(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* Tezos Command line interface - RPC Calls *) open Lwt open Cli_entries open Client_commands open Logging.RPC let log_request { log } cpt url req = log "requests" ">>>>%d: %s\n%s\n" cpt url req let log_response { log } cpt code ans = log "requests" "<<<<%d: %s\n%s\n" cpt (Cohttp.Code.string_of_status code) ans let cpt = ref 0 let make_request cctxt meth service json = incr cpt ; let cpt = !cpt in let scheme = if cctxt.config.tls then "https" else "http" in let host = cctxt.config.incoming_addr in let port = cctxt.config.incoming_port in let path = String.concat "/" service in let uri = Uri.make ~scheme ~host ~port ~path () in let string_uri = Uri.to_string uri in let reqbody = Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json in let tzero = Unix.gettimeofday () in catch (fun () -> let body = Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string reqbody in Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.call meth ~body uri >>= fun (code, ansbody) -> log_request cctxt cpt string_uri reqbody >>= fun () -> return (cpt, Unix.gettimeofday () -. tzero, code.Cohttp.Response.status, ansbody)) (fun e -> let msg = match e with | Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Unix.error_message e | e -> Printexc.to_string e in cctxt.error "cannot connect to the RPC server (%s)" msg) let get_streamed_json cctxt meth service json = make_request cctxt meth service json >>= fun (_cpt, time, code, ansbody) -> let ansbody = Cohttp_lwt_body.to_stream ansbody in match code, ansbody with | #Cohttp.Code.success_status, ansbody -> (if cctxt.config.print_timings then cctxt.message "Request to /%s succeeded in %gs" (String.concat "/" service) time else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () -> Lwt.return ( Lwt_stream.filter_map_s (function | Ok v -> Lwt.return (Some v) | Error msg -> lwt_log_error "Failed to parse json: %s" msg >>= fun () -> Lwt.return None) (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_stream ansbody)) | err, _ansbody -> (if cctxt.config.print_timings then cctxt.message "Request to /%s failed in %gs" (String.concat "/" service) time else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () -> cctxt.message "Request to /%s failed, server returned %s" (String.concat "/" service) (Cohttp.Code.string_of_status err) >>= fun () -> cctxt.error "the RPC server returned a non-success status (%s)" (Cohttp.Code.string_of_status err) let get_json cctxt meth service json = make_request cctxt meth service json >>= fun (cpt, time, code, ansbody) -> Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string ansbody >>= fun ansbody -> match code, ansbody with | #Cohttp.Code.success_status, ansbody -> begin (if cctxt.config.print_timings then cctxt.message "Request to /%s succeeded in %gs" (String.concat "/" service) time else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () -> log_response cctxt cpt code ansbody >>= fun () -> if ansbody = "" then Lwt.return `Null else match Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_string ansbody with | Error _ -> cctxt.error "the RPC server returned malformed JSON" | Ok res -> Lwt.return res end | err, _ansbody -> (if cctxt.config.print_timings then cctxt.message "Request to /%s failed in %gs" (String.concat "/" service) time else Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () -> cctxt.message "Request to /%s failed, server returned %s" (String.concat "/" service) (Cohttp.Code.string_of_status err) >>= fun () -> cctxt.error "the RPC server returned a non-success status (%s)" (Cohttp.Code.string_of_status err) exception Unknown_error of Data_encoding.json let parse_answer cctxt service path json = match RPC.read_answer service json with | Error msg -> (* TODO print_error *) cctxt.error "request to /%s returned wrong JSON (%s)\n%s" (String.concat "/" path) msg (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json) | Ok v -> return v let call_service0 cctxt service arg = let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service () arg in get_json cctxt meth path arg >>= fun json -> parse_answer cctxt service path json let call_service1 cctxt service a1 arg = let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service ((), a1) arg in get_json cctxt meth path arg >>= fun json -> parse_answer cctxt service path json let call_service2 cctxt service a1 a2 arg = let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service (((), a1), a2) arg in get_json cctxt meth path arg >>= fun json -> parse_answer cctxt service path json let call_streamed_service0 cctxt service arg = let meth, path, arg = RPC.forge_request service () arg in get_streamed_json cctxt meth path arg >|= fun st -> Lwt_stream.map_s (parse_answer cctxt service path) st module Services = Node_rpc_services let errors cctxt = call_service0 cctxt Services.Error.service () let forge_block cctxt ?net ?predecessor ?timestamp fitness ops header = call_service0 cctxt Services.forge_block (net, predecessor, timestamp, fitness, ops, header) let validate_block cctxt net block = call_service0 cctxt Services.validate_block (net, block) let inject_block cctxt ?