(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Logging.Node.Worker let (>|=) = Lwt.(>|=) let supported_versions = ["TEZOS", 0, 0] let inject_operation validator ?force bytes = let t = match Store.Operation.of_bytes bytes with | None -> failwith "Can't parse the operation" | Some operation -> Validator.get validator operation.shell.net_id >>=? fun net_validator -> let pv = Validator.prevalidator net_validator in Prevalidator.inject_operation pv ?force operation in let hash = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [bytes] in Lwt.return (hash, t) let inject_protocol state ?force:_ proto = let proto_bytes = Store.Protocol.to_bytes proto in let hash = Protocol_hash.hash_bytes [proto_bytes] in let validation = Updater.compile hash proto >>= function | false -> Lwt.fail_with (Format.asprintf "Invalid protocol %a: compilation failed" Protocol_hash.pp_short hash) | true -> State.Protocol.store state proto_bytes >>= function | Ok None -> Lwt.fail_with "Previously registred protocol" | t -> t >|? ignore |> Lwt.return in Lwt.return (hash, validation) let process_operation state validator bytes = State.Operation.store state bytes >>= function | Error _ | Ok None -> Lwt.return_unit | Ok (Some (hash, op)) -> lwt_log_info "process Operation %a (net: %a)" Operation_hash.pp_short hash Store.pp_net_id op.Store.shell.net_id >>= fun () -> Validator.get validator op.shell.net_id >>= function | Error _ -> Lwt.return_unit | Ok net_validator -> let prevalidator = Validator.prevalidator net_validator in Prevalidator.register_operation prevalidator hash ; Lwt.return_unit let process_protocol state _validator bytes = State.Protocol.store state bytes >>= function | Error _ | Ok None -> Lwt.return_unit | Ok (Some (hash, _proto)) -> (* TODO: Store only pending protocols... *) lwt_log_info "process Protocol %a" Protocol_hash.pp_short hash let process_block state validator bytes = State.Block.store state bytes >>= function | Error _ | Ok None -> Lwt.return_unit | Ok (Some (hash, block)) -> lwt_log_notice "process Block %a (net: %a)" Block_hash.pp_short hash Store.pp_net_id block.Store.shell.net_id >>= fun () -> lwt_debug "process Block %a (predecessor %a)" Block_hash.pp_short hash Block_hash.pp_short block.shell.predecessor >>= fun () -> lwt_debug "process Block %a (timestamp %a)" Block_hash.pp_short hash Time.pp_hum block.shell.timestamp >>= fun () -> Validator.notify_block validator hash block >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit let inject_block state validator ?(force = false) bytes = let hash = Block_hash.hash_bytes [bytes] in let validation = State.Block.store state bytes >>=? function | None -> failwith "Previously registred block." | Some (hash, block) -> lwt_log_notice "inject Block %a" Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () -> Lwt.return (State.Net.get state block.Store.shell.net_id) >>=? fun net -> State.Net.Blockchain.head net >>= fun head -> if force || Fitness.compare head.fitness block.shell.fitness <= 0 then Validator.get validator block.shell.net_id >>=? fun net -> Validator.fetch_block net hash >>=? fun _ -> return () else failwith "Fitness is below the current one" in Lwt.return (hash, validation) let process state validator msg = let open Messages in match msg with | Discover_blocks (net_id, blocks) -> lwt_log_info "process Discover_blocks" >>= fun () -> if not (State.Net.is_active state net_id) then Lwt.return_nil else begin match State.Net.get state net_id with | Error _ -> Lwt.return_nil | Ok net -> State.Block.prefetch state net_id blocks ; State.Net.Blockchain.find_new net blocks 50 >>= function | Ok new_block_hashes -> Lwt.return [Block_inventory (net_id, new_block_hashes)] | Error _ -> Lwt.return_nil end | Block_inventory (net_id, blocks) -> lwt_log_info "process Block_inventory" >>= fun () -> if State.Net.is_active state net_id then State.Block.prefetch state net_id blocks ; Lwt.return_nil | Get_blocks blocks -> lwt_log_info "process Get_blocks" >>= fun () -> Lwt_list.map_p (State.Block.raw_read state) blocks >>= fun blocks -> let cons_block acc = function | Some b -> Block b :: acc | None -> acc in Lwt.return (List.fold_left cons_block [] blocks) | Block block -> lwt_log_info "process Block" >>= fun () -> process_block state validator block >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return_nil | Current_operations net_id -> lwt_log_info "process Current_operations" >>= fun () -> if not (State.Net.is_active state net_id) then Lwt.return_nil else begin Validator.get validator net_id >>= function | Error _ -> Lwt.return_nil | Ok net_validator -> let pv = Validator.prevalidator net_validator in let mempool = (fst (Prevalidator.operations pv)).applied in Lwt.return [Operation_inventory (net_id, mempool)] end | Operation_inventory (net_id, ops) -> lwt_log_info "process Operation_inventory" >>= fun () -> if State.Net.is_active state net_id then State.Operation.prefetch state net_id ops ; Lwt.return_nil | Get_operations ops -> lwt_log_info "process Get_operations" >>= fun () -> Lwt_list.map_p (State.Operation.raw_read state) ops >>= fun ops -> let cons_operation acc = function | Some op -> Operation op :: acc | None -> acc in Lwt.return (List.fold_left cons_operation [] ops) | Operation content -> lwt_log_info "process Operation" >>= fun () -> process_operation state validator content >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_nil | Get_protocols protos -> lwt_log_info "process Get_protocols" >>= fun () -> Lwt_list.map_p (State.Protocol.raw_read state) protos >>= fun protos -> let cons_protocol acc = function | Some proto -> Protocol proto :: acc | None -> acc in Lwt.return (List.fold_left cons_protocol [] protos) | Protocol content -> lwt_log_info "process Protocol" >>= fun () -> process_protocol state validator content >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_nil type t = { state: State.t ; validator: Validator.worker ; global_net: State.Net.t ; global_validator: Validator.t ; inject_block: ?force:bool -> MBytes.t -> (Block_hash.t * unit tzresult Lwt.t) Lwt.t ; inject_operation: ?force:bool -> MBytes.t -> (Operation_hash.t * unit tzresult Lwt.t) Lwt.t ; inject_protocol: ?force:bool -> Store.protocol -> (Protocol_hash.t * unit tzresult Lwt.t) Lwt.t ; shutdown: unit -> unit Lwt.t ; } let request_operations net _net_id operations = (* TODO improve the lookup strategy. For now simply broadcast the request to all our neighbours. *) P2p.broadcast (Messages.(to_frame (Get_operations operations))) net let request_blocks net _net_id blocks = (* TODO improve the lookup strategy. For now simply broadcast the request to all our neighbours. *) P2p.broadcast (Messages.(to_frame (Get_blocks blocks))) net let request_protocols net protocols = (* TODO improve the lookup strategy. For now simply broadcast the request to all our neighbours. *) P2p.broadcast (Messages.(to_frame (Get_protocols protocols))) net let init_p2p net_params = match net_params with | None -> lwt_log_notice "P2P layer is disabled" >>= fun () -> Lwt.return P2p.faked_network | Some (config, limits) -> lwt_log_notice "bootstraping network..." >>= fun () -> P2p.bootstrap config limits let create ~genesis ~store_root ~context_root ?test_protocol ?patch_context net_params = lwt_debug "-> Node.create" >>= fun () -> init_p2p net_params >>= fun p2p -> lwt_log_info "reading state..." >>= fun () -> let request_operations = request_operations p2p in let request_blocks = request_blocks p2p in let request_protocols = request_protocols p2p in State.read ~request_operations ~request_blocks ~request_protocols ~store_root ~context_root ~ttl:(48 * 3600) (* 2 days *) ?patch_context () >>= fun state -> let validator = Validator.create_worker p2p state in let discoverer = Discoverer.create_worker p2p state in begin match State.Net.get state (Net genesis.Store.block) with | Ok net -> return net | Error _ -> State.Net.create state ?test_protocol genesis end >>=? fun global_net -> Validator.activate validator global_net >>= fun global_validator -> let cleanup () = Lwt.join [ Validator.shutdown validator ; Discoverer.shutdown discoverer ] >>= fun () -> State.store state in lwt_log_info "starting worker..." >>= fun () -> let worker = let handle_msg peer frame = lwt_log_info "received message" >>= fun () -> match Messages.from_frame frame with | None -> lwt_warn "can't parse message" >>= fun () -> (* FIXME 60 second ? parameter... and Log_notice *) let addr, _, _ = P2p.peer_info peer p2p in P2p.blacklist ~duration:60. addr p2p ; Lwt.return_unit | Some msg -> process state validator msg >>= fun msgs -> List.iter (fun msg -> P2p.push (peer, Messages.to_frame msg) p2p) msgs; Lwt.return_unit in let rec worker_loop () = P2p.recv p2p >>= fun (peer, msg) -> handle_msg peer msg >>= fun () -> worker_loop () in Lwt.catch worker_loop (function | Lwt_stream.Empty -> cleanup () | exn -> lwt_log_error "unexpected exception in worker\n%s" (Printexc.to_string exn) >>= fun () -> P2p.shutdown p2p >>= fun () -> cleanup ()) in let shutdown () = lwt_log_info "stopping worker..." >>= fun () -> P2p.shutdown p2p >>= fun () -> worker >>= fun () -> lwt_log_info "stopped" in lwt_debug "<- Node.create" >>= fun () -> return { state ; validator ; global_net ; global_validator ; inject_block = inject_block state validator ; inject_operation = inject_operation validator ; inject_protocol = inject_protocol state ; shutdown ; } let shutdown node = node.shutdown () module RPC = struct type block = Node_rpc_services.Blocks.block type block_info = Node_rpc_services.Blocks.block_info = { hash: Block_hash.t ; predecessor: Block_hash.t ; fitness: MBytes.t list ; timestamp: Time.t ; protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ; operations: Operation_hash.t list option ; net: Node_rpc_services.Blocks.net ; test_protocol: Protocol_hash.t option ; test_network: (Node_rpc_services.Blocks.net * Time.t) option ; } let convert (block: State.Valid_block.t) = { hash = block.hash ; predecessor = block.pred ; fitness = block.fitness ; timestamp = block.timestamp ; protocol = Some block.protocol_hash ; operations = Some block.operations ; net = block.net_id ; test_protocol = Some block.test_protocol_hash ; test_network = block.test_network ; } let convert_block hash (block: State.Block.shell_header) = { net = block.net_id ; hash = hash ; predecessor = block.predecessor ; fitness = block.fitness ; timestamp = block.timestamp ; protocol = None ; operations = Some block.operations ; test_protocol = None ; test_network = None ; } let inject_block node = node.inject_block let inject_operation node = node.inject_operation let inject_protocol node = node.inject_protocol let raw_block_info node hash = State.Valid_block.read_exn node.state hash >|= convert let prevalidation_hash = Block_hash.of_b48check "Et22nEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" let get_net node = function | `Head _ | `Prevalidation -> node.global_validator, node.global_net | `Test_head _ | `Test_prevalidation -> match Validator.test_validator node.global_validator with | None -> raise Not_found | Some v -> v let get_pred node n (v: State.Valid_block.t) = if n <= 0 then Lwt.return v else let rec loop n h = if n <= 0 then Lwt.return h else State.Block.read_pred node.state h >>= function | None -> raise Not_found | Some pred -> loop (n-1) pred in loop n v.hash >>= fun h -> State.Valid_block.read node.state h >>= function | None | Some (Error _) -> Lwt.fail Not_found (* error in the DB *) | Some (Ok b) -> Lwt.return b let block_info node (block: block) = match block with | `Genesis -> State.Net.Blockchain.genesis node.global_net >|= convert | ( `Head n | `Test_head n ) as block -> let _, net = get_net node block in State.Net.Blockchain.head net >>= get_pred node n >|= convert | `Hash h -> State.Valid_block.read_exn node.state h >|= convert | ( `Prevalidation | `Test_prevalidation ) as block -> let validator, net = get_net node block in let pv = Validator.prevalidator validator in State.Net.Blockchain.head net >>= fun head -> let ctxt = Prevalidator.context pv in let (module Proto) = Prevalidator.protocol pv in Proto.fitness ctxt >|= fun fitness -> { (convert head) with hash = prevalidation_hash ; fitness ; timestamp = Prevalidator.timestamp pv } let get_context node block = match block with | `Genesis -> State.Net.Blockchain.genesis node.global_net >>= fun { context } -> Lwt.return (Some context) | ( `Head n | `Test_head n ) as block-> let _, net = get_net node block in State.Net.Blockchain.head net >>= get_pred node n >>= fun { context } -> Lwt.return (Some context) | `Hash hash-> begin State.Valid_block.read node.state hash >|= function | None | Some (Error _) -> None | Some (Ok { context }) -> Some context end | ( `Prevalidation | `Test_prevalidation ) as block -> let validator, _net = get_net node block in let pv = Validator.prevalidator validator in Lwt.return (Some (Prevalidator.context pv)) let operations node block = match block with | `Genesis -> State.Net.Blockchain.genesis node.global_net >>= fun { operations } -> Lwt.return operations | ( `Head n | `Test_head n ) as block -> let _, net = get_net node block in State.Net.Blockchain.head net >>= get_pred node n >>= fun { operations } -> Lwt.return operations | (`Prevalidation | `Test_prevalidation) as block -> let validator, _net = get_net node block in let pv = Validator.prevalidator validator in let { Updater.applied }, _ = Prevalidator.operations pv in Lwt.return applied | `Hash hash-> State.Block.read node.state hash >|= function | None -> [] | Some { Time.data = { shell = { operations }}} -> operations let operation_content node hash = State.Operation.read node.state hash let pending_operations