(* The Transpiler is a function that takes as input the Typed AST, and outputs expressions in a language that is basically a Michelson with named variables and first-class-environments. For more info, see back-end.md: https://gitlab.com/ligolang/ligo/blob/dev/gitlab-pages/docs/contributors/big-picture/back-end.md *) open Trace open Helpers module AST = Ast_typed module Append_tree = Tree.Append open AST.Combinators open Mini_c let untranspile = Untranspiler.untranspile let temp_unwrap_loc = Location.unwrap let temp_unwrap_loc_list = List.map Location.unwrap module Errors = struct let corner_case ~loc message = let title () = "corner case" in let content () = "we don't have a good error message for this case. we are striving find ways to better report them and find the use-cases that generate them. please report this to the developers." in let data = [ ("location" , fun () -> loc) ; ("message" , fun () -> message) ; ] in error ~data title content let no_type_variable name = let title () = "type variables can't be transpiled" in let content () = Format.asprintf "%a" Var.pp name in error title content let row_loc l = ("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp l) let unsupported_pattern_matching kind location = let title () = "unsupported pattern-matching" in let content () = Format.asprintf "%s patterns aren't supported yet" kind in let data = [ row_loc location ; ] in error ~data title content let unsupported_iterator location = let title () = "unsupported iterator" in let content () = "only lambda are supported as iterators" in let data = [ row_loc location ; ] in error ~data title content let not_functional_main location = let title () = "not functional main" in let content () = "main should be a function" in let data = [ ("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp location) ; ] in error ~data title content let bad_big_map location = let title () = "bad arguments for main" in let content () = "only one big_map per program which must appear on the left hand side of a pair in the contract's storage" in let data = [ ("location" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp location) ; ] in error ~data title content let missing_entry_point name = let title () = "missing entry point" in let content () = "no entry point with the given name" in let data = [ ("name" , fun () -> name) ; ] in error ~data title content let wrong_mini_c_value expected_type actual = let title () = "illed typed intermediary value" in let content () = "type of intermediary value doesn't match what was expected" in let data = [ ("expected_type" , fun () -> expected_type) ; ("actual" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Mini_c.PP.value actual ) ; ] in error ~data title content let bad_untranspile bad_type value = let title () = "untranspiling bad value" in let content () = Format.asprintf "can not untranspile %s" bad_type in let data = [ ("bad_type" , fun () -> bad_type) ; ("value" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Mini_c.PP.value value) ; ] in error ~data title content let unknown_untranspile unknown_type value = let title () = "untranspiling unknown value" in let content () = Format.asprintf "can not untranspile %s" unknown_type in let data = [ ("unknown_type" , fun () -> unknown_type) ; ("value" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a" Mini_c.PP.value value) ; ] in error ~data title content end open Errors let rec transpile_type (t:AST.type_expression) : type_value result = match t.type_content with | T_variable (name) -> fail @@ no_type_variable @@ name | T_constant (TC_bool) -> ok (T_base TC_bool) | T_constant (TC_int) -> ok (T_base TC_int) | T_constant (TC_nat) -> ok (T_base TC_nat) | T_constant (TC_mutez) -> ok (T_base TC_mutez) | T_constant (TC_string) -> ok (T_base TC_string) | T_constant (TC_bytes) -> ok (T_base TC_bytes) | T_constant (TC_address) -> ok (T_base TC_address) | T_constant (TC_timestamp) -> ok (T_base TC_timestamp) | T_constant (TC_unit) -> ok (T_base TC_unit) | T_constant (TC_operation) -> ok (T_base TC_operation) | T_constant (TC_signature) -> ok (T_base TC_signature) | T_constant (TC_key) -> ok (T_base TC_key) | T_constant (TC_key_hash) -> ok (T_base TC_key_hash) | T_constant (TC_chain_id) -> ok (T_base TC_chain_id) | T_constant (TC_void) -> ok (T_base TC_void) | T_operator (TC_contract x) -> let%bind x' = transpile_type x in ok (T_contract x') | T_operator (TC_map (key,value)) -> let%bind kv' = bind_map_pair transpile_type (key, value) in ok (T_map kv') | T_operator (TC_big_map (key,value)) -> let%bind kv' = bind_map_pair transpile_type (key, value) in ok (T_big_map kv') | T_operator (TC_list t) -> let%bind t' = transpile_type t in ok (T_list t') | T_operator (TC_set t) -> let%bind t' = transpile_type t in ok (T_set t') | T_operator (TC_option o) -> let%bind o' = transpile_type o in ok (T_option o') | T_operator (TC_arrow (param , result)) -> ( let%bind param' = transpile_type param in let%bind result' = transpile_type result in ok (T_function (param', result')) ) (* TODO hmm *) | T_sum m -> let node = Append_tree.of_list @@ kv_list_of_cmap m in let aux a b : type_value annotated result = let%bind a = a in let%bind b = b in ok (None, T_or (a, b)) in let%bind m' = Append_tree.fold_ne (fun (Stage_common.Types.Constructor ann, a) -> let%bind a = transpile_type a in ok (Some (String.uncapitalize_ascii ann), a)) aux node in ok @@ snd m' | T_record m -> let node = Append_tree.of_list @@ kv_list_of_lmap m in let aux a b : type_value annotated result = let%bind a = a in let%bind b = b in ok (None, T_pair (a, b)) in let%bind m' = Append_tree.fold_ne (fun (Stage_common.Types.Label ann, a) -> let%bind a = transpile_type a in ok (Some ann, a)) aux node in ok @@ snd m' | T_arrow {type1;type2} -> ( let%bind param' = transpile_type type1 in let%bind result' = transpile_type type2 in ok (T_function (param',result')) ) let record_access_to_lr : type_value -> type_value AST.label_map -> AST.label -> (type_value * [`Left | `Right]) list result = fun ty tym ind -> let tys = kv_list_of_lmap tym in let node_tv = Append_tree.of_list tys in let%bind path = let aux (i , _) = i = ind in trace_option (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "record access leaf") @@ Append_tree.exists_path aux node_tv in let lr_path = List.map (fun b -> if b then `Right else `Left) path in let%bind (_ , lst) = let aux = fun (ty , acc) cur -> let%bind (a , b) = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "record access pair") @@ Mini_c.get_t_pair ty in match cur with | `Left -> ok (a , acc @ [(a , `Left)]) | `Right -> ok (b , acc @ [(b , `Right)] ) in bind_fold_list aux (ty , []) lr_path in ok lst let rec transpile_literal : AST.literal -> value = fun l -> match l with | Literal_bool b -> D_bool b | Literal_int n -> D_int n | Literal_nat n -> D_nat n | Literal_timestamp n -> D_timestamp n | Literal_mutez n -> D_mutez n | Literal_bytes s -> D_bytes s | Literal_string s -> D_string s | Literal_address s -> D_string s | Literal_signature s -> D_string s | Literal_key s -> D_string s | Literal_key_hash s -> D_string s | Literal_chain_id s -> D_string s | Literal_operation op -> D_operation op | Literal_unit -> D_unit | Literal_void -> D_none and transpile_environment_element_type : AST.environment_element -> type_value result = fun ele -> transpile_type ele.type_value and tree_of_sum : AST.type_expression -> (AST.constructor' * AST.type_expression) Append_tree.t result = fun t -> let%bind map_tv = get_t_sum t in ok @@ Append_tree.of_list @@ kv_list_of_cmap map_tv and transpile_annotated_expression (ae:AST.expression) : expression result = let%bind tv = transpile_type ae.type_expression in let return ?(tv = tv) expr = ok @@ Combinators.Expression.make_tpl (expr, tv) in let f = transpile_annotated_expression in let info = let title () = "translating expression" in let content () = Format.asprintf "%a" Location.pp ae.location in info title content in trace info @@ match ae.expression_content with | E_let_in {let_binder; rhs; let_result; inline} -> let%bind rhs' = transpile_annotated_expression rhs in let%bind result' = transpile_annotated_expression let_result in return (E_let_in ((let_binder, rhs'.type_value), inline, rhs', result')) | E_literal l -> return @@ E_literal (transpile_literal l) | E_variable name -> ( let%bind ele = trace_option (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "name not in environment") @@ AST.Environment.get_opt name ae.environment in let%bind tv = transpile_environment_element_type ele in return ~tv @@ E_variable (name) ) | E_application {expr1;expr2} -> let%bind a = transpile_annotated_expression expr1 in let%bind b = transpile_annotated_expression expr2 in return @@ E_application (a, b) | E_constructor {constructor;element} -> ( let%bind param' = transpile_annotated_expression element in let (param'_expr , param'_tv) = Combinators.Expression.