.Delegate.remove_amount c delegate balance >>=? fun c -> match Contract_repr.is_originated contract with | None -> return c | Some h -> Storage.Contract.Delegated.del (c, Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) h >>= fun c -> return c let known c delegate = Storage.Contract.Manager.get_option c (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) >>=? function | None | Some (Manager_repr.Hash _) -> return_false | Some (Manager_repr.Public_key _) -> return_true (* A delegate is registered if its "implicit account" delegates to itself. *) let registered c delegate = Storage.Contract.Delegate.mem c (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) let init ctxt contract delegate = known ctxt delegate >>=? fun known_delegate -> fail_unless known_delegate (Roll_storage.Unregistered_delegate delegate) >>=? fun () -> registered ctxt delegate >>= fun is_registered -> fail_unless is_registered (Roll_storage.Unregistered_delegate delegate) >>=? fun () -> Storage.Contract.Delegate.init ctxt contract delegate >>=? fun ctxt -> Storage.Contract.Balance.get ctxt contract >>=? fun balance -> link ctxt contract delegate balance let get = Roll_storage.get_contract_delegate let set_base c is_delegatable contract delegate = match delegate with | None -> begin match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | Some pkh -> fail (No_deletion pkh) | None -> is_delegatable c contract >>=? fun delegatable -> if delegatable then Storage.Contract.Balance.get c contract >>=? fun balance -> unlink c contract balance >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Delegate.remove c contract >>= fun c -> return c else fail (Non_delegatable_contract contract) end | Some delegate -> known c delegate >>=? fun known_delegate -> registered c delegate >>= fun registered_delegate -> is_delegatable c contract >>=? fun delegatable -> let self_delegation = match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | Some pkh -> Signature.Public_key_hash.equal pkh delegate | None -> false in if not known_delegate || not (registered_delegate || self_delegation) then fail (Roll_storage.Unregistered_delegate delegate) else if not (delegatable || self_delegation) then fail (Non_delegatable_contract contract) else begin Storage.Contract.Delegate.get_option c contract >>=? function | Some current_delegate when Signature.Public_key_hash.equal delegate current_delegate -> if self_delegation then Roll_storage.Delegate.is_inactive c delegate >>=? function | true -> return_unit | false -> fail Active_delegate else fail Current_delegate | None | Some _ -> return_unit end >>=? fun () -> Storage.Contract.Balance.mem c contract >>= fun exists -> fail_when (self_delegation && not exists) (Empty_delegate_account delegate) >>=? fun () -> Storage.Contract.Balance.get c contract >>=? fun balance -> unlink c contract balance >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Delegate.init_set c contract delegate >>= fun c -> link c contract delegate balance >>=? fun c -> begin if self_delegation then Storage.Delegates.add c delegate >>= fun c -> Roll_storage.Delegate.set_active c delegate >>=? fun c -> return c else return c end >>=? fun c -> return c let set c contract delegate = set_base c is_delegatable contract delegate let set_from_script c contract delegate = set_base c (fun _ _ -> return_true) contract delegate let remove ctxt contract = Storage.Contract.Balance.get ctxt contract >>=? fun balance -> unlink ctxt contract balance let delegated_contracts ctxt delegate = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in Storage.Contract.Delegated.elements (ctxt, contract) let get_frozen_deposit ctxt contract cycle = Storage.Contract.Frozen_deposits.get_option (ctxt, contract) cycle >>=? function | None -> return Tez_repr.zero | Some frozen -> return frozen let credit_frozen_deposit ctxt delegate cycle amount = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in get_frozen_deposit ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun old_amount -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(old_amount +? amount) >>=? fun new_amount -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_deposits.init_set (ctxt, contract) cycle new_amount >>= fun ctxt -> Storage.Delegates_with_frozen_balance.add (ctxt, cycle) delegate >>= fun ctxt -> return ctxt let freeze_deposit ctxt delegate amount = let { Level_repr.cycle ; _ } = Level_storage.current ctxt in Roll_storage.Delegate.set_active ctxt delegate >>=? fun ctxt -> let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in Storage.Contract.Balance.get ctxt contract >>=? fun balance -> Lwt.return (record_trace (Balance_too_low_for_deposit { delegate; deposit = amount; balance }) Tez_repr.(balance -? amount)) >>=? fun new_balance -> Storage.Contract.Balance.set ctxt contract new_balance >>=? fun ctxt -> credit_frozen_deposit ctxt delegate cycle amount let get_frozen_fees ctxt contract cycle = Storage.Contract.Frozen_fees.get_option (ctxt, contract) cycle >>=? function | None -> return Tez_repr.zero | Some frozen -> return frozen let credit_frozen_fees ctxt delegate cycle amount = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in get_frozen_fees ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun old_amount -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(old_amount +? amount) >>=? fun new_amount -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_fees.init_set (ctxt, contract) cycle new_amount >>= fun ctxt -> Storage.Delegates_with_frozen_balance.add (ctxt, cycle) delegate >>= fun ctxt -> return ctxt let freeze_fees ctxt delegate amount = let { Level_repr.cycle ; _ } = Level_storage.current ctxt in Roll_storage.Delegate.add_amount ctxt delegate amount >>=? fun ctxt -> credit_frozen_fees ctxt delegate cycle amount let burn_fees ctxt delegate cycle amount = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in get_frozen_fees ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun old_amount -> begin match Tez_repr.