(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Tezos - Manipulation and creation of hashes *) (** {2 Predefined Hashes } ****************************************************) include S.INTERNAL_MINIMAL_HASH (** Builds a new Hash type using Blake2B. *) module Make_minimal (Name : S.Name) : S.INTERNAL_MINIMAL_HASH module Make (Register : sig val register_encoding: prefix: string -> length: int -> to_raw: ('a -> string) -> of_raw: (string -> 'a option) -> wrap: ('a -> Base58.data) -> 'a Base58.encoding end) (Name : S.PrefixedName) : S.INTERNAL_HASH (**/**) module Make_merkle_tree (R : sig val register_encoding: prefix: string -> length:int -> to_raw: ('a -> string) -> of_raw: (string -> 'a option) -> wrap: ('a -> Base58.data) -> 'a Base58.encoding end) (K : S.PrefixedName) (Contents: sig type t val to_bytes: t -> MBytes.t end) : sig include S.INTERNAL_HASH type elt = Contents.t val empty: t val compute: elt list -> t type path = | Left of path * t | Right of t * path | Op val path_encoding: path Data_encoding.t val compute_path: elt list -> int -> path val check_path: path -> elt -> t * int end module Generic_Merkle_tree (H : sig type t type elt val encoding : t Data_encoding.t val empty : t val leaf : elt -> t val node : t -> t -> t end) : sig val compute : H.elt list -> H.t type path = | Left of path * H.t | Right of H.t * path | Op val compute_path: H.elt list -> int -> path val check_path: path -> H.elt -> H.t * int end