(get_content param' , get_type param') in let%bind node_tv = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "getting lr tree") @@ tree_of_sum ae.type_expression in let leaf (k, tv) : (expression' option * type_value) result = if k = constructor then ( let%bind _ = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "wrong type for constructor parameter") @@ AST.assert_type_expression_eq (tv, element.type_expression) in ok (Some (param'_expr), param'_tv) ) else ( let%bind tv = transpile_type tv in ok (None, tv) ) in let node a b : (expression' option * type_value) result = let%bind a = a in let%bind b = b in match (a, b) with | (None, a), (None, b) -> ok (None, T_or ((None, a), (None, b))) | (Some _, _), (Some _, _) -> fail @@ corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "multiple identical constructors in the same variant" | (Some v, a), (None, b) -> ok (Some (E_constant {cons_name=C_LEFT ;arguments= [Combinators.Expression.make_tpl (v, a)]}), T_or ((None, a), (None, b))) | (None, a), (Some v, b) -> ok (Some (E_constant {cons_name=C_RIGHT;arguments= [Combinators.Expression.make_tpl (v, b)]}), T_or ((None, a), (None, b))) in let%bind (ae_opt, tv) = Append_tree.fold_ne leaf node node_tv in let%bind ae = trace_option (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "inexistant constructor") ae_opt in return ~tv ae ) | E_record m -> ( let node = Append_tree.of_list @@ list_of_lmap m in let aux a b : expression result = let%bind a = a in let%bind b = b in let a_ty = Combinators.Expression.get_type a in let b_ty = Combinators.Expression.get_type b in let tv = T_pair ((None, a_ty) , (None, b_ty)) in return ~tv @@ E_constant {cons_name=C_PAIR;arguments=[a; b]} in trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "record build") @@ Append_tree.fold_ne (transpile_annotated_expression) aux node ) | E_record_accessor {expr; label} -> let%bind ty' = transpile_type (get_type_expression expr) in let%bind ty_lmap = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "not a record") @@ get_t_record (get_type_expression expr) in let%bind ty'_lmap = Stage_common.Helpers.bind_map_lmap transpile_type ty_lmap in let%bind path = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "record access") @@ record_access_to_lr ty' ty'_lmap label in let aux = fun pred (ty, lr) -> let c = match lr with | `Left -> C_CAR | `Right -> C_CDR in Combinators.Expression.make_tpl (E_constant {cons_name=c;arguments=[pred]} , ty) in let%bind record' = transpile_annotated_expression expr in let expr = List.fold_left aux record' path in ok expr | E_record_update {record; path; update} -> let%bind ty' = transpile_type (get_type_expression record) in let%bind ty_lmap = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "not a record") @@ get_t_record (get_type_expression record) in let%bind ty'_lmap = Stage_common.Helpers.bind_map_lmap transpile_type ty_lmap in let%bind path = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "record access") @@ record_access_to_lr ty' ty'_lmap path in let path = List.map snd path in let%bind update = transpile_annotated_expression update in let%bind record = transpile_annotated_expression record in return @@ E_record_update (record, path, update) | E_constant {cons_name=name; arguments=lst} -> ( let iterator_generator iterator_name = let lambda_to_iterator_body (f : AST.expression) (l : AST.lambda) = let%bind body' = transpile_annotated_expression l.result in let%bind (input , _) = AST.get_t_function f.type_expression in let%bind input' = transpile_type input in ok ((l.binder , input') , body') in let expression_to_iterator_body (f : AST.expression) = match f.expression_content with | E_lambda l -> lambda_to_iterator_body f l | E_variable v -> ( let%bind elt = trace_option (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "missing var") @@ AST.Environment.get_opt v f.environment in match elt.definition with | ED_declaration { expr = f ; free_variables = _ } -> ( match f.expression_content with | E_lambda l -> lambda_to_iterator_body f l | _ -> fail @@ unsupported_iterator f.location ) | _ -> fail @@ unsupported_iterator f.location ) | _ -> fail @@ unsupported_iterator f.location in fun (lst : AST.expression list) -> match (lst , iterator_name) with | [f ; i] , C_ITER | [f ; i] , C_MAP -> ( let%bind f' = expression_to_iterator_body f in let%bind i' = transpile_annotated_expression i in return @@ E_iterator (iterator_name , f' , i') ) | [ f ; collection ; initial ] , C_FOLD -> ( let%bind f' = expression_to_iterator_body f in let%bind initial' = transpile_annotated_expression initial in let%bind