(old_amount -? amount) with | Ok new_amount -> Roll_storage.Delegate.remove_amount ctxt delegate amount >>=? fun ctxt -> return (new_amount, ctxt) | Error _ -> Roll_storage.Delegate.remove_amount ctxt delegate old_amount >>=? fun ctxt -> return (Tez_repr.zero, ctxt) end >>=? fun (new_amount, ctxt) -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_fees.init_set (ctxt, contract) cycle new_amount >>= fun ctxt -> return ctxt let get_frozen_rewards ctxt contract cycle = Storage.Contract.Frozen_rewards.get_option (ctxt, contract) cycle >>=? function | None -> return Tez_repr.zero | Some frozen -> return frozen let credit_frozen_rewards ctxt delegate cycle amount = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in get_frozen_rewards ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun old_amount -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(old_amount +? amount) >>=? fun new_amount -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_rewards.init_set (ctxt, contract) cycle new_amount >>= fun ctxt -> Storage.Delegates_with_frozen_balance.add (ctxt, cycle) delegate >>= fun ctxt -> return ctxt let freeze_rewards ctxt delegate amount = let { Level_repr.cycle ; _ } = Level_storage.current ctxt in credit_frozen_rewards ctxt delegate cycle amount let burn_rewards ctxt delegate cycle amount = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in get_frozen_rewards ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun old_amount -> let new_amount = match Tez_repr.(old_amount -? amount) with | Error _ -> Tez_repr.zero | Ok new_amount -> new_amount in Storage.Contract.Frozen_rewards.init_set (ctxt, contract) cycle new_amount >>= fun ctxt -> return ctxt let unfreeze ctxt delegate cycle = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in get_frozen_deposit ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun deposit -> get_frozen_fees ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun fees -> get_frozen_rewards ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun rewards -> Storage.Contract.Balance.get ctxt contract >>=? fun balance -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(deposit +? fees) >>=? fun unfrozen_amount -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(unfrozen_amount +? rewards) >>=? fun unfrozen_amount -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(balance +? unfrozen_amount) >>=? fun balance -> Storage.Contract.Balance.set ctxt contract balance >>=? fun ctxt -> Roll_storage.Delegate.add_amount ctxt delegate rewards >>=? fun ctxt -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_deposits.remove (ctxt, contract) cycle >>= fun ctxt -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_fees.remove (ctxt, contract) cycle >>= fun ctxt -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_rewards.remove (ctxt, contract) cycle >>= fun ctxt -> return (ctxt, (cleanup_balance_updates [(Deposits (delegate, cycle), Debited deposit) ; (Fees (delegate, cycle), Debited fees) ; (Rewards (delegate, cycle), Debited rewards) ; (Contract (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate), Credited unfrozen_amount)])) let cycle_end ctxt last_cycle unrevealed = let preserved = Constants_storage.preserved_cycles ctxt in begin match Cycle_repr.pred last_cycle with | None -> return (ctxt,[]) | Some revealed_cycle -> List.fold_left (fun acc (u : Nonce_storage.unrevealed) -> acc >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> burn_fees ctxt u.delegate revealed_cycle u.fees >>=? fun ctxt -> burn_rewards ctxt u.delegate revealed_cycle u.rewards >>=? fun ctxt -> let bus = [(Fees (u.delegate, revealed_cycle), Debited u.fees); (Rewards (u.delegate, revealed_cycle), Debited u.rewards)] in return (ctxt, bus @ balance_updates)) (return (ctxt,[])) unrevealed end >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> match Cycle_repr.sub last_cycle preserved with | None -> return (ctxt, balance_updates, []) | Some unfrozen_cycle -> Storage.Delegates_with_frozen_balance.fold (ctxt, unfrozen_cycle) ~init:(Ok (ctxt, balance_updates)) ~f:(fun delegate acc -> Lwt.return acc >>=? fun (ctxt, bus) -> unfreeze ctxt delegate unfrozen_cycle >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> return (ctxt, balance_updates @ bus)) >>=? fun (ctxt, balance_updates) -> Storage.Delegates_with_frozen_balance.clear (ctxt, unfrozen_cycle) >>= fun ctxt -> Storage.Active_delegates_with_rolls.fold ctxt ~init:(Ok (ctxt, [])) ~f:(fun delegate acc -> Lwt.return acc >>=? fun (ctxt, deactivated) -> Storage.Contract.Delegate_desactivation.get ctxt (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) >>=? fun cycle -> if Cycle_repr.