(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) let protocol = Protocol_hash.of_b48check "2gagsSEvTKAHRjxAamgSdBNkv39VtNCqpaDXrrH4K8R4KQAAHrhe3" let demo () = let block = Client_config.block () in Cli_entries.message "Calling the 'echo' RPC." >>= fun () -> let msg = "test" in Client_proto_rpcs.echo block msg >>= fun reply -> fail_unless (reply = msg) (Unclassified "...") >>=? fun () -> begin Cli_entries.message "Calling the 'failing' RPC." >>= fun () -> Client_proto_rpcs.failing block 3 >>= function | Error [Ecoproto_error [Error.Demo_error 3]] -> return () | _ -> failwith "..." end >>=? fun () -> Cli_entries.message "Direct call to `demo_error`." >>= fun () -> begin Error.demo_error 101010 >|= wrap_error >>= function | Error [Ecoproto_error [Error.Demo_error 101010]] -> return () | _ -> failwith "...." end >>=? fun () -> Cli_entries.answer "All good!" >>= fun () -> return () let mine () = let block = match Client_config.block () with | `Prevalidation -> `Head 0 | `Test_prevalidation -> `Test_head 0 | b -> b in Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.info block >>= fun bi -> let fitness = match bi.fitness with | [ v ; b ] -> let f = MBytes.get_int64 b 0 in MBytes.set_int64 b 0 (Int64.succ f) ; [ v ; b ] | _ -> Lwt.ignore_result (Cli_entries.message "Cannot parse fitness: %a" Fitness.pp bi.fitness); exit 2 in Client_node_rpcs.forge_block ~net:bi.net ~predecessor:bi.hash fitness [] (MBytes.create 0) >>= fun bytes -> Client_node_rpcs.inject_block ~wait:true bytes >>=? fun hash -> Cli_entries.answer "Injected %a" Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () -> return () let handle_error = function | Ok res -> Lwt.return res | Error exns -> pp_print_error Format.err_formatter exns ; Cli_entries.error "cannot continue" let commands () = let open Cli_entries in register_group "demo" "Some demo command" ; [ command ~group: "demo" ~desc: "A demo command" (fixed [ "demo" ]) (fun () -> demo () >>= handle_error) ; command ~group: "demo" ~desc: "An failing command" (fixed [ "fail" ]) (fun () -> Error.demo_error 101010 >|= wrap_error >>= handle_error ) ; command ~group: "demo" ~desc: "Mine an empty block" (fixed [ "mine" ]) (fun () -> mine () >>= handle_error) ; ] let () = Client_version.register protocol @@ commands ()