(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) module Public_key_hash = struct include Blake2B.Make(Base58)(struct let name = "P256.Public_key_hash" let title = "A P256 public key hash" let b58check_prefix = Base58.Prefix.p256_public_key_hash let size = Some 20 end) module Logging = struct let tag = Tag.def ~doc:title name pp end end let () = Base58.check_encoded_prefix Public_key_hash.b58check_encoding "tz3" 36 open Uecc module Public_key = struct type t = (secp256r1, public) key let name = "P256.Public_key" let title = "A P256 public key" let to_bytes = to_bytes ~compress:true let of_bytes_opt = pk_of_bytes secp256r1 let to_string s = MBytes.to_string (to_bytes s) let of_string_opt s = of_bytes_opt (MBytes.of_string s) let size = compressed_size secp256r1 type Base58.data += | Data of t let b58check_encoding = Base58.register_encoding ~prefix: Base58.Prefix.p256_public_key ~length: size ~to_raw: to_string ~of_raw: of_string_opt ~wrap: (fun x -> Data x) let () = Base58.check_encoded_prefix b58check_encoding "p2pk" 55 let hash v = Public_key_hash.hash_bytes [to_bytes v] include Compare.Make(struct type nonrec t = t let compare a b = MBytes.compare (to_bytes a) (to_bytes b) end) include Helpers.MakeRaw(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let of_bytes_opt = of_bytes_opt let of_string_opt = of_string_opt let to_string = to_string end) include Helpers.MakeB58(struct type nonrec t = t let title = title let name = name let b58check_encoding = b58check_encoding end) include Helpers.MakeEncoder(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let title = title let raw_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv to_bytes of_bytes_exn (Fixed.bytes size) let of_b58check = of_b58check let of_b58check_opt = of_b58check_opt let of_b58check_exn = of_b58check_exn let to_b58check = to_b58check let to_short_b58check = to_short_b58check end) let pp ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (to_b58check t) end module Secret_key = struct type t = (secp256r1, secret) key let name = "P256.Secret_key" let title = "A P256 secret key" let size = sk_size secp256r1 let of_bytes_opt buf = Option.map ~f:fst (sk_of_bytes secp256r1 buf) let to_bytes = to_bytes ~compress:true let to_string s = MBytes.to_string (to_bytes s) let of_string_opt s = of_bytes_opt (MBytes.of_string s) let to_public_key = neuterize type Base58.data += | Data of t let b58check_encoding = Base58.register_encoding ~prefix: Base58.Prefix.p256_secret_key ~length: size ~to_raw: to_string ~of_raw: of_string_opt ~wrap: (fun x -> Data x) let () = Base58.check_encoded_prefix b58check_encoding "p2sk" 54 include Compare.Make(struct type nonrec t = t let compare a b = MBytes.compare (to_bytes a) (to_bytes b) end) include Helpers.MakeRaw(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let of_bytes_opt = of_bytes_opt let of_string_opt = of_string_opt let to_string = to_string end) include Helpers.MakeB58(struct type nonrec t = t let title = title let name = name let b58check_encoding = b58check_encoding end) include Helpers.MakeEncoder(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let title = title let raw_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv to_bytes of_bytes_exn (Fixed.bytes size) let of_b58check = of_b58check let of_b58check_opt = of_b58check_opt let of_b58check_exn = of_b58check_exn let to_b58check = to_b58check let to_short_b58check = to_short_b58check end) let pp ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (to_b58check t) end type t = MBytes.t type watermark = MBytes.t let name = "P256" let title = "A P256 signature" let size = pk_size secp256r1 let of_bytes_opt s = if MBytes.length s = size then Some s else None let to_bytes s = s let to_string s = MBytes.to_string (to_bytes s) let of_string_opt s = of_bytes_opt (MBytes.of_string s) type Base58.data += | Data of t let b58check_encoding = Base58.register_encoding ~prefix: Base58.Prefix.p256_signature ~length: size ~to_raw: to_string ~of_raw: of_string_opt ~wrap: (fun x -> Data x) let () = Base58.check_encoded_prefix b58check_encoding "p2sig" 98 include Helpers.MakeRaw(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let of_bytes_opt = of_bytes_opt let of_string_opt = of_string_opt let to_string = to_string end) include Helpers.MakeB58(struct type nonrec t = t let title = title let name = name let b58check_encoding = b58check_encoding end) include Helpers.MakeEncoder(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let title = title let raw_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv to_bytes of_bytes_exn (Fixed.bytes size) let of_b58check = of_b58check let of_b58check_opt = of_b58check_opt let of_b58check_exn = of_b58check_exn let to_b58check = to_b58check let to_short_b58check = to_short_b58check end) let pp ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (to_b58check t) let zero = of_bytes_exn (MBytes.make size '\000') let sign ?watermark sk msg = let msg = Blake2B.to_bytes @@ Blake2B.hash_bytes @@ match watermark with | None -> [msg] | Some prefix -> [ prefix ; msg ] in match sign sk msg with | None -> (* Will never happen in practice. This can only happen in case of RNG error. *) invalid_arg "P256.sign: internal error" | Some signature -> signature let check ?watermark public_key signature msg = let msg = Blake2B.to_bytes @@ Blake2B.hash_bytes @@ match watermark with | None -> [msg] | Some prefix -> [ prefix ; msg ] in verify public_key ~msg ~signature let generate_key ?(seed=Rand.generate 32) () = let seedlen = MBytes.length seed in if seedlen < 32 then invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "P256.generate_key: seed must be at \ least 32 bytes long (was %d)" seedlen) ; match sk_of_bytes secp256r1 seed with | None -> invalid_arg "P256.generate_key: invalid seed (very rare!)" | Some (sk, pk) -> let pkh = Public_key.hash pk in pkh, pk, sk let deterministic_nonce sk msg = Hacl.Hash.SHA256.HMAC.digest ~key: (Secret_key.to_bytes sk) ~msg let deterministic_nonce_hash sk msg = Blake2B.to_bytes (Blake2B.hash_bytes [deterministic_nonce sk msg]) include Compare.Make(struct type nonrec t = t let compare = MBytes.compare end)