(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Utils (** Tezos - X25519/XSalsa20-Poly1305 cryptography *) type secret_key = Sodium.Box.secret_key type public_key = Sodium.Box.public_key type channel_key = Sodium.Box.channel_key type nonce = Sodium.Box.nonce type difficulty = int let random_keypair = Sodium.Box.random_keypair let random_nonce = Sodium.Box.random_nonce let increment_nonce = Sodium.Box.increment_nonce let box = Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.box let box_open sk pk msg nonce = try Some (Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.box_open sk pk msg nonce) with | Sodium.Verification_failure -> None let check_proof_of_work pk nonce difficulty = let hash_bytes l = let hash = Cryptokit.Hash.sha256 () in List.iter (fun b -> hash#add_string (MBytes.to_string b)) l; let r = hash#result in hash#wipe; r in let hash = hash_bytes [ Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.of_public_key pk ; Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.of_nonce nonce ] in let bytes = MBytes.of_string hash in let len = MBytes.length bytes * 8 in try for i = len - 1 downto (len - difficulty) do if MBytes.get_bool bytes i then raise Exit done; true with Exit -> false let generate_proof_of_work pk difficulty = let rec loop nonce = if check_proof_of_work pk nonce difficulty then nonce else loop (increment_nonce nonce) in loop (random_nonce ()) let public_key_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.of_public_key Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.to_public_key (Fixed.bytes Sodium.Box.public_key_size) let secret_key_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.of_secret_key Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.to_secret_key (Fixed.bytes Sodium.Box.secret_key_size) let nonce_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.of_nonce Sodium.Box.Bigbytes.to_nonce (Fixed.bytes Sodium.Box.nonce_size)