(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* Tezos Protocol Implementation - Error Monad *) (*-- Error classification ----------------------------------------------------*) type error_category = [ `Branch | `Temporary | `Permanent ] type 'err full_error_category = [ error_category | `Wrapped of 'err -> error_category ] (* HACK: forward reference from [Data_encoding_ezjsonm] *) let json_to_string = ref (fun _ -> "") let json_pp id encoding ppf x = Format.pp_print_string ppf @@ !json_to_string @@ let encoding = Data_encoding.(merge_objs (obj1 (req "id" string)) encoding) in Data_encoding.Json.construct encoding (id, x) module Make() = struct type error = .. (* the toplevel store for error kinds *) type error_kind = Error_kind : { id: string ; from_error: error -> 'err option ; category: 'err full_error_category ; encoding_case: error Data_encoding.case ; pp: Format.formatter -> 'err -> unit ; } -> error_kind type registred_errors = error_kind list let error_kinds : error_kind list ref = ref [] let error_encoding_cache = ref None let string_of_category = function | `Permanent -> "permanent" | `Temporary -> "temporary" | `Branch -> "branch" | `Wrapped _ -> "wrapped" let raw_register_error_kind category ~id:name ~title ~description ?pp encoding from_error to_error = if List.exists (fun (Error_kind { id }) -> name = id) !error_kinds then invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "register_error_kind: duplicate error name: %s" name) ; let encoding_case = let open Data_encoding in case (describe ~title ~description @@ conv (fun x -> (((), ()), x)) (fun (((),()), x) -> x) @@ merge_objs (obj2 (req "kind" (constant (string_of_category category))) (req "id" (constant name))) encoding) from_error to_error in error_encoding_cache := None ; error_kinds := Error_kind { id = name ; category ; from_error ; encoding_case ; pp = Utils.unopt ~default:(json_pp name encoding) pp } :: !error_kinds let register_wrapped_error_kind category ~id ~title ~description ?pp encoding from_error to_error = raw_register_error_kind (`Wrapped category) ~id ~title ~description ?pp encoding from_error to_error let register_error_kind category ~id ~title ~description ?pp encoding from_error to_error = raw_register_error_kind (category :> _ full_error_category) ~id ~title ~description ?pp encoding from_error to_error let error_encoding () = match !error_encoding_cache with | None -> let cases = List.map (fun (Error_kind { encoding_case }) -> encoding_case ) !error_kinds in let encoding = Data_encoding.union cases in error_encoding_cache := Some encoding ; encoding | Some encoding -> encoding let json_of_error error = Data_encoding.Json.(construct (error_encoding ())) error let error_of_json json = Data_encoding.Json.(destruct (error_encoding ())) json let classify_error error = let rec find e = function | [] -> `Temporary (* assert false (\* See "Generic error" *\) *) | Error_kind { from_error ; category } :: rest -> match from_error e with | Some x -> begin match category with | `Wrapped f -> f x | #error_category as x -> x end | None -> find e rest in find error !error_kinds let classify_errors errors = List.fold_left (fun r e -> match r, classify_error e with | `Permanent, _ | _, `Permanent -> `Permanent | `Branch, _ | _, `Branch -> `Branch | `Temporary, `Temporary -> `Temporary) `Temporary errors let pp ppf error = let rec find = function | [] -> assert false (* See "Generic error" *) | Error_kind { from_error ; pp } :: errors -> match from_error error with | None -> find errors | Some x -> pp ppf x in find !error_kinds let registred_errors () = !error_kinds (*-- Monad definition --------------------------------------------------------*) let (>>=) = Lwt.(>>=) type 'a tzresult = ('a, error list) result let result_encoding t_encoding = let open Data_encoding in let errors_encoding = describe ~title: "An erroneous result" @@ obj1 (req "error" (list (error_encoding ()))) in let t_encoding = describe ~title: "A successful result" @@ obj1 (req "result" t_encoding) in union ~tag_size:`Uint8 [ case ~tag:0 t_encoding (function Ok x -> Some x | _ -> None) (function res -> Ok res) ; case ~tag:1 errors_encoding (function Error x -> Some x | _ -> None) (fun errs -> Error errs) ] let return v = Lwt.return (Ok v) let error s = Error [ s ] let ok v = Ok v let fail s = Lwt.return (Error [ s ]) let (>>?) v f = match v with | Error _ as err -> err | Ok v -> f v let (>>=?) v f = v >>= function | Error _ as err -> Lwt.return err | Ok v -> f v let (>>|?) v f = v >>=? fun v -> Lwt.return (Ok (f v)) let (>|=) = Lwt.