(*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2017 Vincent Bernardoff. All rights reserved. Distributed under the ISC license, see terms at the end of the file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) open StdLabels let acceptable_num_words = [12 ; 15 ; 18 ; 21 ; 24] type entropy = { bytes : Bigstring.t ; length : int ; digest_length : int ; num_words : int ; } let entropy_of_bytes bytes = match Bigstring.length bytes with | 16 -> Some { bytes ; length = 16 ; digest_length = 4 ; num_words = 12 } | 20 -> Some { bytes ; length = 20 ; digest_length = 5 ; num_words = 15 } | 24 -> Some { bytes ; length = 24 ; digest_length = 6 ; num_words = 18 } | 28 -> Some { bytes ; length = 28 ; digest_length = 7 ; num_words = 21 } | 32 -> Some { bytes ; length = 32 ; digest_length = 8 ; num_words = 24 } | _ -> None type t = int list let index_of_word word = let index = ref (-1) in try List.iteri English.words ~f:begin fun i w -> if String.compare word w = 0 then (index := i ; raise Exit) end ; None with Exit -> Some !index let of_words words = try List.fold_right words ~init:(0, []) ~f:begin fun word (count, acc) -> match index_of_word word with | Some i -> (succ count, i :: acc) | _ -> raise Exit end |> fun (count, x) -> if List.(mem count ~set:acceptable_num_words) then Some x else None with Exit -> None let of_indices idxs = try List.fold_right idxs ~init:(0, []) ~f:begin fun i (count, acc) -> if i < 0 || i > 2047 then raise Exit else (succ count, i :: acc) end |> fun (count, x) -> if List.(mem count ~set:acceptable_num_words) then Some x else None with Exit -> None let to_words = List.map ~f:(List.nth English.words) let to_indices t = t let pp ppf t = let open Format in let words = to_words t in let pp_mnemonic = pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt " ") pp_print_string in fprintf ppf "%a" pp_mnemonic words let show t = Format.asprintf "%a" pp t let int_of_bits bits = snd @@ List.fold_right bits ~init:(0, 0) ~f:begin fun b (i, res) -> succ i, if b then res lor (1 lsl i) else res end let bits_of_char c = let b = Char.code c in let res = ref [] in for i = 0 to 7 do res := (b land (1 lsl i) <> 0) :: !res done ; !res let bits_of_bytes bytes = let acc = ref [] in String.iter bytes ~f:begin fun c -> acc := List.rev_append (bits_of_char c) !acc end ; List.rev !acc let list_sub l n = let rec inner acc n l = if n > 0 then match l with | h :: tl -> inner (h :: acc) (pred n) tl | _ -> invalid_arg "Bip39.list_sub" else List.rev acc in inner [] n l let pack l pack_len = let rec inner (sub_acc_len, sub_acc, acc) = function | [] -> if sub_acc <> [] then List.rev sub_acc :: acc else acc | h :: tl -> if sub_acc_len = pack_len then inner (1, [h], List.rev sub_acc :: acc) tl else inner (succ sub_acc_len, h :: sub_acc, acc) tl in List.rev (inner (0, [], []) l) let of_entropy entropy = match entropy_of_bytes entropy with | None -> invalid_arg "Bip39.of_entropy: wrong entropy length" | Some { bytes ; digest_length ; _ } -> let digest = Bigstring.get (Hacl.Hash.SHA256.digest entropy) 0 in let digest = list_sub (bits_of_char digest) digest_length in let entropy = bits_of_bytes (Bigstring.to_string bytes) @ digest in List.map (pack entropy 11) ~f:int_of_bits let to_seed ?(passphrase=Bigstring.empty) t = let words = to_words t in let password = Bigstring.of_string (String.concat ~sep:" " words) in let salt = Bigstring.(concat "" [of_string "mnemonic" ; passphrase]) in Pbkdf.SHA512.pbkdf2 ~password ~salt ~count:2048 ~dk_len:64l (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2017 Vincent Bernardoff Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)