(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Lwt.Infix open Data_encoding module Error = struct type error = .. let pp_print_error _ _ = () end module Test = Test.Make(Error) let (//) = Filename.concat let is_invalid_arg = function | Invalid_argument _ -> true | _ -> false let is_await = function Binary.Await _ -> true | _ -> false let is_success = function Binary.Success _ -> true | _ -> false let is_error = function Binary.Error -> true | _ -> false let rec fold_left_pending f accu l = match l with | [] -> accu | a::l -> fold_left_pending f (f accu a l) l let test_read_simple_bin_ko_invalid_data ?(not_equal=Assert.not_equal) encoding value = let len_data = MBytes.length (Binary.to_bytes encoding value) in if classify encoding != `Variable && len_data > 0 then for sz = 1 to len_data do let l = (Binary.to_bytes_list sz encoding value) in List.iter (fun b -> for i = 0 to MBytes.length b - 1 do (* alter data *) MBytes.set_int8 b i ((MBytes.get_int8 b i)+1) done )l; ignore( fold_left_pending (fun _done e _todo -> let _done = e :: _done in begin let status = Binary.read_stream_of_bytes ~init:(List.rev _done) encoding in let status = List.fold_left (fun status mbyte -> match status with | Binary.Await f -> f mbyte | _ -> status )status _todo in match status with | Binary.Await _ -> () | Binary.Error -> () | Binary.Success {res; remaining} -> (* should not have "Success" *) Assert.equal ~msg:__LOC__ remaining []; not_equal value res end; _done )[] l ) done let unexpected loc = loc ^ ": This case should not happen" let test_read_simple_bin_ko_await encoding value = let len_data = MBytes.length (Binary.to_bytes encoding value) in if classify encoding != `Variable && len_data > 0 then for sz = 1 to len_data do let l = Binary.to_bytes_list sz encoding value in match List.rev l with | [] -> Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__) | _ :: r -> let l = List.rev r in (* last mbyte removed !! *) ignore( fold_left_pending (fun _done e _todo -> let _done = e :: _done in begin let status= Binary.read_stream_of_bytes ~init:(List.rev _done) encoding in let status = List.fold_left (fun status mbyte -> if not (is_await status) then Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__); match status with | Binary.Await f -> f mbyte | _ -> status )status _todo in match status with | Binary.Await _ -> () | Binary.Error -> if not (classify encoding == `Variable) then Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__) | Binary.Success _ -> Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__) end; _done )[] l ) done let test_read_simple_bin_ok ?msg ?(equal=Assert.equal) encoding value = let len_data = max 1 (MBytes.length (Binary.to_bytes encoding value)) in for sz = 1 to len_data do ignore( fold_left_pending (fun _done e _todo -> let _done = e :: _done in begin let status = Binary.read_stream_of_bytes ~init:(List.rev _done) encoding in let status = List.fold_left (fun status mbyte -> if MBytes.length mbyte <> 0 && is_success status then Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__); match status with | Binary.Await f -> f mbyte | _ -> status )status _todo in match status with | Binary.Success {res; remaining} -> Assert.equal ~msg:__LOC__ remaining []; equal ?msg value res | Binary.Await _ -> Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__) | Binary.Error -> if not (classify encoding == `Variable) then Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__) end; _done )[] (Binary.to_bytes_list sz encoding value) ) done let test_check_simple_bin_ko_invalid_data encoding value = let len_data = MBytes.length (Binary.to_bytes encoding value) in if classify encoding != `Variable && len_data > 0 then for sz = 1 to len_data do let l = (Binary.to_bytes_list sz encoding value) in List.iter (fun b -> for i = 0 to MBytes.length b - 1 do (* alter data *) MBytes.set_int8 b i ((MBytes.get_int8 b i)+1) done )l; ignore( fold_left_pending (fun _done e _todo -> let _done = e :: _done in begin let status = Binary.check_stream_of_bytes ~init:(List.rev _done) encoding in let status = List.fold_left (fun status mbyte -> match status with | Binary.Await f -> f mbyte | _ -> status )status _todo in match status with | Binary.Await _ -> () | Binary.Error -> () | Binary.Success { remaining } -> Assert.equal ~msg:__LOC__ remaining []; (* res is unit for check *) end; _done )[] l ) done let test_check_simple_bin_ko_await encoding value = let len_data = MBytes.length (Binary.to_bytes encoding value) in if classify encoding != `Variable && len_data > 0 then for sz = 1 to len_data do let l = Binary.to_bytes_list sz encoding value in match List.rev l with | [] -> Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__) | _ :: r -> let l = List.rev r in (* last mbyte removed !! *) ignore( fold_left_pending (fun _done e _todo -> let _done = e :: _done in begin let status= Binary.check_stream_of_bytes ~init:(List.rev _done) encoding in let status = List.fold_left (fun status mbyte -> if not (is_await status) then Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__); match status with | Binary.Await f -> f mbyte | _ -> status )status _todo in match status with | Binary.Await _ -> () | Binary.Error -> if not (classify encoding == `Variable) then Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__) | Binary.Success _ -> Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__) end; _done )[] l ) done let test_check_simple_bin_ok encoding value = let len_data = max 1 (MBytes.length (Binary.to_bytes encoding value)) in for sz = 1 to len_data do ignore( fold_left_pending (fun _done e _todo -> let _done = e :: _done in begin let status = Binary.check_stream_of_bytes ~init:(List.rev _done) encoding in let status = List.fold_left (fun status mbyte -> if MBytes.length mbyte <> 0 && is_success status then Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__); match status with | Binary.Await f -> f mbyte | _ -> status )status _todo in match status with | Binary.Success { remaining } -> Assert.equal ~msg:__LOC__ remaining []; (* res is unit for check *) | Binary.Await _ -> Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__) | Binary.Error -> if not (classify encoding == `Variable) then Assert.fail_msg "%s" (unexpected __LOC__) end; _done )[] (Binary.to_bytes_list sz encoding value) ) done let test_simple ~msg ?(equal=Assert.equal) ?(not_equal=Assert.not_equal) enc value = test_check_simple_bin_ok enc value; test_check_simple_bin_ko_await enc value; test_check_simple_bin_ko_invalid_data enc value; test_read_simple_bin_ok ~msg:(msg ^ ": binary-ok") ~equal enc value; test_read_simple_bin_ko_await enc value; test_read_simple_bin_ko_invalid_data ~not_equal enc value let test_simple_int ~msg encoding i = let range_min = - (1 lsl (i-1)) in let range_max = (1 lsl (i-1)) - 1 in test_simple ~msg encoding range_min ; test_simple ~msg encoding range_max let test_simple_uint ~msg encoding i = let range_min = 0 in let range_max = (1 lsl i) - 1 in test_simple ~msg encoding range_min ; test_simple ~msg encoding range_max let test_simple_values _ = test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ null (); test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ empty (); test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (constant "toto") (); test_simple_int ~msg:__LOC__ int8 8; test_simple_uint ~msg:__LOC__ uint8 8; test_simple_int ~msg:__LOC__ int16 16; test_simple_uint ~msg:__LOC__ uint16 16; test_simple_int ~msg:__LOC__ int31 31; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ int32 Int32.min_int; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ int32 Int32.max_int; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ int64 Int64.min_int; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ int64 Int64.max_int; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ bool true; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ bool false; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ string "tutu"; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ bytes (MBytes.of_string "titi"); test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ float 42.; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ float max_float; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ float min_float; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ float (-. 0.); test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ float (+. 