(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Tezos Shell - High-level API for the Gossip network and local storage (helpers). *) module type DISTRIBUTED_DB = sig type t type key type value type param val known: t -> key -> bool Lwt.t type error += Missing_data of key type error += Canceled of key type error += Timeout of key val read: t -> key -> value tzresult Lwt.t val read_opt: t -> key -> value option Lwt.t val read_exn: t -> key -> value Lwt.t val prefetch: t -> ?peer:P2p.Peer_id.t -> ?timeout:float -> key -> param -> unit val fetch: t -> ?peer:P2p.Peer_id.t -> ?timeout:float -> key -> param -> value tzresult Lwt.t val clear_or_cancel: t -> key -> unit val inject: t -> key -> value -> bool Lwt.t val watch: t -> (key * value) Lwt_stream.t * Lwt_watcher.stopper val pending: t -> key -> bool end module type DISK_TABLE = sig type store type key type value val known: store -> key -> bool Lwt.t val read: store -> key -> value tzresult Lwt.t val read_opt: store -> key -> value option Lwt.t val read_exn: store -> key -> value Lwt.t end module type MEMORY_TABLE = sig (* A subtype of Hashtbl.S *) type 'a t type key val create: int -> 'a t val find: 'a t -> key -> 'a val add: 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit val replace: 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit val remove: 'a t -> key -> unit val fold: (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b end module type SCHEDULER_EVENTS = sig type t type key val request: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t option -> key -> unit val notify: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> unit val notify_cancelation: t -> key -> unit val notify_unrequested: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> unit val notify_duplicate: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> unit val notify_invalid: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> unit end module type PRECHECK = sig type key type param type notified_value type value val precheck: key -> param -> notified_value -> value option end module Make_table (Hash : sig type t val name : string val encoding : t Data_encoding.t val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end) (Disk_table : DISK_TABLE with type key := Hash.t) (Memory_table : MEMORY_TABLE with type key := Hash.t) (Scheduler : SCHEDULER_EVENTS with type key := Hash.t) (Precheck : PRECHECK with type key := Hash.t and type value := Disk_table.value) : sig include DISTRIBUTED_DB with type key = Hash.t and type value = Disk_table.value and type param = Precheck.param val create: ?global_input:(key * value) Lwt_watcher.input -> Scheduler.t -> Disk_table.store -> t val notify: t -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key -> Precheck.notified_value -> unit Lwt.t end module type REQUEST = sig type key type param val active : param -> P2p.Peer_id.Set.t val send : param -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> key list -> unit end module Make_request_scheduler (Hash : sig type t val name : string val encoding : t Data_encoding.t val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end) (Table : MEMORY_TABLE with type key := Hash.t) (Request : REQUEST with type key := Hash.t) : sig type t val create: Request.param -> t val shutdown: t -> unit Lwt.t include SCHEDULER_EVENTS with type t := t and type key := Hash.t end