(*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2017 Vincent Bernardoff. All rights reserved. Distributed under the ISC license, see terms at the end of the file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) open Rresult let packet_length = 64 let channel = 0x0101 let apdu = 0x05 let ping = 0x02 let check_buflen cs = let cslen = Cstruct.len cs in if cslen < packet_length then invalid_arg ("HID packets must be 64 bytes long, got " ^ string_of_int cslen) module Status = struct type t = .. type t += | Invalid_pin of int | Incorrect_length | Incorrect_length_for_ins | Incompatible_file_structure | Security_status_unsatisfied | Hid_required | Conditions_of_use_not_satisfied | Incorrect_data | File_not_found | Parse_error | Incorrect_params | Incorrect_class | Ins_not_supported | Memory_error | Referenced_data_not_found | Technical_problem of int | Ok | Unknown of int let of_int = function | 0x6700 -> Incorrect_length | 0x6981 -> Incompatible_file_structure | 0x6982 -> Security_status_unsatisfied | 0x6983 -> Hid_required | 0x6985 -> Conditions_of_use_not_satisfied | 0x6a80 -> Incorrect_data | 0x9404 -> File_not_found | 0x9405 -> Parse_error | 0x6b00 -> Incorrect_params | 0x6c00 -> Incorrect_length | 0x6d00 -> Ins_not_supported | 0x6e00 -> Incorrect_class | 0x9000 -> Ok | 0x917e -> Incorrect_length_for_ins | 0x9200 -> Memory_error | 0x6a88 -> Referenced_data_not_found | v when v >= 0x63c0 && v <= 0x63cf -> Invalid_pin (v land 0x0f) | v when v >= 0x6f00 && v <= 0x6fff -> Technical_problem (v land 0xff) | v -> Unknown v let string_fs = ref [] let register_string_f f = string_fs := f :: !string_fs let to_string = function | Invalid_pin i -> "Invalid pin " ^ string_of_int i | Incorrect_length -> "Incorrect length" | Incompatible_file_structure -> "Incompatible file structure" | Security_status_unsatisfied -> "Security status unsatisfied" | Conditions_of_use_not_satisfied -> "Conditions of use not satisfied" | Incorrect_data -> "Incorrect data" | File_not_found -> "File not found" | Incorrect_params -> "Incorrect params" | Ins_not_supported -> "Instruction not supported" | Technical_problem i -> "Technical problem " ^ string_of_int i | Referenced_data_not_found -> "Referenced data not found" | Ok -> "Ok" | Unknown i -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown status code 0x%x" i | t -> try List.fold_left begin fun a f -> match f t with Some s -> failwith s | None -> a end "Unregistered status message" !string_fs with Failure s -> s let show t = to_string t let pp ppf t = Format.pp_print_string ppf (to_string t) end module Header = struct type t = { cmd : cmd ; seq : int ; } and cmd = Ping | Apdu let cmd_of_int = function | 0x05 -> Some Apdu | 0x02 -> Some Ping | _ -> None module Error = struct type t = | Header_too_short of int | Invalid_channel of int | Invalid_command_tag of int | Unexpected_sequence_number of { expected : int ; actual : int } let pp ppf = function | Header_too_short i -> Format.fprintf ppf "Header too short (got %d bytes)" i | Invalid_channel i -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid channel (%d)" i | Invalid_command_tag i -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid command tag (%d)" i | Unexpected_sequence_number { expected ; actual } -> Format.fprintf ppf "Unexpected sequence number (expected %d, got %d)" expected actual end let fail_header_too_short i = R.error (Error.Header_too_short i) let fail_invalid_chan i = R.error (Error.Invalid_channel i) let fail_invalid_cmd i = R.error (Error.Invalid_command_tag i) let fail_unexpected_seqnum ~expected ~actual = R.error (Error.Unexpected_sequence_number { expected ; actual }) let read cs = let cslen = Cstruct.len cs in begin if cslen < 5 then fail_header_too_short cslen else R.ok () end >>= fun () -> let channel_id = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 cs 0 in let cmd = Cstruct.get_uint8 cs 2 in let seq = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 cs 3 in begin if channel_id <> channel then fail_invalid_chan channel_id else R.ok () end >>= fun () -> begin match cmd_of_int cmd with | Some cmd -> R.ok cmd | None -> fail_invalid_cmd cmd end >>= fun cmd -> R.ok ({ cmd ; seq }, Cstruct.shift cs 5) let check_seqnum t expected_seq = if expected_seq <> t.seq then fail_unexpected_seqnum ~actual:t.seq ~expected:expected_seq else R.ok () end type transport_error = | Hidapi of string | Incomplete_write of int | Incomplete_read of int let pp_transport_error ppf = function | Hidapi s -> Format.pp_print_string ppf s | Incomplete_write i -> Format.fprintf ppf "wrote %d bytes, expected to write 64 \ bytes" i | Incomplete_read i -> Format.fprintf ppf "read %d bytes, expected to read 64 \ bytes" i type error = | AppError of { status : Status.t ; msg : string } | ApduError of Header.Error.t | TransportError of transport_error let app_error ~msg r = R.reword_error (fun status -> AppError { status ; msg }) r let apdu_error r = R.reword_error (fun e -> ApduError e) r let pp_error ppf = function | AppError { status ; msg } -> Format.fprintf ppf "Application level error (%s): %a" msg Status.pp status | ApduError e -> Format.fprintf ppf "APDU level error: %a" Header.Error.pp e | TransportError e -> Format.fprintf ppf "Transport level error: %a" pp_transport_error e let check_nbwritten = function | n when n = packet_length -> R.ok () | n -> R.error (TransportError (Incomplete_write n)) let check_nbread = function | n when n = packet_length -> R.ok () | n -> R.error (TransportError (Incomplete_read n)) let write_hidapi h ?len buf = R.reword_error (fun s -> TransportError (Hidapi s)) (Hidapi.write h ?len Cstruct.