(>|=) let (>|?) v f = v >>? fun v -> Ok (f v) let rec map_s f l = match l with | [] -> return [] | h :: t -> f h >>=? fun rh -> map_s f t >>=? fun rt -> return (rh :: rt) let rec map_p f l = match l with | [] -> return [] | x :: l -> let tx = f x and tl = map_p f l in tx >>= fun x -> tl >>= fun l -> match x, l with | Ok x, Ok l -> Lwt.return (Ok (x :: l)) | Error exn1, Error exn2 -> Lwt.return (Error (exn1 @ exn2)) | Ok _, Error exn | Error exn, Ok _ -> Lwt.return (Error exn) let rec map2_s f l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with | [], [] -> return [] | _ :: _, [] | [], _ :: _ -> invalid_arg "Error_monad.map2_s" | h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 -> f h1 h2 >>=? fun rh -> map2_s f t1 t2 >>=? fun rt -> return (rh :: rt) let rec map2 f l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with | [], [] -> Ok [] | _ :: _, [] | [], _ :: _ -> invalid_arg "Error_monad.map2" | h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 -> f h1 h2 >>? fun rh -> map2 f t1 t2 >>? fun rt -> Ok (rh :: rt) let rec map_filter_s f l = match l with | [] -> return [] | h :: t -> f h >>=? function | None -> map_filter_s f t | Some rh -> map_filter_s f t >>=? fun rt -> return (rh :: rt) let rec iter_s f l = match l with | [] -> return () | h :: t -> f h >>=? fun () -> iter_s f t let rec iter_p f l = match l with | [] -> return () | x :: l -> let tx = f x and tl = iter_p f l in tx >>= fun tx_res -> tl >>= fun tl_res -> match tx_res, tl_res with | Ok (), Ok () -> Lwt.return (Ok ()) | Error exn1, Error exn2 -> Lwt.return (Error (exn1 @ exn2)) | Ok (), Error exn | Error exn, Ok () -> Lwt.return (Error exn) let rec fold_left_s f init l = match l with | [] -> return init | h :: t -> f init h >>=? fun acc -> fold_left_s f acc t let rec fold_right_s f l init = match l with | [] -> return init | h :: t -> fold_right_s f t init >>=? fun acc -> f h acc let record_trace err result = match result with | Ok _ as res -> res | Error errs -> Error (err :: errs) let trace err f = f >>= function | Error errs -> Lwt.return (Error (err :: errs)) | ok -> Lwt.return ok let fail_unless cond exn = if cond then return () else fail exn let unless cond f = if cond then return () else f () let pp_print_error ppf errors = Format.fprintf ppf "@[Error, dumping error stack:@,%a@]@." (Format.pp_print_list pp) (List.rev errors) type error += Unclassified of string let () = let id = "" in let category = `Temporary in let to_error msg = Unclassified msg in let from_error = function | Unclassified msg -> Some msg | error -> let msg = Obj.(extension_name @@ extension_constructor error) in Some ("Unclassified error: " ^ msg ^ ".") in let title = "Generic error" in let description = "An unclassified error" in let encoding_case = let open Data_encoding in case (describe ~title ~description @@ conv (fun x -> ((), x)) (fun ((), x) -> x) @@ (obj2 (req "kind" (constant "generic")) (req "error" string))) from_error to_error in let pp = Format.pp_print_string in error_kinds := Error_kind { id; from_error ; category; encoding_case ; pp } :: !error_kinds let protect ~on_error t = t >>= function | Ok res -> return res | Error err -> on_error err end include Make() let generic_error s = error (Unclassified s) let failwith fmt = Format.kasprintf (fun s -> fail (Unclassified s)) fmt type error += Exn of exn let error s = Error [ s ] let error_exn s = Error [ Exn s ] let trace_exn exn f = trace (Exn exn) f let record_trace_exn exn f = record_trace (Exn exn) f let protect ?on_error t = Lwt.catch t (fun exn -> fail (Exn exn)) >>= function | Ok res -> return res | Error err -> match on_error with | Some f -> f err | None -> Lwt.return (Error err) let pp_exn ppf exn = pp ppf (Exn exn) let () = register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"failure" ~title:"Generic error" ~description:"Unclassified error" ~pp:Format.pp_print_string Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "msg" string)) (function | Exn (Failure msg) -> Some msg | Exn (Unix.Unix_error (err, fn, _)) -> Some ("Unix error in " ^ fn ^ ": " ^ Unix.error_message err) | Exn exn -> Some (Printexc.to_string exn) | _ -> None) (fun msg -> Exn (Failure msg))