(** Driver for the Reason LIGO parser *) let extension = ".religo" let options = EvalOpt.read "ReasonLIGO" extension open Printf (** Error printing and exception tracing *) let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true (** Extracting the input file *) let file = match options#input with None | Some "-" -> false | Some _ -> true (** {1 Error printing and exception tracing} *) let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true let external_ text = Utils.highlight (sprintf "External error: %s" text); exit 1;; (** {1 Preprocessing the input source and opening the input channels} *) (** Path for CPP inclusions (#include) *) let lib_path = match options#libs with [] -> "" | libs -> let mk_I dir path = sprintf " -I %s%s" dir path in List.fold_right mk_I libs "" let prefix = match options#input with None | Some "-" -> "temp" | Some file -> Filename.(file |> basename |> remove_extension) let suffix = ".pp" ^ extension let pp_input = if Utils.String.Set.mem "cpp" options#verbose then prefix ^ suffix else let pp_input, pp_out = Filename.open_temp_file prefix suffix in close_out pp_out; pp_input let cpp_cmd = match options#input with None | Some "-" -> sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s - > %s" lib_path pp_input | Some file -> sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s %s > %s" lib_path file pp_input let () = if Utils.String.Set.mem "cpp" options#verbose then eprintf "%s\n%!" cpp_cmd; if Sys.command cpp_cmd <> 0 then external_ (sprintf "the command \"%s\" failed." cpp_cmd) (** {1 Instanciating the lexer} *) module Lexer = Lexer.Make (LexToken) module Log = LexerLog.Make (Lexer) module ParserFront = ParserAPI.Make (Lexer) (Parser) (ParErr) let lexer_inst = Lexer.open_token_stream (Some pp_input) let Lexer.{read; buffer; get_win; get_pos; get_last; close} = lexer_inst and cout = stdout let log = Log.output_token ~offsets:options#offsets options#mode options#cmd cout and close_all () = close (); close_out cout (** {1 Tokeniser} *) let tokeniser = read ~log (** {1 Main} *) let () = try let ast = if options#mono then ParserFront.mono_contract tokeniser buffer else ParserFront.incr_contract lexer_inst in if Utils.String.Set.mem "ast" options#verbose then let buffer = Buffer.create 131 in let state = ParserLog.mk_state ~offsets:options#offsets ~mode:options#mode ~buffer in begin ParserLog.pp_ast state ast; Buffer.output_buffer stdout buffer end else if Utils.String.Set.mem "ast-tokens" options#verbose then let buffer = Buffer.create 131 in let state = ParserLog.mk_state ~offsets:options#offsets ~mode:options#mode ~buffer in begin ParserLog.print_tokens state ast; Buffer.output_buffer stdout buffer end with (* Lexing errors *) Lexer.Error err -> close_all (); let msg = Lexer.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets options#mode err ~file in prerr_string msg (* Incremental API of Menhir *) | ParserFront.Point point -> let () = close_all () in let error = ParserFront.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets options#mode point in eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error (* Monolithic API of Menhir *) | Parser.Error -> let () = close_all () in let invalid, valid_opt = match get_win () with Lexer.Nil -> assert false (* Safe: There is always at least EOF. *) | Lexer.One invalid -> invalid, None | Lexer.Two (invalid, valid) -> invalid, Some valid in let point = "", valid_opt, invalid in let error = ParserFront.format_error ~offsets:options#offsets options#mode point in eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" error (* I/O errors *) | Sys_error msg -> Utils.highlight msg