(to_bigarray (sub buf 0 packet_length))) >>= check_nbwritten let read_hidapi ?timeout h buf = R.reword_error (fun s -> TransportError (Hidapi s)) (Hidapi.read ?timeout h buf packet_length) >>= check_nbread let write_ping ?(buf=Cstruct.create packet_length) h = check_buflen buf ; let open Cstruct in BE.set_uint16 buf 0 channel ; set_uint8 buf 2 ping ; BE.set_uint16 buf 3 0 ; memset (sub buf 5 59) 0 ; write_hidapi h buf let write_apdu ?pp ?(buf=Cstruct.create packet_length) h p = check_buflen buf ; let apdu_len = Apdu.length p in let apdu_buf = Cstruct.create apdu_len in let _nb_written = Apdu.write apdu_buf p in begin match pp with | None -> () | Some pp -> Format.fprintf pp "-> REQ %a@." Cstruct.hexdump_pp apdu_buf ; Format.pp_print_flush pp () end ; let apdu_p = ref 0 in (* pos in the apdu buf *) let i = ref 0 in (* packet id *) let open Cstruct in (* write first packet *) BE.set_uint16 buf 0 channel ; set_uint8 buf 2 apdu ; BE.set_uint16 buf 3 !i ; BE.set_uint16 buf 5 apdu_len ; let nb_to_write = (min apdu_len (packet_length - 7)) in blit apdu_buf 0 buf 7 nb_to_write ; write_hidapi h buf >>= fun () -> apdu_p := !apdu_p + nb_to_write ; incr i ; (* write following packets *) let rec inner apdu_p = if apdu_p >= apdu_len then R.ok () else begin memset buf 0 ; BE.set_uint16 buf 0 channel ; set_uint8 buf 2 apdu ; BE.set_uint16 buf 3 !i ; let nb_to_write = (min (apdu_len - apdu_p) (packet_length - 5)) in blit apdu_buf apdu_p buf 5 nb_to_write ; write_hidapi h buf >>= fun () -> incr i ; inner (apdu_p + nb_to_write) end in inner !apdu_p let read ?pp ?(buf=Cstruct.create packet_length) h = check_buflen buf ; let expected_seq = ref 0 in let full_payload = ref (Cstruct.create 0) in let payload = ref (Cstruct.create 0) in (* let pos = ref 0 in *) let rec inner () = read_hidapi ~timeout:600_000 h (Cstruct.to_bigarray buf) >>= fun () -> begin match pp with | None -> () | Some pp -> Format.fprintf pp "<- RAW PKT %a@." Cstruct.hexdump_pp (Cstruct.sub buf 0 packet_length) ; Format.pp_print_flush pp () end ; apdu_error (Header.read buf) >>= fun (hdr, buf) -> apdu_error (Header.check_seqnum hdr !expected_seq) >>= fun () -> if hdr.seq = 0 then begin (* first frame *) let len = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 buf 0 in let cs = Cstruct.shift buf 2 in payload := Cstruct.create len ; full_payload := !payload ; let nb_to_read = min len (packet_length - 7) in Cstruct.blit cs 0 !payload 0 nb_to_read ; payload := Cstruct.shift !payload nb_to_read ; (* pos := !pos + nb_to_read ; *) expected_seq := !expected_seq + 1 ; end else begin (* next frames *) (* let rem = Bytes.length !payload - !pos in *) let nb_to_read = min (Cstruct.len !payload) (packet_length - 5) in Cstruct.blit buf 0 !payload 0 nb_to_read ; payload := Cstruct.shift !payload nb_to_read ; (* pos := !pos + nb_to_read ; *) expected_seq := !expected_seq + 1 end ; match Cstruct.len !payload, hdr.cmd with | 0, Ping -> R.ok (Status.Ok, Cstruct.create 0) | 0, Apdu -> (* let sw_pos = Bytes.length !payload - 2 in *) let payload_len = Cstruct.len !full_payload in let sw = Cstruct.BE.get_uint16 !full_payload (payload_len - 2) in R.ok (Status.of_int sw, Cstruct.sub !full_payload 0 (payload_len - 2)) | _ -> inner () in inner () let ping ?pp ?buf h = write_ping ?buf h >>= fun () -> read ?pp ?buf h >>| ignore let apdu ?pp ?(msg="") ?buf h apdu = write_apdu ?pp ?buf h apdu >>= fun () -> read ?pp ?buf h >>= fun (status, payload) -> begin match pp with | None -> () | Some pp -> Format.fprintf pp "<- RESP [%a] %a@." Status.pp status Cstruct.hexdump_pp payload ; Format.pp_print_flush pp () end ; match status with | Status.Ok -> R.ok payload | status -> app_error ~msg (R.error status) let write_payload ?pp ?(msg="write_payload") ?buf ?(mark_last=false) ~cmd ?p1 ?p2 h cs = let rec inner cs = let cs_len = Cstruct.len cs in let lc = min Apdu.max_data_length cs_len in let last = lc = cs_len in let p1 = match last, mark_last, p1 with | true, true, None -> Some 0x80 | true, true, Some p1 -> Some (0x80 lor p1) | _ -> p1 in apdu ?pp ~msg ?buf h Apdu.(create ?p1 ?p2 ~lc ~data:(Cstruct.sub cs 0 lc) cmd) >>= fun response -> if last then R.ok response else inner (Cstruct.shift cs lc) in if Cstruct.len cs = 0 then R.ok cs else inner cs (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2017 Vincent Bernardoff Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)