#! /bin/bash set -e usage="Usage: $ ./scripts/activate_protocol.sh src/proto_004_PtDPBVyN Inserts the protocol in the right files of the build system to compile it If in master activates in addition to alpha. If in mainnet activates in addition to its predecessor, here proto_003_PsddFKi3." script_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && echo "$(pwd -P)/")" cd "$script_dir"/.. if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then echo "$usage" exit 1 fi is_mainnet () { # need to check a real file because of phantom git directories if [ -f "src/proto_000_Ps9mPmXa/lib_protocol/src/TEZOS_PROTOCOL" ] then return 0; else return 1; fi } new_version=$(basename $1 | awk -F'_' '{print $2}') new_hash=$(basename $1 | awk -F'_' '{print $3}') full_hash=$(jq .hash < $1/lib_protocol/src/TEZOS_PROTOCOL) replacement=${new_version}-${new_hash} if [[ -z "${new_version}" || -z "${new_hash}" || -z "${full_hash}" ]] ; then echo "$usage" exit 1 fi # The pattern to look for, "alpha" for master or "00X-<hash>" for mainnet. # Once found it's either replaced or the line is duplicated and then replaced if is_mainnet then old_version=$( printf '%03d' $(($new_version -1)) ) old_dir=$(ls -d src/proto_${old_version}_*) old_hash=$(basename $old_dir | awk -F'_' '{print $3}') pattern=${old_version}-${old_hash} else pattern="alpha" fi # if a line matches PATTERN, a new line is printed where the pattern is replaced duplicate_and_replace() { PATTERN=$1 REPLACEMENT=$2 shift 2 awk -i inplace '{ print if ($0 ~ PATTERN) { sub(PATTERN,REPLACEMENT) print }}' PATTERN=$PATTERN REPLACEMENT=$REPLACEMENT $* } # the minimum needed, although you can't bake duplicate_and_replace ${pattern} ${replacement} active_protocol_versions # activate in client to bake and use RPCs duplicate_and_replace -${pattern} -${replacement} \ src/bin_client/{dune,tezos-client.opam} read -p "Link in the Node? (no if you want to test injection) (Y/n) " ans if [[ "$ans" == "Y" || "$ans" == "y" || -z "$ans" ]]; then duplicate_and_replace -${pattern} -${replacement} \ src/bin_node/{dune,tezos-node.opam} fi read -p "User-activated update in 3 blocks? (Y/n) " ans if [[ "$ans" == "Y" || "$ans" == "y" || -z "$ans" ]]; then # clean existing lines, if any awk -i inplace ' BEGIN{found=0}{ if (!found && $0 ~ "let forced_protocol_upgrades") {found=1; print} else { if (found && $0 ~ "^]") {found=0; print } else { if (!found){print}} }}' src/lib_base/block_header.ml sed -i '/let forced_protocol_upgrades/ a \ \ 3l, Protocol_hash.of_b58check_exn '${full_hash}' ;' \ src/lib_base/block_header.ml fi