collection' = transpile_annotated_expression collection in return @@ E_fold (f' , collection' , initial') ) | _ -> fail @@ corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ (Format.asprintf "bad iterator arity: %a" Stage_common.PP.constant iterator_name) in let (iter , map , fold) = iterator_generator C_ITER, iterator_generator C_MAP, iterator_generator C_FOLD in match (name , lst) with | (C_SET_ITER , lst) -> iter lst | (C_LIST_ITER , lst) -> iter lst | (C_MAP_ITER , lst) -> iter lst | (C_LIST_MAP , lst) -> map lst | (C_MAP_MAP , lst) -> map lst | (C_LIST_FOLD , lst) -> fold lst | (C_SET_FOLD , lst) -> fold lst | (C_MAP_FOLD , lst) -> fold lst | _ -> ( let%bind lst' = bind_map_list (transpile_annotated_expression) lst in return @@ E_constant {cons_name=name;arguments=lst'} ) ) | E_lambda l -> let%bind io = AST.get_t_function ae.type_expression in transpile_lambda l io | E_list lst -> ( let%bind t = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "not a list") @@ get_t_list tv in let%bind lst' = bind_map_list (transpile_annotated_expression) lst in let aux : expression -> expression -> expression result = fun prev cur -> return @@ E_constant {cons_name=C_CONS;arguments=[cur ; prev]} in let%bind (init : expression) = return @@ E_make_empty_list t in bind_fold_right_list aux init lst' ) | E_set lst -> ( let%bind t = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "not a set") @@ get_t_set tv in let%bind lst' = bind_map_list (transpile_annotated_expression) lst in let aux : expression -> expression -> expression result = fun prev cur -> return @@ E_constant {cons_name=C_SET_ADD;arguments=[cur ; prev]} in let%bind (init : expression) = return @@ E_make_empty_set t in bind_fold_list aux init lst' ) | E_map m -> ( let%bind (src, dst) = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "not a map") @@ Mini_c.Combinators.get_t_map tv in let aux : expression result -> (AST.expression * AST.expression) -> expression result = fun prev (k, v) -> let%bind prev' = prev in let%bind (k', v') = let v' = e_a_some v ae.environment in bind_map_pair (transpile_annotated_expression) (k , v') in return @@ E_constant {cons_name=C_UPDATE;arguments=[k' ; v' ; prev']} in let init = return @@ E_make_empty_map (src, dst) in List.fold_left aux init m ) | E_big_map m -> ( let%bind (src, dst) = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "not a map") @@ Mini_c.Combinators.get_t_big_map tv in let aux : expression result -> (AST.expression * AST.expression) -> expression result = fun prev (k, v) -> let%bind prev' = prev in let%bind (k', v') = let v' = e_a_some v ae.environment in bind_map_pair (transpile_annotated_expression) (k , v') in return @@ E_constant {cons_name=C_UPDATE;arguments=[k' ; v' ; prev']} in let init = return @@ E_make_empty_big_map (src, dst) in List.fold_left aux init m ) | E_look_up dsi -> ( let%bind (ds', i') = bind_map_pair f dsi in return @@ E_constant {cons_name=C_MAP_FIND_OPT;arguments=[i' ; ds']} ) | E_loop {condition; body} -> ( let%bind expr' = transpile_annotated_expression condition in let%bind body' = transpile_annotated_expression body in return @@ E_while (expr' , body') ) | E_matching {matchee=expr; cases=m} -> ( let%bind expr' = transpile_annotated_expression expr in match m with | Match_bool {match_true ; match_false} -> let%bind (t , f) = bind_map_pair (transpile_annotated_expression) (match_true, match_false) in return @@ E_if_bool (expr', t, f) | Match_option { match_none; match_some = (name, s, tv) } -> let%bind n = transpile_annotated_expression match_none in let%bind (tv' , s') = let%bind tv' = transpile_type tv in let%bind s' = transpile_annotated_expression s in ok (tv' , s') in return @@ E_if_none (expr' , n , ((name , tv') , s')) | Match_list { match_nil ; match_cons = ((hd_name) , (tl_name), match_cons, ty) ; } -> ( let%bind nil = transpile_annotated_expression match_nil in let%bind cons = let%bind ty' = transpile_type ty in let%bind match_cons' = transpile_annotated_expression match_cons in ok (((hd_name , ty') , (tl_name , ty')) , match_cons') in return @@ E_if_cons (expr' , nil , cons) ) | Match_variant (lst , variant) -> ( let%bind tree = trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "getting lr tree") @@ tree_of_sum variant in let%bind tree' = match tree with | Empty -> fail (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "match empty variant") | Full x -> ok x in let%bind tree'' = let rec aux t = match (t : _ Append_tree.t') with | Leaf (name , tv) -> let%bind