(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) (** Endorsing a block adds an extra layer of confidence to the Tezos's PoS algorithm. The block endorsing operation must be included in the following block. Each endorser possess a slot corresponding to their priority. After [preserved_cycles], a reward is given to the endorser. This reward depends on the priority of the endorsed block. *) open Proto_alpha open Alpha_context open Test_utils open Test_tez (****************************************************************) (* Utility functions *) (****************************************************************) let get_expected_reward ?(priority=0) ~nb_baking ~nb_endorsement ctxt = Context.get_constants ctxt >>=? fun Constants. { parametric = { endorsement_reward ; block_reward ; _ } ; _ } -> let open Alpha_environment in let open Tez in endorsement_reward /? Int64.(succ (of_int priority)) >>?= fun endorsement_reward -> endorsement_reward *? (Int64.of_int nb_endorsement) >>?= fun endorsement_reward -> block_reward *? (Int64.of_int nb_baking) >>?= fun baking_reward -> endorsement_reward +? baking_reward >>?= fun reward -> return reward let get_expected_deposit ctxt ~nb_baking ~nb_endorsement = Context.get_constants ctxt >>=? fun Constants. { parametric = { endorsement_security_deposit ; block_security_deposit ; _ } ; _ } -> let open Alpha_environment in let open Tez in endorsement_security_deposit *? (Int64.of_int nb_endorsement) >>?= fun endorsement_deposit -> block_security_deposit *? (Int64.of_int nb_baking) >>?= fun baking_deposit -> endorsement_deposit +? baking_deposit >>?= fun deposit -> return deposit let assert_endorser_balance_consistency ~loc ?(priority=0) ?(nb_baking=0) ~nb_endorsement ctxt pkh initial_balance = let contract = Contract.implicit_contract pkh in get_expected_reward ~priority ~nb_baking ~nb_endorsement ctxt >>=? fun reward -> get_expected_deposit ctxt ~nb_baking ~nb_endorsement >>=? fun deposit -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc ctxt contract initial_balance deposit >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Rewards ctxt contract >>=? fun reward_balance -> Assert.equal_tez ~loc reward_balance reward >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Deposit ctxt contract >>=? fun deposit_balance -> Assert.equal_tez ~loc deposit_balance deposit (****************************************************************) (* Tests *) (****************************************************************) (** Apply a single endorsement from the slot 0 endorser *) let simple_endorsement () = Context.init 5 >>=? fun (b, _) -> Context.get_endorser (B b) >>=? fun (delegate, slots) -> Op.endorsement ~delegate (B b) () >>=? fun op -> Context.Contract.balance (B b) (Contract.implicit_contract delegate) >>=? fun initial_balance -> Block.bake ~policy:(Excluding [delegate]) ~operations:[Operation.pack op] b >>=? fun b2 -> assert_endorser_balance_consistency ~loc:__LOC__ (B b2) ~nb_endorsement:(List.length slots) delegate initial_balance (** Apply a maximum number of endorsement. A endorser can be selected twice. *) let max_endorsement () = let endorsers_per_block = 16 in Context.init ~endorsers_per_block 32 >>=? fun (b, _) -> Context.get_endorsers (B b) >>=? fun endorsers -> Assert.equal_int ~loc:__LOC__ (List.length (List.concat (List.map (fun { Alpha_services.Delegate.Endorsing_rights.slots } -> slots) endorsers))) endorsers_per_block >>=? fun () -> fold_left_s (fun (delegates, ops, balances) (endorser : Alpha_services.Delegate.Endorsing_rights.t) -> let delegate = endorser.delegate in Context.Contract.balance (B b) (Contract.implicit_contract delegate) >>=? fun balance -> Op.endorsement ~delegate (B b) () >>=? fun op -> return (delegate :: delegates, Operation.pack op :: ops, (List.length endorser.slots, balance) :: balances) ) ([], [], []) endorsers >>=? fun (delegates, ops, previous_balances) -> Block.bake ~policy:(Excluding delegates) ~operations:(List.rev ops) b >>=? fun b -> (* One account can endorse more than one time per level, we must check that the bonds are summed up *) iter_s (fun (endorser_account, (nb_endorsement, previous_balance)) -> assert_endorser_balance_consistency ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) ~nb_endorsement endorser_account previous_balance ) (List.combine delegates previous_balances) (** Check that an endorser balance is consistent with a different priority *) let consistent_priority () = Context.init 32 >>=? fun (b, _) -> Block.get_next_baker ~policy:(By_priority 15) b >>=? fun (baker_account, _, _) -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_priority 15) b >>=? fun b -> (* Grab an endorser that didn't bake the previous block *) Context.get_endorsers (B b) >>=? fun endorsers -> let endorser = List.find (fun e -> e.Delegate_services.Endorsing_rights.delegate <> baker_account) endorsers in Context.Contract.balance (B b) (Contract.implicit_contract endorser.delegate) >>=? fun balance -> Op.endorsement ~delegate:endorser.delegate (B b) () >>=? fun operation -> let operation = Operation.pack operation in Block.bake ~policy:( Excluding [ endorser.delegate ] ) ~operation b >>=? fun b -> assert_endorser_balance_consistency ~loc:__LOC__ ~priority:15 (B b) ~nb_endorsement:(List.length endorser.slots) endorser.delegate balance (** Check every 32 endorser's balances are consistent with a different priority *) let consistent_priorities () = let priorities = 15 -- 31 in Context.init 64 >>=? fun (b, _) -> iter_s (fun