(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Protocol let constants_mainnet = Constants_repr.{ preserved_cycles = 5 ; blocks_per_cycle = 4096l ; blocks_per_commitment = 32l ; blocks_per_roll_snapshot = 256l ; blocks_per_voting_period = 32768l ; time_between_blocks = List.map Period_repr.of_seconds_exn [ 60L ; 40L ] ; endorsers_per_block = 32 ; hard_gas_limit_per_operation = Z.of_int 800_000 ; hard_gas_limit_per_block = Z.of_int 8_000_000 ; proof_of_work_threshold = Int64.(sub (shift_left 1L 46) 1L) ; tokens_per_roll = Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 8_000) ; michelson_maximum_type_size = 1000 ; seed_nonce_revelation_tip = begin match Tez_repr.(one /? 8L) with | Ok c -> c | Error _ -> assert false end ; origination_size = 257 ; block_security_deposit = Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 512) ; endorsement_security_deposit = Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 64) ; block_reward = Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 16) ; endorsement_reward = Tez_repr.(mul_exn one 2) ; hard_storage_limit_per_operation = Z.of_int 60_000 ; cost_per_byte = Tez_repr.of_mutez_exn 1_000L ; test_chain_duration = Int64.mul 32768L 60L ; quorum_min = 20_00l ; (* quorum is in centile of a percentage *) quorum_max = 70_00l ; min_proposal_quorum = 5_00l ; initial_endorsers = 24 ; delay_per_missing_endorsement = Period_repr.of_seconds_exn 8L ; } let constants_sandbox = Constants_repr.{ constants_mainnet with preserved_cycles = 2 ; blocks_per_cycle = 8l ; blocks_per_commitment = 4l ; blocks_per_roll_snapshot = 4l ; blocks_per_voting_period = 64l ; time_between_blocks = List.map Period_repr.of_seconds_exn [ 1L ; 0L ] ; proof_of_work_threshold = Int64.of_int (-1) ; initial_endorsers = 1 ; delay_per_missing_endorsement = Period_repr.of_seconds_exn 1L ; } let constants_test = Constants_repr.{ constants_mainnet with blocks_per_cycle = 128l ; blocks_per_commitment = 4l ; blocks_per_roll_snapshot = 32l ; blocks_per_voting_period = 256l ; time_between_blocks = List.map Period_repr.of_seconds_exn [ 1L ; 0L ] ; proof_of_work_threshold = Int64.of_int (-1) ; initial_endorsers = 1 ; delay_per_missing_endorsement = Period_repr.of_seconds_exn 1L ; } let bootstrap_accounts_strings = [ "edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav" ; "edpktzNbDAUjUk697W7gYg2CRuBQjyPxbEg8dLccYYwKSKvkPvjtV9" ; "edpkuTXkJDGcFd5nh6VvMz8phXxU3Bi7h6hqgywNFi1vZTfQNnS1RV" ; "edpkuFrRoDSEbJYgxRtLx2ps82UdaYc1WwfS9sE11yhauZt5DgCHbU" ; "edpkv8EUUH68jmo3f7Um5PezmfGrRF24gnfLpH3sVNwJnV5bVCxL2n" ; ] let boostrap_balance = Tez_repr.of_mutez_exn 4_000_000_000_000L let bootstrap_accounts = List.map (fun s -> let public_key = Signature.Public_key.of_b58check_exn s in let public_key_hash = Signature.Public_key.hash public_key in Parameters_repr.{ public_key_hash ; public_key = Some public_key ; amount = boostrap_balance ; }) bootstrap_accounts_strings (* TODO this could be generated from OCaml together with the faucet for now these are harcoded values in the tests *) let commitments = let json_result = Data_encoding.Json.from_string {json| [ [ "btz1bRL4X5BWo2Fj4EsBdUwexXqgTf75uf1qa", "23932454669343" ], [ "btz1SxjV1syBgftgKy721czKi3arVkVwYUFSv", "72954577464032" ], [ "btz1LtoNCjiW23txBTenALaf5H6NKF1L3c1gw", "217487035428348" ], [ "btz1SUd3mMhEBcWudrn8u361MVAec4WYCcFoy", "4092742372031" ], [ "btz1MvBXf4orko1tsGmzkjLbpYSgnwUjEe81r", "17590039016550" ], [ "btz1LoDZ3zsjgG3k3cqTpUMc9bsXbchu9qMXT", "26322312350555" ], [ "btz1RMfq456hFV5AeDiZcQuZhoMv2dMpb9hpP", "244951387881443" ], [ "btz1Y9roTh4A7PsMBkp8AgdVFrqUDNaBE59y1", "80065050465525" ], [ "btz1Q1N2ePwhVw5ED3aaRVek6EBzYs1GDkSVD", "3569618927693" ], [ "btz1VFFVsVMYHd5WfaDTAt92BeQYGK8Ri4eLy", "9034781424478" ] ]|json} in match json_result with | Error err -> raise (Failure err) | Ok json -> Data_encoding.Json.destruct (Data_encoding.list Commitment_repr.encoding) json let make_bootstrap_account (pkh, pk, amount) = Parameters_repr.{ public_key_hash = pkh ; public_key = Some pk ; amount } let parameters_of_constants ?(bootstrap_accounts = bootstrap_accounts) ?(bootstrap_contracts = []) ?(with_commitments = false) constants = let commitments = if with_commitments then commitments else [] in Parameters_repr.{ bootstrap_accounts ; bootstrap_contracts ; commitments ; constants ; security_deposit_ramp_up_cycles = None ; no_reward_cycles = None ; } let json_of_parameters parameters = Data_encoding.Json.construct Parameters_repr.encoding parameters