(** This file provides an interface to the ReasonLIGO parser. *) module AST = Parser_cameligo.AST (** Open a ReasonLIGO filename given by string and convert into an abstract syntax tree. *) val parse_file : string -> AST.t Trace.result (** Convert a given string into a ReasonLIGO abstract syntax tree *) val parse_string : string -> AST.t Trace.result (** Parse a given string as a ReasonLIGO expression and return an expression AST. This is intended to be used for interactive interpreters, or other scenarios where you would want to parse a ReasonLIGO expression outside of a contract. *) val parse_expression : string -> AST.expr Trace.result (** Preprocess a given ReasonLIGO file and preprocess it. *) val preprocess : string -> Buffer.t Trace.result (** Pretty-print a given CameLIGO file (after parsing it). *) val pretty_print : string -> Buffer.t Trace.result