node block = match block with | ( `Head 0 | `Prevalidation | `Test_head 0 | `Test_prevalidation ) as block -> let validator, _net = get_net node block in let pv = Validator.prevalidator validator in Lwt.return (Prevalidator.operations pv) | ( `Head n | `Test_head n ) as block -> let _validator, net = get_net node block in State.Net.Blockchain.head net >>= get_pred node n >>= fun b -> State.Net.Mempool.for_block net b >|= fun ops -> Updater.empty_result, ops | `Genesis -> let net = node.global_net in State.Net.Blockchain.genesis net >>= fun b -> State.Net.Mempool.for_block net b >|= fun ops -> Updater.empty_result, ops | `Hash h -> begin let nets = State.Net.active node.state in Lwt_list.filter_map_p (fun net -> State.Net.Blockchain.head net >|= fun head -> if Block_hash.equal h head.hash then Some (net, head) else None) nets >>= function | [] -> Lwt.return_none | [net] -> Lwt.return (Some net) | nets -> Lwt_list.filter_p (fun (net, (head: State.Valid_block.t)) -> State.Net.Blockchain.genesis net >|= fun genesis -> not (Block_hash.equal genesis.hash head.hash)) nets >>= function | [net] -> Lwt.return (Some net) | _ -> Lwt.fail Not_found end >>= function | Some (net, _head) -> Validator.get_exn node.validator (State.Net.id net) >>= fun net_validator -> let pv = Validator.prevalidator net_validator in Lwt.return (Prevalidator.operations pv) | None -> State.Valid_block.read_exn node.state h >>= fun b -> if not (State.Net.is_active node.state b.net_id) then raise Not_found ; match State.Net.get node.state b.net_id with | Error _ -> raise Not_found | Ok net -> State.Net.Mempool.for_block net b >|= fun ops -> Updater.empty_result, ops let protocols { state } = State.Protocol.keys state let protocol_content node hash = State.Protocol.read node.state hash let preapply node block ~timestamp ~sort ops = begin match block with | `Genesis -> let net = node.global_net in State.Net.Blockchain.genesis net >>= return | ( `Head 0 | `Prevalidation | `Test_head 0 | `Test_prevalidation ) as block -> let _validator, net = get_net node block in State.Net.Blockchain.head net >>= return | `Head n | `Test_head n as block -> begin let _validator, net = get_net node block in State.Net.Blockchain.head net >>= get_pred node n >>= return end | `Hash hash -> begin State.Valid_block.read node.state hash >>= function | None -> Lwt.return (error_exn Not_found) | Some data -> Lwt.return data end end >>=? fun { hash ; context ; protocol } -> begin match protocol with | None -> failwith "Unknown protocol version" | Some protocol -> return protocol end >>=? function (module Proto) as protocol -> Prevalidator.preapply node.state context protocol hash timestamp sort ops >>=? fun (ctxt, r) -> Proto.fitness ctxt >>= fun fitness -> return (fitness, r) let context_dir node block = get_context node block >>= function | None -> Lwt.return None | Some ctxt -> Context.get_protocol ctxt >>= fun protocol_hash -> let (module Proto) = Updater.get_exn protocol_hash in let dir = RPC.map (fun () -> ctxt) Proto.rpc_services in Lwt.return (Some (RPC.map (fun _ -> ()) dir)) let heads node = State.Valid_block.known_heads node.state >|= Block_hash_map.map convert let predecessors state ignored len head = try let rec loop acc len hash = State.Valid_block.read_exn state hash >>= fun block -> let bi = convert block in if Block_hash.equal bi.predecessor hash then Lwt.return (List.rev (bi :: acc)) else begin if len = 0 || Block_hash_set.mem hash ignored then Lwt.return (List.rev acc) else loop (bi :: acc) (len-1) bi.predecessor end in loop [] len head with Not_found -> Lwt.return_nil let list node len heads = Lwt_list.fold_left_s (fun (ignored, acc) head -> predecessors node.state ignored len head >|= fun predecessors -> let ignored = List.fold_right (fun x s -> Block_hash_set.add x.hash s) predecessors ignored in ignored, predecessors :: acc ) (Block_hash_set.empty, []) heads >|= fun (_, blocks) -> List.rev blocks let block_watcher node = let stream, shutdown = State.Block.create_watcher node.state in Lwt_stream.map (fun (hash, block) -> convert_block hash block.Store.shell) stream, shutdown let valid_block_watcher node = State.Valid_block.create_watcher node.state >|= fun (stream, shutdown) -> Lwt_stream.map (fun block -> convert block) stream, shutdown let operation_watcher node = State.Operation.create_watcher node.state let protocol_watcher node = State.Protocol.create_watcher node.state let validate node net_id block = Validator.get node.validator net_id >>=? fun net_v -> Validator.fetch_block net_v block >>=? fun _ -> return () end