0.); test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ float infinity; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ float neg_infinity; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ float epsilon_float; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ ~equal:Assert.equal_float float nan; test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (option string) (Some "thing"); test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (option string) None; let enum_enc = ["one", 1; "two", 2; "three", 3; "four", 4; "five", 6; "six", 6] in test_simple ~msg:__LOC__ (string_enum enum_enc) 4; Lwt.return_unit type t = A of int | B of string | C of int | D of string | E let prn_t = function | A i -> Printf.sprintf "A %d" i | B s -> Printf.sprintf "B %s" s | C i -> Printf.sprintf "C %d" i | D s -> Printf.sprintf "D %s" s | E -> "E" let test_union _ = let enc = (union [ case (Tag 1) int8 (function A i -> Some i | _ -> None) (fun i -> A i) ; case (Tag 2) string (function B s -> Some s | _ -> None) (fun s -> B s) ; case (Tag 3) int8 (function C i -> Some i | _ -> None) (fun i -> C i) ; case (Tag 4) (obj2 (req "kind" (constant "D")) (req "data" (string))) (function D s -> Some ((), s) | _ -> None) (fun ((), s) -> D s) ; ]) in let jsonA = Json.construct enc (A 1) in let jsonB = Json.construct enc (B "2") in let jsonC = Json.construct enc (C 3) in let jsonD = Json.construct enc (D"4") in Assert.test_fail ~msg:__LOC__ (fun () -> Json.construct enc E) is_invalid_arg ; Assert.equal ~prn:prn_t ~msg:__LOC__ (A 1) (Json.destruct enc jsonA) ; Assert.equal ~prn:prn_t ~msg:__LOC__ (B "2") (Json.destruct enc jsonB) ; Assert.equal ~prn:prn_t ~msg:__LOC__ (A 3) (Json.destruct enc jsonC) ; Assert.equal ~prn:prn_t ~msg:__LOC__ (D "4") (Json.destruct enc jsonD) ; let binA = Binary.to_bytes_list 1 enc (A 1) in let binB = Binary.to_bytes_list 1 enc (B "2") in let binC = Binary.to_bytes_list 1 enc (C 3) in let binD = Binary.to_bytes_list 1 enc (D "4") in Assert.test_fail ~msg:__LOC__ (fun () -> Binary.to_bytes enc E) (function | No_case_matched -> true | _ -> false) ; let get_result ~msg bin_l = let status = Binary.read_stream_of_bytes enc in let status = List.fold_left (fun status mbyte -> match status with | Binary.Await f -> f mbyte | _ -> status )status bin_l in match status with | Binary.Error -> Assert.fail_msg "%s" msg | Binary.Await _ -> Assert.fail_msg "%s" msg | Binary.Success {res} -> res in Assert.equal ~prn:prn_t ~msg:__LOC__ (A 1) (get_result ~msg:__LOC__ binA) ; Assert.equal ~prn:prn_t ~msg:__LOC__ (B "2") (get_result ~msg:__LOC__ binB) ; Assert.equal ~prn:prn_t ~msg:__LOC__ (C 3) (get_result ~msg:__LOC__ binC) ; Assert.equal ~prn:prn_t ~msg:__LOC__ (D "4") (get_result ~msg:__LOC__ binD) ; Lwt.return_unit type s = { field : int } let test_splitted _ = let s_enc = def "s" @@ describe ~title:"testsuite encoding test" ~description: "A human readable description" @@ conv (fun s -> string_of_int s.field) (fun s -> { field = int_of_string s }) string in let enc = (splitted ~binary:string ~json: (union [ case (Tag 1) string (fun _ -> None) (fun s -> s) ; case (Tag 2) s_enc (fun s -> Some { field = int_of_string s }) (fun s -> string_of_int s.field) ; ])) in let get_result ~msg bin_l = let status = Binary.read_stream_of_bytes enc in let status = List.fold_left (fun status mbyte -> match status with | Binary.Await f -> f mbyte | _ -> status )status bin_l in match status with | Binary.Error -> Assert.fail_msg "%s" msg | Binary.Await _ -> Assert.fail_msg "%s" msg | Binary.Success {res} -> res in let jsonA = Json.construct enc "41" in let jsonB = Json.construct s_enc {field = 42} in let binA = Binary.to_bytes_list 1 enc "43" in let binB = Binary.to_bytes_list 1 s_enc {field = 44} in Assert.equal ~msg:__LOC__ "41" (Json.destruct enc jsonA); Assert.equal ~msg:__LOC__ "42" (Json.destruct enc jsonB); Assert.equal ~msg:__LOC__ "43" (get_result ~msg:__LOC__ binA); Assert.equal ~msg:__LOC__ "44" (get_result ~msg:__LOC__ binB); Lwt.return_unit let wrap_test f base_dir = f base_dir >>= fun result -> Lwt.return_ok result let tests = [ "simple", test_simple_values ; "union", test_union ; "splitted", test_splitted ; ] let () = Test.run "stream_data_encoding." (List.map (fun (s, f) -> s, wrap_test f) tests)