(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Client_embedded_proto_alpha open Tezos_context module Helpers = Proto_alpha_helpers module Assert = Helpers.Assert let test_double_endorsement contract block = (* Double endorsement for the same level *) Helpers.Mining.mine contract block >>=? fun b1 -> (* branch root *) Helpers.Mining.mine contract (`Hash b1) >>=? fun b2 -> (* changing branch *) Helpers.Mining.mine contract (`Hash b1) >>=? fun b2' -> (* branch root *) Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~force:true contract (`Hash b2) >>=? fun ops -> Helpers.Mining.mine ~operations:[ ops ] contract (`Hash b2) >>=? fun _b3 -> Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~force:true contract (`Hash b2') >>=? fun ops -> Helpers.Mining.mine ~operations:[ ops ] contract (`Hash b2') >>=? fun b3' -> Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~force:true contract (`Hash b3') >>=? fun ops -> Helpers.Mining.mine ~operations:[ ops ] contract (`Hash b3') >>=? fun b4' -> (* TODO: Inject double endorsement op ! *) Helpers.Mining.mine contract (`Hash b4') (* FIXME: Mining.Invalid_signature is unclassified *) let test_invalid_signature block = let public_key = Environment.Ed25519.Public_key.of_b58check_exn "edpkv8EUUH68jmo3f7Um5PezmfGrRF24gnfLpH3sVNwJnV5bVCxL2n" in let secret_key = Environment.Ed25519.Secret_key.of_b58check_exn "edskRuR1azSfboG86YPTyxrQgosh5zChf5bVDmptqLTb5EuXAm9rsn\ DYfTKhq7rDQujdn5WWzwUMeV3agaZ6J2vPQT58jJAJPi" in let account = Helpers.Account.create ~keys:(secret_key, public_key) "WRONG SIGNATURE" in Helpers.Mining.mine account block >>= fun res -> Assert.generic_economic_error ~msg:__LOC__ res ; return () let contain_tzerror ?(msg="") ~f t = t >>= function | Ok _ -> failwith "%s: Expected error found success" msg | Error error when not (List.exists f error) -> failwith "@[<v 2>Unexpected error@ %a@]" pp_print_error error | _ -> return () let test_wrong_delegate contract block = contain_tzerror ~msg:__LOC__ ~f:begin Assert.ecoproto_error (function | Mining.Wrong_delegate _ -> true | _ -> false) end (Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:1 ~force:true contract block >>=? fun _ -> Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:2 ~force:true contract block >>=? fun _ -> Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:3 ~force:true contract block >>=? fun _ -> Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:4 ~force:true contract block >>=? fun _ -> Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:5 ~force:true contract block) let test_invalid_endorsement_slot contract block = Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:~-1 ~force:true contract block >>= fun res -> Assert.invalid_endorsement_slot ~msg:__LOC__ res ; Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:16 ~force:true contract block >>= fun res -> Assert.invalid_endorsement_slot ~msg:__LOC__ res ; return () let test_endorsement_rewards block ({ Helpers.Account.b1 ; _ } as baccounts) = let get_endorser_except_b1 accounts = let account, cpt = ref accounts.(0), ref 0 in while !account = b1 do incr cpt ; account := accounts.(!cpt) done ; return (!account, !cpt) in let bond = Tez.to_cents Constants.endorsement_bond_cost in (* Endorsement Rights *) (* #1 endorse & inject in a block *) Helpers.Endorse.endorsers_list block baccounts >>=? fun accounts -> get_endorser_except_b1 accounts >>=? fun (account0, slot0) -> Helpers.Account.balance account0 >>=? fun balance0 -> Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:slot0 ~force:true account0 block >>=? fun ops -> Helpers.Mining.mine ~operations:[ ops ] b1 block >>=? fun head0 -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ account0 (Int64.sub (Tez.to_cents balance0) bond) >>=? fun () -> (* #2 endorse & inject in a block *) let block0 = `Hash head0 in Helpers.Endorse.endorsers_list block0 baccounts >>=? fun accounts -> get_endorser_except_b1 accounts >>=? fun (account1, slot1) -> Helpers.Account.balance account1 >>=? fun balance1 -> Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:slot1 ~force:true account1 block0 >>=? fun ops -> Helpers.Mining.mine ~operations:[ ops ] b1 block0 >>=? fun head1 -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ account1 (Int64.sub (Tez.to_cents balance1) bond) >>=? fun () -> (* #3 endorse but the operation is not included in a block, so no reward *) let block1 = `Hash head1 in Helpers.Endorse.endorsers_list block1 baccounts >>=? fun accounts -> get_endorser_except_b1 accounts >>=? fun (account2, slot2) -> Helpers.Account.balance account2 >>=? fun balance2 -> Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:slot2 ~force:true