(wait = true) ?force block = call_service0 cctxt Services.inject_block (block, wait, force) let inject_operation cctxt ?(wait = true) ?force operation = call_service0 cctxt Services.inject_operation (operation, wait, force) let inject_protocol cctxt ?(wait = true) ?force protocol = call_service0 cctxt Services.inject_protocol (protocol, wait, force) let bootstrapped cctxt = call_streamed_service0 cctxt Services.bootstrapped () let complete cctxt ?block prefix = match block with | None -> call_service1 cctxt Services.complete prefix () | Some block -> call_service2 cctxt Services.Blocks.complete block prefix () let describe cctxt ?recurse path = let meth, prefix, arg = RPC.forge_request Services.describe () recurse in get_json cctxt meth (prefix @ path) arg >>= parse_answer cctxt Services.describe prefix module Blocks = struct type block = Services.Blocks.block type block_info = Services.Blocks.block_info = { hash: Block_hash.t ; predecessor: Block_hash.t ; fitness: MBytes.t list ; timestamp: Time.t ; protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ; operations: Operation_hash.t list option ; data: MBytes.t option ; net: Updater.Net_id.t ; test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ; test_network: (Updater.Net_id.t * Time.t) option ; } type preapply_param = Services.Blocks.preapply_param = { operations: Operation_hash.t list ; sort: bool ; timestamp: Time.t option ; } type preapply_result = Services.Blocks.preapply_result = { operations: error Updater.preapply_result ; fitness: MBytes.t list ; timestamp: Time.t ; } let net cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.net h () let predecessor cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.predecessor h () let predecessors cctxt h l = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.predecessors h l let hash cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.hash h () let timestamp cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.timestamp h () let fitness cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.fitness h () let operations cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.operations h () let protocol cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.protocol h () let test_protocol cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.test_protocol h () let test_network cctxt h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.test_network h () let preapply cctxt h ?timestamp ?(sort = false) operations = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.preapply h { operations ; sort ; timestamp } let pending_operations cctxt block = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.pending_operations block () let info cctxt ?(operations = true) ?(data = true) h = call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.info h (operations, data) let complete cctxt block prefix = call_service2 cctxt Services.Blocks.complete block prefix () let list cctxt ?(operations = false) ?(data = false) ?length ?heads ?delay ?min_date ?min_heads () = call_service0 cctxt Services.Blocks.list { operations ; data ; length ; heads ; monitor = Some false ; delay ; min_date ; min_heads } let monitor cctxt ?(operations = false) ?(data = false) ?length ?heads ?delay ?min_date ?min_heads () = call_streamed_service0 cctxt Services.Blocks.list { operations ; data ; length ; heads ; monitor = Some true ; delay ; min_date ; min_heads } end module Operations = struct let monitor cctxt ?contents () = call_streamed_service0 cctxt Services.Operations.list { monitor = Some true ; contents } end module Protocols = struct let bytes cctxt hash = call_service1 cctxt Services.Protocols.bytes hash () let list cctxt ?contents () = call_service0 cctxt Services.Protocols.list { contents; monitor = Some false } end module Network = struct let stat cctxt = call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.stat () let connections cctxt = call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.Connection.list () let peers cctxt = call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.Peer_id.list [] let points cctxt = call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.Point.list [] end