priority -> (* Bake with a specific priority *) Block.get_next_baker ~policy:(By_priority priority) b >>=? fun (baker_account, _, _) -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_priority priority) b >>=? fun b -> (* Grab an endorser that didn't bake the previous block *) Context.get_endorsers (B b) >>=? fun endorsers -> let endorser = List.find (fun e -> e.Delegate_services.Endorsing_rights.delegate <> baker_account) endorsers in Context.Contract.balance (B b) (Contract.implicit_contract endorser.delegate) >>=? fun balance -> Op.endorsement ~delegate:endorser.delegate (B b) () >>=? fun operation -> let operation = Operation.pack operation in Block.bake ~policy:( Excluding [ endorser.delegate ] ) ~operation b >>=? fun b -> assert_endorser_balance_consistency ~loc:__LOC__ ~priority (B b) ~nb_endorsement:(List.length endorser.slots) endorser.delegate balance ) priorities (** Check that after a cycle the endorser gets his reward *) let reward_retrieval () = Context.init 5 >>=? fun (b, _) -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun Constants. { parametric = { preserved_cycles ; endorsement_reward ; _ } ; _ } -> Context.get_endorser (B b) >>=? fun (endorser, slots) -> Context.Contract.balance (B b) (Contract.implicit_contract endorser) >>=? fun balance -> Op.endorsement ~delegate:endorser (B b) () >>=? fun operation -> let operation = Operation.pack operation in Block.bake ~policy:(Excluding [ endorser ]) ~operation b >>=? fun b -> (* Bake (preserved_cycles + 1) cycles *) fold_left_s (fun b _ -> Block.bake_until_cycle_end ~policy:(Excluding [ endorser ]) b ) b (0 -- preserved_cycles) >>=? fun b -> Lwt.return Tez.(endorsement_reward *? Int64.of_int (List.length slots)) >>=? fun reward -> Assert.balance_was_credited ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) (Contract.implicit_contract endorser) balance reward (****************************************************************) (* The following test scenarios are supposed to raise errors. *) (****************************************************************) (** Wrong endorsement predecessor : apply an endorsement with an incorrect block predecessor *) let wrong_endorsement_predecessor () = Context.init 5 >>=? fun (b, _) -> Context.get_endorser (B b) >>=? fun (genesis_endorser, _slots) -> Block.bake b >>=? fun b' -> Op.endorsement ~delegate:genesis_endorser ~signing_context:(B b) (B b') () >>=? fun operation -> let operation = Operation.pack operation in Block.bake ~operation b' >>= fun res -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function | Apply.Wrong_endorsement_predecessor _ -> true | _ -> false end (** Invalid_endorsement_level : apply an endorsement with an incorrect level (i.e. the predecessor level) *) let invalid_endorsement_level () = Context.init 5 >>=? fun (b, _) -> Context.get_level (B b) >>=? fun genesis_level -> Block.bake b >>=? fun b -> Op.endorsement ~level:genesis_level (B b) () >>=? fun operation -> let operation = Operation.pack operation in Block.bake ~operation b >>= fun res -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function | Apply.Invalid_endorsement_level -> true | _ -> false end (** Duplicate endorsement : apply an endorsement that has already been done *) let duplicate_endorsement () = Context.init 5 >>=? fun (b, _) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun inc -> Op.endorsement (B b) () >>=? fun operation -> let operation = Operation.pack operation in Incremental.add_operation inc operation >>=? fun inc -> Op.endorsement (B b) () >>=? fun operation -> let operation = Operation.pack operation in Incremental.add_operation inc operation >>= fun res -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function | Apply.Duplicate_endorsement _ -> true | _ -> false end (** Apply a single endorsement from the slot 0 endorser *) let no_enough_for_deposit () = Context.init 5 ~endorsers_per_block:1 >>=? fun (b, contracts) -> Error_monad.map_s (fun c -> Context.Contract.manager (B b) c >>=? fun m -> return (m, c)) contracts >>=? fun managers -> Context.get_endorser (B b) >>=? fun (endorser,_) -> let _, contract_other_than_endorser = List.find (fun (c, _) -> not (Signature.Public_key_hash.equal c.Account.pkh endorser)) managers in let _, contract_of_endorser = List.find (fun (c, _) -> (Signature.Public_key_hash.equal c.Account.pkh endorser)) managers in Op.endorsement ~delegate:endorser (B b) () >>=? fun op_endo -> Context.Contract.balance (B b) (Contract.implicit_contract endorser) >>=? fun initial_balance -> Op.transaction (B b) contract_of_endorser contract_other_than_endorser initial_balance >>=? fun op_trans -> Block.bake ~policy:(Excluding [endorser]) ~operations:[Operation.pack op_endo; op_trans] b >>= fun res -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function | Delegate_storage.Balance_too_low_for_deposit _ -> true | _ -> false end let tests = [ Test.tztest "Simple endorsement" `Quick simple_endorsement ; Test.tztest "Maximum endorsement" `Quick max_endorsement ; Test.tztest "Consistent priority" `Quick consistent_priority ; Test.tztest "Consistent priorities" `Quick consistent_priorities ; Test.tztest "Reward retrieval" `Quick reward_retrieval ; (* Fail scenarios *) Test.tztest "Wrong endorsement predecessor" `Quick wrong_endorsement_predecessor ; Test.tztest "Invalid endorsement level" `Quick invalid_endorsement_level ; Test.tztest "Duplicate endorsement" `Quick duplicate_endorsement ; Test.tztest "Not enough for deposit" `Quick no_enough_for_deposit ; ]