#! /bin/sh # Update the repository of opam packages used by tezos. Tezos uses a # private, epurated, opam repository to store all its # dependencies. This is generated by the official opam repository # (branch master) and then filtered using opam admin to include only # the cone of tezos dependencies. This repository is then used to # create the based opam image used by the CI to compile tezos and to # generate the docker images. From time to time, when it is necessary # to update a dependency, this repository should mannually # refreshed. This script takes care of generating a patch for the # private opam tezos repository. This patch must be applied manually # w.r.t. the master branch. The procedure is as follows : # # 1. Update the varialbe `full_opam_repository_tag` in `version.sh` to # a commit hash from the master branch of the official # opam-repository. All the required packages will be extracted from # this snapshot fo the repo. # # 2. Run this script, it will generate a file `opam_repo.patch` # # 3. Review the patch. # # 4. In the tezos opam-repository, create a new branch from master and # apply this patch. Push the patch and create a merge request. A # new docker image with all the prebuilt dependencies will be # created by the CI. # # 5. Update the variable `opam_repository_tag` in files # `scripts/version.sh` and `.gitlab-ci.yml` with the hash of the # newly created commit in `tezos/opam-repository`. # # 6. Enjoy your new dependencies set -e target="$(pwd)"/opam_repo.patch tmp_dir=$(mktemp -dt tezos_deps_opam.XXXXXXXX) cleanup () { set +e echo Cleaning up... rm -rf "$tmp_dir" rm -rf Dockerfile } trap cleanup EXIT INT script_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && echo "$(pwd -P)/")" src_dir="$(dirname "$script_dir")" . "$script_dir"/version.sh opams=$(find "$src_dir/vendors" "$src_dir/src" -name \*.opam -print) ## Full snapshot of the opam repository git clone https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository -b master "$tmp_dir" ## Adding the various tezos packages packages= for opam in $opams; do dir=$(dirname $opam) file=$(basename $opam) package=${file%.opam} packages=$packages,$package mkdir -p "$tmp_dir"/packages/$package/$package.dev ## HACK: For some reason, `opam admin list/filter` do not follow ## `--with-test/doc` for 'toplevel' package, only for their ## 'dependencies. We want the exact opposite (like for `opam ## install`), so we manually remove the tag the most ## ugliest-possible way... sed -e "s/{ *with-test *}//" \ -e "s/with-test \& //" \ -e "s/\& with-test//" \ -e "s/{ *with-doc *}//" \ -e "s/with-doc \& //" \ -e "s/\& with-doc//" \ $opam > "$tmp_dir"/packages/$package/$package.dev/opam done ## Filtering unrequired packages cd $tmp_dir git reset --hard "$full_opam_repository_tag" opam admin filter --yes \ --resolve $packages,ocaml,ocaml-base-compiler,odoc,opam-depext ## Adding useful compiler variants for variant in afl flambda fp fp+flambda ; do git checkout packages/ocaml-variants/ocaml-variants.$ocaml_version+$variant done ## Removing the various tezos packages for opam in $opams; do file=$(basename $opam) package=${file%.opam} rm -r "$tmp_dir"/packages/$package done ## Adding safer hashes opam admin add-hashes sha256 sha512 ## Generating the diff! git remote add tezos $opam_repository_url git fetch tezos git reset "$opam_repository_tag" git add packages git diff HEAD -- packages > "$target" echo echo "Wrote proposed update in: $target." echo 'Please add this patch to: `https://gitlab.com/tezos/opam-repository`' echo 'And update accordingly the commit hash in: `.gitlab-ci.yml` and `scripts/version.sh`' echo