account2 block1 >>=? fun _ops -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ account2 (Int64.sub (Tez.to_cents balance2) bond) >>=? fun () -> Helpers.Mining.mine b1 (`Hash head1) >>=? fun head2 -> Helpers.Mining.mine b1 (`Hash head2) >>=? fun head3 -> (* Check rewards after one cycle for account0 *) Helpers.Mining.endorsement_reward b1 block0 >>=? fun rw0 -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ account0 (Int64.add (Tez.to_cents balance0) rw0) >>=? fun () -> (* Check rewards after one cycle for account1 *) Helpers.Mining.endorsement_reward b1 block1 >>=? fun rw1 -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ account1 (Int64.add (Tez.to_cents balance1) rw1) >>=? fun () -> (* Check no rewards after one cycle for account2 *) Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ account2 (Tez.to_cents balance2) >>=? fun () -> (* #2 endorse and check reward only on the good chain *) Helpers.Mining.mine b1 (`Hash head3) >>=? fun head -> Helpers.Mining.mine b1 (`Hash head3) >>=? fun fork -> (* working on head *) Helpers.Endorse.endorsers_list (`Hash head) baccounts >>=? fun accounts -> get_endorser_except_b1 accounts >>=? fun (account3, slot3) -> Helpers.Account.balance account3 >>=? fun balance3 -> Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:slot3 ~force:true account3 (`Hash head) >>=? fun ops -> Helpers.Mining.mine ~operations:[ ops ] b1 (`Hash head) >>=? fun new_head -> (* working on fork *) Helpers.Endorse.endorsers_list (`Hash fork) baccounts >>=? fun accounts -> get_endorser_except_b1 accounts >>=? fun (account4, slot4) -> Helpers.Account.balance account4 >>=? fun _balance4 -> Helpers.Endorse.endorse ~slot:slot4 ~force:true account4 (`Hash fork) >>=? fun ops -> Helpers.Mining.mine ~operations:[ ops ] b1 (`Hash fork) >>=? fun _new_fork -> Helpers.Account.balance account4 >>=? fun balance4 -> Helpers.Mining.mine b1 (`Hash new_head) >>=? fun head -> Helpers.Mining.mine b1 (`Hash head) >>=? fun head -> (* Check rewards after one cycle *) Helpers.Mining.endorsement_reward b1 (`Hash new_head) >>=? fun reward -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ account3 (Int64.add (Tez.to_cents balance3) reward) >>=? fun () -> (* Check no reward for the fork *) begin if account3 = account4 then return () (* if account4 is different from account3, we need to check that there is no reward for him since the endorsement was in the fork branch *) else Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ account4 (Tez.to_cents balance4) end >>=? fun () -> return head let test_endorsement_rights contract block = Helpers.Endorse.endorsement_rights contract block >>|? fun possibilities -> possibilities <> [] let run head (({ b1 ; b2 ; b3 ; b4 ; b5 } : Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts) as baccounts) = let default_account = Helpers.Account.create "default_account" in test_endorsement_rights default_account head >>=? fun has_right_to_endorse -> Assert.equal_bool ~msg:__LOC__ has_right_to_endorse false ; test_endorsement_rights b1 head >>=? fun has_right_to_endorse -> Assert.equal_bool ~msg:__LOC__ has_right_to_endorse true ; test_endorsement_rights b1 head >>=? fun has_right_to_endorse -> Assert.equal_bool ~msg:__LOC__ has_right_to_endorse true ; Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ b1 2_000_000_00L >>=? fun () -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ b2 2_000_000_00L >>=? fun () -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ b3 2_000_000_00L >>=? fun () -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ b4 2_000_000_00L >>=? fun () -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ b5 2_000_000_00L >>=? fun () -> (* Check Rewards *) test_endorsement_rewards head baccounts >>=? fun head -> (* Endorse with a contract with wrong delegate: - contract with no endorsement rights - contract which signs at every available slots *) test_wrong_delegate default_account (`Hash head) >>=? fun () -> test_wrong_delegate b5 (`Hash head) >>=? fun () -> (* Endorse with a wrong slot : -1 and max (16) *) test_invalid_endorsement_slot b3 (`Hash head) >>=? fun () -> (* FIXME: Mining.Invalid_signature is still unclassified *) test_invalid_signature (`Hash head) >>=? fun _ -> (* FIXME: cannot inject double endorsement operation yet, but the code is still here Double endorsement *) test_double_endorsement b5 (`Hash head) >>=? fun new_head -> return new_head let main () = Helpers.init () >>=? fun (_node_pid, hash) -> run (`Hash hash) Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts >>=? fun _blkh -> return () let tests = [ "main", (fun _ -> main ()) ; ] let () = Test.run "endorsement." tests