--- id: tezos-specific title: Tezos Domain-Specific Operations --- LIGO is a language for writing Tezos smart contracts. It would be a little odd if it didn't have any Tezos specific functions. This page will tell you about them. ## Pack and Unpack Michelson provides the `PACK` and `UNPACK` instructions for data serialization. `PACK` converts Michelson data structures to a binary format, and `UNPACK` reverses it. This functionality can be accessed from within LIGO. > ⚠️ An `UNPACK` isn't *quite* an `eval`, but it should be kept in mind that if you're deserializing untrusted input certain types could be problematic. If you deserialize an `operation` from an untrusted source and then execute it, [you are running eval on user input](https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201206/eval_really_is_dangerous.html). ```pascaligo function id_string (const p : string) : option(string) is block { const packed : bytes = bytes_pack(p) ; } with (bytes_unpack(packed): option(string)) ``` ```cameligo let id_string (p: string) : string option = let packed: bytes = Bytes.pack p in ((Bytes.unpack packed): string option) ``` ```reasonligo let id_string = (p: string) : option(string) => { let packed : bytes = Bytes.pack(p); ((Bytes.unpack(packed)): option(string)); }; ``` ## Hashing Keys It's often desirable to hash a public key. In Michelson, certain data structures such as maps will not allow the use of the `key` type. Even if this weren't the case hashes are much smaller than keys, and storage on blockchains comes at a cost premium. You can hash keys with the `key_hash` type and associated built in function. ```pascaligo function check_hash_key (const kh1 : key_hash; const k2 : key) : bool * key_hash is block { var ret : bool := False ; var kh2 : key_hash := crypto_hash_key(k2) ; if kh1 = kh2 then ret := True else skip; } with (ret, kh2) ``` ```cameligo let check_hash_key (kh1, k2: key_hash * key) : bool * key_hash = let kh2 : key_hash = Crypto.hash_key k2 in if kh1 = kh2 then (true, kh2) else (false, kh2) ``` ```reasonligo let check_hash_key = (kh1_k2: (key_hash, key)) : (bool, key_hash) => { let kh1, k2 = kh1_k2; let kh2 : key_hash = Crypto.hash_key(k2); if (kh1 == kh2) { (true, kh2); } else { (false, kh2); } }; ``` ## Checking Signatures Sometimes a contract will want to check that a message has been signed by a particular key. For example, a point-of-sale system might want a customer to sign a transaction so it can be processed asynchronously. You can do this in LIGO using the `key` and `signature` types. > ⚠️ There is no way to *generate* a signed message in LIGO. This is because that would require storing a private key on chain, at which point it isn't very private anymore. ```pascaligo function check_signature (const pk: key; const signed: signature; const msg: bytes) : bool is crypto_check(pk, signed, msg) ``` ```cameligo let check_signature (pk, signed, msg: key * signature * bytes) : bool = Crypto.check pk signed msg ``` ```reasonligo let check_signature = (param: (key, signature, bytes)) : bool => { let pk, signed, msg = param; Crypto.check(pk, signed, msg); }; ```