open Mini_c open Trace (* TODO hack to specialize map_expression to identity monad *) let map_expression : (expression -> expression) -> (expression -> expression) = fun f e -> match Helpers.map_expression (fun e -> ok (f e)) e with | Ok (e, _) -> e | Error _ -> assert false (* impossible *) (* Conservative purity test: ok to treat pure things as impure, must not treat impure things as pure. *) (* true if the name names a pure constant -- i.e. if uses will be pure assuming arguments are pure *) let is_pure_constant : constant' -> bool = function | C_UNIT | C_CAR | C_CDR | C_PAIR | C_NIL | C_CONS | C_NEG | C_OR | C_AND | C_XOR | C_NOT | C_EQ | C_NEQ | C_LT | C_LE | C_GT | C_GE | C_SOME | C_UPDATE | C_MAP_FIND_OPT | C_MAP_ADD | C_MAP_UPDATE | C_INT | C_ABS | C_IS_NAT | C_ADDRESS | C_SET_MEM | C_SET_ADD | C_SET_REMOVE | C_SLICE | C_SHA256 | C_SHA512 | C_BLAKE2b | C_CHECK_SIGNATURE | C_HASH_KEY | C_BYTES_PACK | C_CONCAT -> true (* unfortunately impure: *) | C_BALANCE | C_AMOUNT | C_NOW | C_SOURCE | C_SENDER | C_CHAIN_ID | C_ADD | C_SUB |C_MUL|C_DIV|C_MOD | C_LSL | C_LSR (* impure: *) | C_ASSERTION | C_ASSERT_INFERRED | C_MAP_FIND | C_FOLD_WHILE | C_CALL (* TODO... *) | _ -> false let rec is_pure : expression -> bool = fun e -> match e.content with | E_literal _ | E_closure _ | E_skip | E_variable _ | E_make_none _ -> true | E_if_bool (cond, bt, bf) | E_if_none (cond, bt, (_, bf)) | E_if_cons (cond, bt, (_, bf)) | E_if_left (cond, (_, bt), (_, bf)) -> List.for_all is_pure [ cond ; bt ; bf ] | E_let_in (_, _, e1, e2) | E_sequence (e1, e2) -> List.for_all is_pure [ e1 ; e2 ] | E_constant (c) -> is_pure_constant c.cons_name && List.for_all is_pure c.arguments | E_record_update (e, _,up) -> is_pure e && is_pure up (* I'm not sure about these. Maybe can be tested better? *) | E_application _ | E_iterator _ | E_fold _ -> false (* Could be pure, but, divergence is an effect, so halting problem is near... *) | E_while _ -> false let occurs_in : expression_variable -> expression -> bool = fun x e -> let fvs = Free_variables.expression [] e in Free_variables.mem x fvs let occurs_count : expression_variable -> expression -> int = fun x e -> let fvs = Free_variables.expression [] e in Free_variables.mem_count x fvs (* Let "inlining" mean transforming the code: let x = e1 in e2 to: e2[e1/x] (where the latter signifies substituting e1 for x in e2.) Things which can go wrong for inlining: - If `e1` is not pure, inlining may fail to preserve semantics. - Free variables of `e1` may be shadowed in e2, at usages of `x`. This is not a problem if the substitution is capture-avoiding. - ? *) let is_variable : expression -> bool = fun e -> match e.content with | E_variable _ -> true | _ -> false let should_inline : expression_variable -> expression -> expression -> bool = fun x e1 e2 -> occurs_count x e2 <= 1 || is_variable e1 let inline_let : bool ref -> expression -> expression = fun changed e -> match e.content with | E_let_in ((x, _a), should_inline_here, e1, e2) -> if is_pure e1 && (should_inline_here || should_inline x e1 e2) then let e2' = Subst.subst_expression ~body:e2 ~x:x ~expr:e1 in (changed := true ; e2') else e | _ -> e let inline_lets : bool ref -> expression -> expression = fun changed -> map_expression (inline_let changed) (* Let "beta" mean transforming the code: (\x. e1) e2 to: let x = e2 in e1 Things which can go wrong for beta reduction: - Nothing? *) let beta : bool ref -> expression -> expression = fun changed e -> match e.content with | E_application ({ content = E_closure { binder = x ; body = e1 } ; type_value = T_function (xtv, tv) }, e2) -> (changed := true ; Expression.make (E_let_in ((x, xtv), false, e2, e1)) tv) (* also do CAR (PAIR x y) ↦ x, or CDR (PAIR x y) ↦ y, only if x and y are pure *) | E_constant {cons_name = C_CAR| C_CDR as const; arguments = [ { content = E_constant {cons_name = C_PAIR; arguments = [ e1 ; e2 ]} ; type_value = _ } ]} -> if is_pure e1 && is_pure e2 then (changed := true ; match const with | C_CAR -> e1 | C_CDR -> e2 | _ -> assert false) else e | _ -> e let betas : bool ref -> expression -> expression = fun changed -> map_expression (beta changed) let eta : bool ref -> expression -> expression = fun changed e -> match e.content with | E_constant {cons_name = C_PAIR; arguments = [ { content = E_constant {cons_name = C_CAR; arguments = [ e1 ]} ; type_value = _ } ; { content = E_constant {cons_name = C_CDR; arguments = [ e2 ]} ; type_value = _ }]} -> (match (e1.content, e2.content) with | E_variable x1, E_variable x2 -> if Var.equal x1 x2 then (changed := true; { e with content = e1.content }) else e | _ -> e) | _ -> e let etas : bool ref -> expression -> expression = fun changed -> map_expression (eta changed) let contract_check = let all = [Michelson_restrictions.self_in_lambdas] in let all_e = Helpers.map_sub_level_expression all in bind_chain all_e let rec all_expression : expression -> expression = fun e -> let changed = ref false in let e = inline_lets changed e in let e = betas changed e in let e = etas changed e in if !changed then all_expression e else e