(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Cli_entries open Client_commands open Client_proto_contracts let mine_block cctxt block ?force ?max_priority ?(free_baking=false) ?src_sk delegate = begin match src_sk with | None -> Client_keys.get_key cctxt delegate >>=? fun (_, _, src_sk) -> return src_sk | Some sk -> return sk end >>=? fun src_sk -> Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level cctxt.rpc_config block >>=? fun level -> let level = Raw_level.succ level.level in let seed_nonce = Client_baking_forge.generate_seed_nonce () in let seed_nonce_hash = Nonce.hash seed_nonce in Client_baking_forge.forge_block cctxt.rpc_config ~timestamp:(Time.now ()) ?force ~seed_nonce_hash ~src_sk block ~priority:(`Auto (delegate, max_priority, free_baking)) () >>=? fun block_hash -> Client_baking_forge.State.record_block cctxt level block_hash seed_nonce |> trace_exn (Failure "Error while recording block") >>=? fun () -> cctxt.message "Injected block %a" Block_hash.pp_short block_hash >>= fun () -> return () let endorse_block cctxt ?force ?max_priority delegate = Client_keys.get_key cctxt delegate >>=? fun (_src_name, src_pk, src_sk) -> Client_baking_endorsement.forge_endorsement cctxt cctxt.config.block ?force ?max_priority ~src_sk src_pk >>=? fun oph -> cctxt.answer "Operation successfully injected in the node." >>= fun () -> cctxt.answer "Operation hash is '%a'." Operation_hash.pp oph >>= fun () -> return () let get_predecessor_cycle cctxt cycle = match Cycle.pred cycle with | None -> if Cycle.(cycle = root) then cctxt.Client_commands.error "No predecessor for the first cycle" else cctxt.error "Cannot compute the predecessor of cycle %a" Cycle.pp cycle | Some cycle -> Lwt.return cycle let do_reveal cctxt ?force block blocks = let nonces = List.map snd blocks in Client_baking_revelation.forge_seed_nonce_revelation cctxt block ?force nonces >>=? fun () -> Client_proto_nonces.dels cctxt (List.map fst blocks) >>=? fun () -> return () let reveal_block_nonces cctxt ?force block_hashes = Lwt_list.filter_map_p (fun hash -> Lwt.catch (fun () -> Client_baking_blocks.info cctxt.rpc_config (`Hash hash) >>= function | Ok bi -> Lwt.return (Some bi) | Error _ -> Lwt.fail Not_found) (fun _ -> cctxt.warning "Cannot find block %a in the chain. (ignoring)@." Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_none)) block_hashes >>= fun block_infos -> filter_map_s (fun (bi : Client_baking_blocks.block_info) -> Client_proto_nonces.find cctxt bi.hash >>= function | None -> cctxt.warning "Cannot find nonces for block %a (ignoring)@." Block_hash.pp_short bi.hash >>= fun () -> return None | Some nonce -> return (Some (bi.hash, (bi.level.level, nonce)))) block_infos >>=? fun blocks -> do_reveal cctxt ?force cctxt.config.block blocks let reveal_nonces cctxt ?force () = let block = Client_rpcs.last_mined_block cctxt.config.block in Client_baking_forge.get_unrevealed_nonces cctxt ?force block >>=? fun nonces -> do_reveal cctxt ?force cctxt.config.block nonces open Client_proto_args let run_daemon cctxt max_priority endorsement_delay delegates ~endorsement ~baking ~denunciation = Client_baking_daemon.run cctxt ?max_priority ~delay:endorsement_delay ~min_date:((Time.add (Time.now ()) (Int64.neg 1800L))) ~endorsement ~baking ~denunciation (List.map snd delegates) let group = { Cli_entries.name = "delegate" ; title = "Commands related to delegate operations." } let commands () = let open Cli_entries in [ command ~group ~desc: "Launch a daemon that handles delegate operations." (args5 max_priority_arg endorsement_delay_arg Daemon.baking_switch Daemon.endorsement_switch Daemon.denunciation_switch) (prefixes [ "launch" ; "daemon" ] @@ seq_of_param Client_keys.Public_key_hash.alias_param) (fun (max_priority, endorsement_delay, baking, endorsement, denunciation) delegates cctxt -> let (endorsement, baking, denunciation) = if (not endorsement) && (not baking) && (not denunciation) then (true, true, true) else (endorsement, baking, denunciation) in run_daemon cctxt max_priority endorsement_delay ~endorsement ~baking ~denunciation delegates) ; command ~group ~desc: "Forge and inject an endorsement operation" (args2 force_switch max_priority_arg) (prefixes [ "endorse"; "for" ] @@ Client_keys.Public_key_hash.alias_param ~name:"miner" ~desc: "name of the delegate owning the endorsement right" @@ stop) (fun (force, max_priority) (_, delegate) cctxt -> endorse_block cctxt ~force ?max_priority delegate) ; command ~group ~desc: "Forge and inject block using the delegate rights" (args3 max_priority_arg force_switch free_baking_switch) (prefixes [ "mine"; "for" ] @@ Client_keys.Public_key_hash.alias_param ~name:"miner" ~desc: "name of the delegate owning the baking right" @@ stop) (fun (max_priority, force, free_baking) (_, delegate) cctxt -> mine_block cctxt cctxt.config.block ~force ?max_priority ~free_baking delegate) ; command ~group ~desc: "Forge and inject a seed-nonce revelation operation" (args1 force_switch) (prefixes [ "reveal"; "nonce"; "for" ] @@ seq_of_param Block_hash.param) (fun force block_hashes cctxt -> reveal_block_nonces cctxt ~force block_hashes) ; command ~group ~desc: "Forge and inject redemption operations" (args1 force_switch) (prefixes [ "reveal"; "nonces" ] @@ stop) (fun force cctxt -> reveal_nonces cctxt ~force ()) ; ] let () = Client_commands.register Client_proto_main.protocol @@ commands ()