tv' = transpile_type tv in ok (`Leaf name , tv') | Node {a ; b} -> let%bind a' = aux a in let%bind b' = aux b in let tv' = Mini_c.t_union (None, snd a') (None, snd b') in ok (`Node (a' , b') , tv') in aux tree' in let rec aux top t = match t with | ((`Leaf constructor_name) , tv) -> ( let%bind ((_ , name) , body) = trace_option (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "missing match clause") @@ List.find_opt (fun ((constructor_name' , _) , _) -> constructor_name' = constructor_name) lst in let%bind body' = transpile_annotated_expression body in return @@ E_let_in ((name , tv) , false , top , body') ) | ((`Node (a , b)) , tv) -> let%bind a' = let%bind a_ty = get_t_left tv in let left_var = Var.fresh ~name:"left" () in let%bind e = aux (((Expression.make (E_variable left_var) a_ty))) a in ok ((left_var , a_ty) , e) in let%bind b' = let%bind b_ty = get_t_right tv in let right_var = Var.fresh ~name:"right" () in let%bind e = aux (((Expression.make (E_variable right_var) b_ty))) b in ok ((right_var , b_ty) , e) in return @@ E_if_left (top , a' , b') in trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "building constructor") @@ aux expr' tree'' ) | AST.Match_tuple _ -> fail @@ unsupported_pattern_matching "tuple" ae.location ) and transpile_lambda l (input_type , output_type) = let { binder ; result } : AST.lambda = l in let%bind result' = transpile_annotated_expression result in let%bind input = transpile_type input_type in let%bind output = transpile_type output_type in let tv = Combinators.t_function input output in let binder = binder in let closure = E_closure { binder; body = result'} in ok @@ Combinators.Expression.make_tpl (closure , tv) let transpile_declaration env (d:AST.declaration) : toplevel_statement result = match d with | Declaration_constant (name,expression, inline, _) -> let name = name in let%bind expression = transpile_annotated_expression expression in let tv = Combinators.Expression.get_type expression in let env' = Environment.add (name, tv) env in ok @@ ((name, inline, expression), environment_wrap env env') let transpile_program (lst : AST.program) : program result = let aux (prev:(toplevel_statement list * Environment.t) result) cur = let%bind (hds, env) = prev in let%bind ((_, env') as cur') = transpile_declaration env cur in ok (hds @ [ cur' ], env'.post_environment) in let%bind (statements, _) = List.fold_left aux (ok ([], Environment.empty)) (temp_unwrap_loc_list lst) in ok statements (* check whether the storage contains a big_map, if yes, check that it appears on the left hand side of a pair *) let check_storage f ty loc : (anon_function * _) result = let rec aux (t:type_value) on_big_map = match t with | T_big_map _ -> on_big_map | T_pair (a , b) -> (aux (snd a) true) && (aux (snd b) false) | T_or (a,b) -> (aux (snd a) false) && (aux (snd b) false) | T_function (a,b) -> (aux a false) && (aux b false) | T_map (a,b) -> (aux a false) && (aux b false) | T_list a -> (aux a false) | T_set a -> (aux a false) | T_contract a -> (aux a false) | T_option a -> (aux a false) | _ -> true in match f.body.type_value with | T_pair (_, storage) -> if aux (snd storage) false then ok (f, ty) else fail @@ bad_big_map loc | _ -> ok (f, ty) let extract_constructor (v : value) (tree : _ Append_tree.t') : (string * value * AST.type_expression) result = let open Append_tree in let rec aux tv : (string * value * AST.type_expression) result= match tv with | Leaf (k, t), v -> ok (k, v, t) | Node {a}, D_left v -> aux (a, v) | Node {b}, D_right v -> aux (b, v) | _ -> fail @@ internal_assertion_failure "bad constructor path" in let%bind (s, v, t) = aux (tree, v) in ok (s, v, t) let extract_tuple (v : value) (tree : AST.type_expression Append_tree.t') : ((value * AST.type_expression) list) result = let open Append_tree in let rec aux tv : ((value * AST.type_expression) list) result = match tv with | Leaf t, v -> ok @@ [v, t] | Node {a;b}, D_pair (va, vb) -> let%bind a' = aux (a, va) in let%bind b' = aux (b, vb) in ok (a' @ b') | _ -> fail @@ internal_assertion_failure "bad tuple path" in aux (tree, v) let extract_record (v : value) (tree : _ Append_tree.t') : (_ list) result = let open Append_tree in let rec aux tv : ((string * (value * AST.type_expression)) list) result = match tv with | Leaf (s, t), v -> ok @@ [s, (v, t)] | Node {a;b}, D_pair (va, vb) -> let%bind a' = aux (a, va) in let%bind b' = aux (b, vb) in ok (a' @ b') | _ -> fail @@ internal_assertion_failure "bad record path" in aux (tree, v)