--- id: timestamps-addresses title: Timestamps, Addresses --- ## Timestamps Timestamps in LIGO, or in Michelson in general are available in smart contracts, while bakers baking the block (including the transaction in a block) are responsible for providing the given current timestamp for the contract. ### Current time You can obtain the current time using the built-in syntax specific expression, please be aware that it's up to the baker to set the current timestamp value. <!--DOCUSAURUS_CODE_TABS--> <!--Pascaligo--> ```pascaligo const today: timestamp = now; ``` <!--END_DOCUSAURUS_CODE_TABS--> ### Timestamp arithmetic In LIGO, timestamps can be added with `int`(s), this enables you to set e.g. time constraints for your smart contracts like this: #### In 24 hours <!--DOCUSAURUS_CODE_TABS--> <!--Pascaligo--> ```pascaligo const today: timestamp = now; const one_day: int = 86400; const in_24_hrs: timestamp = today + one_day; ``` <!--END_DOCUSAURUS_CODE_TABS--> #### 24 hours ago <!--DOCUSAURUS_CODE_TABS--> <!--Pascaligo--> ```pascaligo const today: timestamp = now; const one_day: int = 86400; const 24_hrs_ago: timestamp = today - one_day; ``` <!--END_DOCUSAURUS_CODE_TABS--> ### Comparing timestamps You can also compare timestamps using the same comparison operators as for numbers: <!--DOCUSAURUS_CODE_TABS--> <!--Pascaligo--> ```pascaligo const not_tommorow: bool = (now = in_24_hrs) ``` <!--END_DOCUSAURUS_CODE_TABS--> ## Addresses `address` is a LIGO datatype used for Tezos addresses (tz1, tz2, tz3, KT1, ...). Here's how you can define an address: <!--DOCUSAURUS_CODE_TABS--> <!--Pascaligo--> ```pascaligo const my_account: address = ("tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx": address); ``` <!--END_DOCUSAURUS_CODE_TABS-->