(cycle <= last_cycle) then Roll_storage.Delegate.set_inactive ctxt delegate >>=? fun ctxt -> return (ctxt, delegate :: deactivated) else return (ctxt, deactivated)) >>=? fun (ctxt, deactivated) -> return (ctxt, balance_updates, deactivated) let punish ctxt delegate cycle = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in get_frozen_deposit ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun deposit -> get_frozen_fees ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun fees -> get_frozen_rewards ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun rewards -> Roll_storage.Delegate.remove_amount ctxt delegate deposit >>=? fun ctxt -> Roll_storage.Delegate.remove_amount ctxt delegate fees >>=? fun ctxt -> (* Rewards are not accounted in the delegate's rolls yet... *) Storage.Contract.Frozen_deposits.remove (ctxt, contract) cycle >>= fun ctxt -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_fees.remove (ctxt, contract) cycle >>= fun ctxt -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_rewards.remove (ctxt, contract) cycle >>= fun ctxt -> return (ctxt, { deposit ; fees ; rewards }) let has_frozen_balance ctxt delegate cycle = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in get_frozen_deposit ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun deposit -> if Tez_repr.(deposit <> zero) then return_true else get_frozen_fees ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun fees -> if Tez_repr.(fees <> zero) then return_true else get_frozen_rewards ctxt contract cycle >>=? fun rewards -> return Tez_repr.(rewards <> zero) let frozen_balance_by_cycle_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (Cycle_repr.Map.bindings) (List.fold_left (fun m (c, b) -> Cycle_repr.Map.add c b m) Cycle_repr.Map.empty) (list (merge_objs (obj1 (req "cycle" Cycle_repr.encoding)) frozen_balance_encoding)) let empty_frozen_balance = { deposit = Tez_repr.zero ; fees = Tez_repr.zero ; rewards = Tez_repr.zero } let frozen_balance_by_cycle ctxt delegate = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in let map = Cycle_repr.Map.empty in Storage.Contract.Frozen_deposits.fold (ctxt, contract) ~init:map ~f:(fun cycle amount map -> Lwt.return (Cycle_repr.Map.add cycle { empty_frozen_balance with deposit = amount } map)) >>= fun map -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_fees.fold (ctxt, contract) ~init:map ~f:(fun cycle amount map -> let balance = match Cycle_repr.Map.find_opt cycle map with | None -> empty_frozen_balance | Some balance -> balance in Lwt.return (Cycle_repr.Map.add cycle { balance with fees = amount } map)) >>= fun map -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_rewards.fold (ctxt, contract) ~init:map ~f:(fun cycle amount map -> let balance = match Cycle_repr.Map.find_opt cycle map with | None -> empty_frozen_balance | Some balance -> balance in Lwt.return (Cycle_repr.Map.add cycle { balance with rewards = amount } map)) >>= fun map -> Lwt.return map let frozen_balance ctxt delegate = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in let balance = Ok Tez_repr.zero in Storage.Contract.Frozen_deposits.fold (ctxt, contract) ~init:balance ~f:(fun _cycle amount acc -> Lwt.return acc >>=? fun acc -> Lwt.return (Tez_repr.(acc +? amount))) >>= fun balance -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_fees.fold (ctxt, contract) ~init:balance ~f:(fun _cycle amount acc -> Lwt.return acc >>=? fun acc -> Lwt.return (Tez_repr.(acc +? amount))) >>= fun balance -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_rewards.fold (ctxt, contract) ~init:balance ~f:(fun _cycle amount acc -> Lwt.return acc >>=? fun acc -> Lwt.return (Tez_repr.(acc +? amount))) >>= fun balance -> Lwt.return balance let full_balance ctxt delegate = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in frozen_balance ctxt delegate >>=? fun frozen_balance -> Storage.Contract.Balance.get ctxt contract >>=? fun balance -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(frozen_balance +? balance) let deactivated = Roll_storage.Delegate.is_inactive let grace_period ctxt delegate = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in Storage.Contract.Delegate_desactivation.get ctxt contract let staking_balance ctxt delegate = let token_per_rolls = Constants_storage.tokens_per_roll ctxt in Roll_storage.get_rolls ctxt delegate >>=? fun rolls -> Roll_storage.get_change ctxt delegate >>=? fun change -> let rolls = Int64.of_int (List.length rolls) in Lwt.return Tez_repr.(token_per_rolls *? rolls) >>=? fun balance -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(balance +? change) let delegated_balance ctxt delegate = let contract = Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate in staking_balance ctxt delegate >>=? fun staking_balance -> Storage.Contract.Balance.get ctxt contract >>= fun self_staking_balance -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_deposits.fold (ctxt, contract) ~init:self_staking_balance ~f:(fun _cycle amount acc -> Lwt.return acc >>=? fun acc -> Lwt.return (Tez_repr.(acc +? amount))) >>= fun self_staking_balance -> Storage.Contract.Frozen_fees.fold (ctxt, contract) ~init:self_staking_balance ~f:(fun _cycle amount acc -> Lwt.return acc >>=? fun acc -> Lwt.return (Tez_repr.(acc +? amount))) >>=? fun self_staking_balance -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(staking_balance -? self_staking_balance) let fold = Storage.Delegates.fold let list = Storage.Delegates.elements