(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Proto_alpha open Alpha_context open Tezos_micheline open Michelson_v1_printer module Program = Client_aliases.Alias (struct type t = Michelson_v1_parser.parsed Micheline_parser.parsing_result let encoding = Data_encoding.conv (fun ({ Michelson_v1_parser.source }, _) -> source) (fun source -> Michelson_v1_parser.parse_toplevel source) Data_encoding.string let of_source source = return (Michelson_v1_parser.parse_toplevel source) let to_source ({ Michelson_v1_parser.source }, _) = return source let name = "program" end) let print_errors (cctxt : #Client_context.printer) errs ~show_source ~parsed = cctxt#warning "%a" (Michelson_v1_error_reporter.report_errors ~details:false ~show_source ~parsed) errs >>= fun () -> cctxt#error "error running program" >>= fun () -> return () let print_big_map_diff ppf = function | None -> () | Some diff -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[map diff:@,%a@]@," (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space (fun ppf (key, value) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s %s%a" (match value with | None -> "-" | Some _ -> "+") key (fun ppf -> function | None -> () | Some x -> Format.fprintf ppf "-> %a" print_expr x) value)) diff let print_run_result (cctxt : #Client_context.printer) ~show_source ~parsed = function | Ok (storage, operations, maybe_diff) -> cctxt#message "@[@[storage@,%a@]@,@[emitted operations@,%a@]@,@[%a@]@]@." print_expr storage (Format.pp_print_list Operation_result.pp_internal_operation) operations print_big_map_diff maybe_diff >>= fun () -> return () | Error errs -> print_errors cctxt errs ~show_source ~parsed let print_trace_result (cctxt : #Client_context.printer) ~show_source ~parsed = function | Ok (storage, operations, trace, maybe_big_map_diff) -> cctxt#message "@[@[storage@,%a@]@,\ @[emitted operations@,%a@]@,%a@[@[trace@,%a@]@]@." print_expr storage (Format.pp_print_list Operation_result.pp_internal_operation) operations print_big_map_diff maybe_big_map_diff print_execution_trace trace >>= fun () -> return () | Error errs -> print_errors cctxt errs ~show_source ~parsed let get_contract cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block contract = match contract with | Some contract -> return contract | None -> (* TODO use local contract by default *) Alpha_services.Contract.list cctxt (chain, block) >>|? List.hd let run (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.rpc_context) ?(chain = `Main) block ?contract ?(amount = Tez.fifty_cents) ~(program : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) ~(storage : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) ~(input : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) () = get_contract cctxt ~chain block contract >>=? fun contract -> Alpha_services.Helpers.Scripts.run_code cctxt (chain, block) program.expanded (storage.expanded, input.expanded, amount, contract) let trace (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.rpc_context) ?(chain = `Main) block ?contract ?(amount = Tez.fifty_cents) ~(program : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) ~(storage : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) ~(input : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) () = get_contract cctxt ~chain block contract >>=? fun contract -> Alpha_services.Helpers.Scripts.trace_code cctxt (chain, block) program.expanded (storage.expanded, input.expanded, amount, contract) let hash_and_sign cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block ?gas (data : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) (typ : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) sk = Alpha_services.Helpers.Scripts.hash_data cctxt (chain, block) (data.expanded, typ.expanded, gas) >>=? fun (hash, gas) -> Client_keys.sign cctxt sk (MBytes.of_string hash) >>=? fun signature -> return (hash, Signature.to_b58check signature, gas) let typecheck_data cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block ?gas ~(data : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) ~(ty : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) () = Alpha_services.Helpers.Scripts.typecheck_data cctxt (chain, block) (data.expanded, ty.expanded, gas) let typecheck_program cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block ?gas (program : Michelson_v1_parser.parsed) = Alpha_services.Helpers.Scripts.typecheck_code cctxt (chain, block) (program.expanded, gas) let print_typecheck_result ~emacs ~show_types ~print_source_on_error program res (cctxt : #Client_context.printer) = if emacs then let type_map, errs, _gas = match res with | Ok (type_map, gas) -> (type_map, [], Some gas) | Error (Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error (Script_tc_errors.Ill_typed_contract (_, type_map )) :: _ as errs) -> (type_map, errs, None) | Error errs -> ([], errs, None) in cctxt#message "(@[(types . %a)@ (errors . %a)@])" Michelson_v1_emacs.print_type_map (program, type_map) Michelson_v1_emacs.report_errors (program, errs) >>= fun () -> return () else match res with | Ok (type_map, gas) -> let program = Michelson_v1_printer.inject_types type_map program in cctxt#message "@[Well typed@,Gas remaining: %a@]" Gas.pp gas >>= fun () -> if show_types then cctxt#message "%a" Micheline_printer.print_expr program >>= fun () -> return () else return () | Error errs -> cctxt#warning "%a" (Michelson_v1_error_reporter.report_errors ~details: show_types ~show_source:print_source_on_error ~parsed:program) errs >>= fun () -> cctxt#error "ill-typed program"