(* -*- tuareg -*- *)

(* Build a functorized version of the protocol with the
   `tezos-protocol-compiler` This is bit hackish...

   AFAIK the current version of jbuilder (1.0+beta16) does not allow
   to compile with a custom `rule` the `(modules)` of a library.

   A trick is to provide the `.cmx` through the `(library_flags)` and
   to generate a empty `.ml` to correctly handle the dependencies... *)

let prefix = "lib_embedded_protocol_"
let dirname = Filename.basename @@ Sys.getcwd ()

let predefined_version = None (* to be substituted in opam packages *)

let version =
  match predefined_version with
  | Some version -> version
  | None ->
    let x = String.length prefix in
    let n = String.length dirname in
    if not (n >= x && String.sub dirname 0 x = prefix) then
      failwith "unexpected directory name" ;
    String.sub dirname x (n - x)

let path =
  match predefined_version with
  | None -> "lib_embedded_protocol_" ^ version
  | Some _ -> "."

let () = Format.kasprintf Jbuild_plugin.V1.send {|

(jbuild_version 1)

 ((targets (tezos_protocol_%s.o
  (deps ((glob_files src/*.ml)
         (glob_files src/*.mli)
  (action (with-stdout-to ${path-no-dep:tezos_protocol_%s_dummy.ml}
           (chdir ${ROOT}
                  (run ${bin:tezos-protocol-compiler} -static ${path-no-dep:tezos_protocol_%s} ${path-no-dep:src}))))))

 ((name tezos_protocol_%s)
  (public_name tezos-protocol-%s)
  (library_flags (:standard -linkall %s/tezos_protocol_%s.cmx))
  (flags (:standard -safe-string))
  (wrapped false)
  (modes (native))
  (modules (Tezos_protocol_%s_dummy))))

 ((name runtest_sandbox)
  (deps (tezos_protocol_%s.cmx))))

 ((name runtest_indent)
  (deps ((glob_files src/*.ml) (glob_files src/*.mli)))
  (action (run bash ${libexec:tezos-stdlib:test-ocp-indent.sh} ${<}))))

    version version version version version version version version
    version version version