(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* Tezos Command line interface - Local Storage for Configuration *) open Lwt open Cli_entries module type Entity = sig type t val encoding : t Data_encoding.t val of_source : string -> t Lwt.t val to_source : t -> string Lwt.t val name : string end module type Alias = sig type t val load : unit -> (Lwt_io.file_name * t) list Lwt.t val find : Lwt_io.file_name -> t Lwt.t val find_opt : Lwt_io.file_name -> t option Lwt.t val rev_find : t -> Lwt_io.file_name option Lwt.t val name : t -> string Lwt.t val mem : Lwt_io.file_name -> bool Lwt.t val add : Lwt_io.file_name -> t -> unit Lwt.t val del : Lwt_io.file_name -> unit Lwt.t val save : (Lwt_io.file_name * t) list -> unit Lwt.t val to_source : t -> string Lwt.t val alias_param : ?name:string -> ?desc:string -> 'a Cli_entries.params -> (Lwt_io.file_name * t -> 'a) Cli_entries.params val fresh_alias_param : ?name:string -> ?desc:string -> 'a Cli_entries.params -> (string -> 'a) Cli_entries.params val source_param : ?name:string -> ?desc:string -> 'a Cli_entries.params -> (t -> 'a) Cli_entries.params end module Alias = functor (Entity : Entity) -> struct let encoding = let open Data_encoding in list (obj2 (req "name" string) (req "value" Entity.encoding)) let filename () = Client_config.(base_dir#get // Entity.name ^ "s") let load () = let filename = filename () in if not (Sys.file_exists filename) then return [] else Data_encoding_ezjsonm.read_file filename >>= function | None -> error "couldn't to read the %s alias file" Entity.name | Some json -> match Data_encoding.Json.destruct encoding json with | exception _ -> (* TODO print_error *) error "didn't understand the %s alias file" Entity.name | list -> return list let find_opt name = load () >>= fun list -> try return (Some (List.assoc name list)) with Not_found -> return None let find name = load () >>= fun list -> try return (List.assoc name list) with Not_found -> error "no %s alias named %s" Entity.name name let rev_find v = load () >>= fun list -> try return (Some (List.find (fun (_, v') -> v = v') list |> fst)) with Not_found -> return None let mem name = load () >>= fun list -> try ignore (List.assoc name list) ; Lwt.return true with | Not_found -> Lwt.return false let save list = catch (fun () -> let dirname = Client_config.base_dir#get in (if not (Sys.file_exists dirname) then Lwt_utils.create_dir dirname else return ()) >>= fun () -> let filename = filename () in let json = Data_encoding.Json.construct encoding list in Data_encoding_ezjsonm.write_file filename json >>= function | false -> fail (Failure "Json.write_file") | true -> return ()) (fun exn -> error "could not write the %s alias file: %s." Entity.name (Printexc.to_string exn)) let add name value = let keep = ref false in load () >>= fun list -> (if not Client_config.force#get then Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (n, v) -> if n = name && v = value then (keep := true ; message "The %s alias %s already exists with the same value." Entity.name n) else if n = name && v <> value then error "another %s is already aliased as %s, use -force true to update" Entity.name n else if n <> name && v = value then error "this %s is already aliased as %s, use -force true to insert duplicate" Entity.name n else return ()) list else return ()) >>= fun () -> let list = List.filter (fun (n, _) -> n <> name) list in let list = (name, value) :: list in if !keep then return () else save list >>= fun () -> message "New %s alias '%s' saved." Entity.name name let del name = load () >>= fun list -> let list = List.filter (fun (n, _) -> n <> name) list in save list let save list = save list >>= fun () -> message "Successful update of the %s alias file." Entity.name include Entity let alias_param ?(name = "name") ?(desc = "existing " ^ name ^ " alias") next = param ~name ~desc (fun s -> find s >>= fun v -> return (s, v)) next let fresh_alias_param ?(name = "new") ?(desc = "new " ^ name ^ " alias") next = param ~name ~desc (fun s -> load () >>= fun list -> if not Client_config.force#get then Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (n, _v) -> if n = name then error "the %s alias %s already exists, use -force true to update" Entity.name n else return ()) list >>= fun () -> return s else return s) next let source_param ?(name = "src") ?(desc = "source " ^ name) next = let desc = desc ^ "\n" ^ "can be an alias, file or literal (autodetected in this order)\n\ use 'file:path', 'text:literal' or 'alias:name' to force" in param ~name ~desc (fun s -> let read path = catch (fun () -> Lwt_io.(with_file ~mode:Input path read)) (fun exn -> Lwt.fail_with @@ Format.asprintf "cannot read file (%s)" (Printexc.to_string exn)) >>= of_source in match Utils.split ~limit:1 ':' s with | [ "alias" ; alias ]-> find alias | [ "text" ; text ] -> of_source text | [ "file" ; path ] -> read path | _ -> catch (fun () -> find s) (fun _ -> catch (fun () -> read s) (fun _ -> of_source s))) next let name d = rev_find d >>= function | None -> Entity.to_source d | Some name -> Lwt.return name end