module SMap = Map.Make(String) open AST type i = parse_phase type typecheck_phase = (parse_phase type_expr * tfalse) type o = typecheck_phase type te = o type_expr list SMap.t (* Type environment *) type ve = o type_expr list SMap.t (* Value environment *) type tve = te * ve let id (ast : i ast) : o ast = {ast with eof = ast.eof} (* Utilities *) let fold_map f a l = let f (acc, l) elem = let acc', elem' = f acc elem in acc', (elem' :: l) in let last_acc, last_l = List.fold_left f (a, []) l in last_acc, List.rev last_l let reg ({value;region} : 'a reg) (f : 'a -> 'b) : 'b reg = {value = f value; region} let unreg ({value;_} : 'a reg) : 'a = value (* Typecheck *) let tc_type_decl (te, ve : tve) (td : i type_decl reg) : tve * o type_decl reg = (te, ve), (unreg td) let tc_types (tve : tve) (types : i type_decl reg list) = fold_map tc_type_decl tve types let tc_ast (tve : tve) (ast : i ast) = let {types;constants;parameter;storage;operations;lambdas;block;eof} = ast in let tve, types = tc_types tve types in let ast = {types;constants;parameter;storage;operations;lambdas;block;eof} in tve, ast let tc_ast ast = let tve, ast = tc_ast (SMap.empty, SMap.empty) ast in let _ = tve in (* Drop the final type and value environment *) ast (* open Region open Utils type new_t = < ty: int > ast and 'a ast = { types : 'a type_decl reg list; constants : 'a const_decl reg list; parameter : 'a parameter_decl reg; storage : 'a storage_decl reg; operations : 'a operations_decl reg; lambdas : 'a lambda_decl list; block : 'a block reg; eof : eof } and 'a parameter_decl = { kwd_parameter : kwd_parameter; name : 'a variable; colon : colon; param_type : 'a type_expr; terminator : semi option } and 'a storage_decl = { kwd_storage : kwd_storage; store_type : 'a type_expr; terminator : semi option } and 'a operations_decl = { kwd_operations : kwd_operations; op_type : 'a type_expr; terminator : semi option } (* Type declarations *) and 'a type_decl = { kwd_type : kwd_type; name : 'a type_name; kwd_is : kwd_is; type_expr : 'a type_expr; terminator : semi option } and 'a type_expr = Prod of 'a cartesian | Sum of ('a variant, vbar) nsepseq reg | Record of 'a record_type | TypeApp of ('a type_name * 'a type_tuple) reg | ParType of 'a type_expr par | TAlias of 'a variable and 'a cartesian = ('a type_expr, times) nsepseq reg and 'a variant = ('a constr * kwd_of * 'a cartesian) reg and 'a record_type = (kwd_record * 'a field_decls * kwd_end) reg and 'a field_decls = ('a field_decl, semi) nsepseq and 'a field_decl = ('a variable * colon * 'a type_expr) reg and 'a type_tuple = ('a type_name, comma) nsepseq par (* Function and procedure declarations *) and 'a lambda_decl = FunDecl of 'a fun_decl reg | ProcDecl of 'a proc_decl reg and 'a fun_decl = { kwd_function : kwd_function; name : 'a variable; param : 'a parameters; colon : colon; ret_type : 'a type_expr; kwd_is : kwd_is; local_decls : 'a local_decl list; block : 'a block reg; kwd_with : kwd_with; return : 'a expr; terminator : semi option } and 'a proc_decl = { kwd_procedure : kwd_procedure; name : 'a variable; param : 'a parameters; kwd_is : kwd_is; local_decls : 'a local_decl list; block : 'a block reg; terminator : semi option } and 'a parameters = ('a param_decl, semi) nsepseq par and 'a param_decl = ParamConst of 'a param_const | ParamVar of 'a param_var and 'a param_const = (kwd_const * 'a variable * colon * 'a type_expr) reg and 'a param_var = (kwd_var * 'a variable * colon * 'a type_expr) reg and 'a block = { opening : kwd_begin; instr : 'a instructions; terminator : semi option; close : kwd_end } and 'a local_decl = LocalLam of 'a lambda_decl | LocalConst of 'a const_decl reg | LocalVar of 'a var_decl reg and 'a const_decl = { kwd_const : kwd_const; name : 'a variable; colon : colon; vtype : 'a type_expr; equal : equal; init : 'a expr; terminator : semi option } and 'a var_decl = { kwd_var : kwd_var; name : 'a variable; colon : colon; vtype : 'a type_expr; ass : ass; init : 'a expr; terminator : semi option } and 'a instructions = ('a instruction, semi) nsepseq reg and 'a instruction = Single of 'a single_instr | Block of 'a block reg and 'a single_instr = Cond of 'a conditional reg | Match of 'a match_instr reg | Ass of 'a ass_instr | Loop of 'a loop | ProcCall of 'a fun_call | Null of kwd_null | Fail of (kwd_fail * 'a expr) reg and 'a conditional = { kwd_if : kwd_if; test : 'a expr; kwd_then : kwd_then; ifso : 'a instruction; kwd_else : kwd_else; ifnot : 'a instruction } and 'a match_instr = { kwd_match : kwd_match; expr : 'a expr; kwd_with : kwd_with; lead_vbar : vbar option; cases : 'a cases; kwd_end : kwd_end } and 'a cases = ('a case, vbar) nsepseq reg and 'a case = ('a pattern * arrow * 'a instruction) reg and 'a ass_instr = ('a variable * ass * 'a expr) reg and 'a loop = While of 'a while_loop | For of 'a for_loop and 'a while_loop = (kwd_while * 'a expr * 'a block reg) reg and 'a for_loop = ForInt of 'a for_int reg | ForCollect of 'a for_collect reg and 'a for_int = { kwd_for : kwd_for; ass : 'a ass_instr; down : kwd_down option; kwd_to : kwd_to; bound : 'a expr; step : (kwd_step * 'a expr) option; block : 'a block reg } and 'a for_collect = { kwd_for : kwd_for; var : 'a variable; bind_to : (arrow * 'a variable) option; kwd_in : kwd_in; expr : 'a expr; block : 'a block reg } (* Expressions *) and 'a expr = Or of ('a expr * bool_or * 'a expr) reg | And of ('a expr * bool_and * 'a expr) reg | Lt of ('a expr * lt * 'a expr) reg | Leq of ('a expr * leq * 'a expr) reg | Gt of ('a expr * gt * 'a expr) reg | Geq of ('a expr * geq * 'a expr) reg | Equal of ('a expr * equal * 'a expr) reg | Neq of ('a expr * neq * 'a expr) reg | Cat of ('a expr * cat * 'a expr) reg | Cons of ('a expr * cons * 'a expr) reg | Add of ('a expr * plus * 'a expr) reg | Sub of ('a expr * minus * 'a expr) reg | Mult of ('a expr * times * 'a expr) reg | Div of ('a expr * slash * 'a expr) reg | Mod of ('a expr * kwd_mod * 'a expr) reg | Neg of (minus * 'a expr) reg | Not of (kwd_not * 'a expr) reg | Int of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg | Var of Lexer.lexeme reg | String of Lexer.lexeme reg | Bytes of (Lexer.lexeme * MBytes.t) reg | False of c_False | True of c_True | Unit of c_Unit | Tuple of 'a tuple | List of ('a expr, comma) nsepseq brackets | EmptyList of 'a empty_list | Set of ('a expr, comma) nsepseq braces | EmptySet of 'a empty_set | NoneExpr of 'a none_expr | FunCall of 'a fun_call | ConstrApp of 'a constr_app | SomeApp of (c_Some * 'a arguments) reg | MapLookUp of 'a map_lookup reg | ParExpr of 'a expr par and 'a tuple = ('a expr, comma) nsepseq par and 'a empty_list = (lbracket * rbracket * colon * 'a type_expr) par and 'a empty_set = (lbrace * rbrace * colon * 'a type_expr) par and 'a none_expr = (c_None * colon * 'a type_expr) par and 'a fun_call = ('a fun_name * 'a arguments) reg and 'a arguments = 'a tuple and 'a constr_app = ('a constr * 'a arguments) reg and 'a map_lookup = { map_name : 'a variable; selector : dot; index : 'a expr brackets } (* Patterns *) and 'a pattern = ('a core_pattern, cons) nsepseq reg and 'a core_pattern = PVar of Lexer.lexeme reg | PWild of wild | PInt of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg | PBytes of (Lexer.lexeme * MBytes.t) reg | PString of Lexer.lexeme reg | PUnit of c_Unit | PFalse of c_False | PTrue of c_True | PNone of c_None | PSome of (c_Some * 'a core_pattern par) reg | PList of 'a list_pattern | PTuple of ('a core_pattern, comma) nsepseq par and 'a list_pattern = Sugar of ('a core_pattern, comma) sepseq brackets | Raw of ('a core_pattern * cons * 'a pattern) par *)