(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) let version_number = "\000" let max_operation_data_length = 16 * 1024 let max_number_of_operations = 200 let proof_of_work_nonce_size = 8 let nonce_length = 32 let roll_value = Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 10000_00L let seed_nonce_revelation_tip = Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 10_00L let origination_burn = Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 1_00L let minimal_contract_balance = Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 1_00L let mining_bond_cost = Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 1000_00L let endorsement_bond_cost = Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 1000_00L let mining_reward = Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 150_00L let endorsement_reward = Tez_repr.of_cents_exn 150_00L type constants = { cycle_length: int32 ; voting_period_length: int32 ; time_before_reward: Period_repr.t ; time_between_slots: Period_repr.t ; first_free_mining_slot: int32 ; max_signing_slot: int ; instructions_per_transaction: int ; proof_of_work_threshold: int ; } let default = { cycle_length = 2048l ; voting_period_length = 32768l ; time_before_reward = Period_repr.of_seconds_exn (* One year in seconds *) Int64.(mul 365L (mul 24L 3600L)) ; time_between_slots = Period_repr.of_seconds_exn (* One minute in seconds *) 60L ; first_free_mining_slot = 16l ; max_signing_slot = 15 ; instructions_per_transaction = 16 * 1024 ; proof_of_work_threshold = 8 ; } let opt (=) def v = if def = v then None else Some v let unopt def = function None -> def | Some v -> v let map_option f = function | None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x) let constants_encoding = (* let open Data_encoding in *) Data_encoding.conv (fun c -> let open Compare in let cycle_length = opt Int32.(=) default.cycle_length c.cycle_length and voting_period_length = opt Int32.(=) default.voting_period_length c.voting_period_length and time_before_reward = map_option Period_repr.to_seconds @@ opt Period_repr.(=) default.time_before_reward c.time_before_reward and time_between_slots = map_option Period_repr.to_seconds @@ opt Period_repr.(=) default.time_between_slots c.time_between_slots and first_free_mining_slot = opt Int32.(=) default.first_free_mining_slot c.first_free_mining_slot and max_signing_slot = opt Int.(=) default.max_signing_slot c.max_signing_slot and instructions_per_transaction = opt Int.(=) default.instructions_per_transaction c.instructions_per_transaction and proof_of_work_threshold = opt Int.(=) default.proof_of_work_threshold c.proof_of_work_threshold in ( cycle_length, voting_period_length, time_before_reward, time_between_slots, first_free_mining_slot, max_signing_slot, instructions_per_transaction, proof_of_work_threshold ) ) (fun ( cycle_length, voting_period_length, time_before_reward, time_between_slots, first_free_mining_slot, max_signing_slot, instructions_per_transaction, proof_of_work_threshold ) -> { cycle_length = unopt default.cycle_length cycle_length ; voting_period_length = unopt default.voting_period_length voting_period_length ; time_before_reward = unopt default.time_before_reward @@ map_option Period_repr.of_seconds_exn time_before_reward ; time_between_slots = unopt default.time_between_slots @@ map_option Period_repr.of_seconds_exn time_between_slots ; first_free_mining_slot = unopt default.first_free_mining_slot first_free_mining_slot ; max_signing_slot = unopt default.max_signing_slot max_signing_slot ; instructions_per_transaction = unopt default.instructions_per_transaction instructions_per_transaction ; proof_of_work_threshold = unopt default.proof_of_work_threshold proof_of_work_threshold ; } ) Data_encoding.( obj8 (opt "cycle_length" int32) (opt "voting_period_length" int32) (opt "time_before_reward" int64) (opt "time_between_slots" int64) (opt "first_free_mining_slot" int32) (opt "max_signing_slot" int31) (opt "instructions_per_transaction" int31) (opt "proof_of_work_threshold" int31) ) type error += Constant_read of exn let read = function | None -> return default | Some json -> match Data_encoding.Json.(destruct constants_encoding json) with | exception exn -> fail (Constant_read exn) | c -> return c