module AST = Parser_cameligo.AST module LexToken = Parser_cameligo.LexToken module Lexer = Lexer.Make(LexToken) module Scoping = Parser_cameligo.Scoping module Region = Simple_utils.Region module ParErr = Parser_cameligo.ParErr module SSet = Set.Make (String) module Pretty = Parser_cameligo.Pretty (* Mock IOs TODO: Fill them with CLI options *) module SubIO = struct type options = < libs : string list; verbose : SSet.t; offsets : bool; block : EvalOpt.block_comment option; line : EvalOpt.line_comment option; ext : string; (* ".mligo" *) mode : [`Byte | `Point]; cmd : EvalOpt.command; mono : bool; pretty : bool > let options : options = let block = EvalOpt.mk_block ~opening:"(*" ~closing:"*)" in object method libs = [] method verbose = SSet.empty method offsets = true method block = Some block method line = Some "//" method ext = ".mligo" method mode = `Point method cmd = EvalOpt.Quiet method mono = false method pretty = false end let make = EvalOpt.make ~libs:options#libs ~verbose:options#verbose ~offsets:options#offsets ?block:options#block ?line:options#line ~ext:options#ext ~mode:options#mode ~cmd:options#cmd ~mono:options#mono ~pretty:options#mono end module Parser = struct type ast = AST.t type expr = AST.expr include Parser_cameligo.Parser end module ParserLog = struct type ast = AST.t type expr = AST.expr include Parser_cameligo.ParserLog end module Unit = ParserUnit.Make (Lexer)(AST)(Parser)(ParErr)(ParserLog)(SubIO) let apply parser = let local_fail error = @@ Errors.generic @@ Unit.format_error ~offsets:SubIO.options#offsets SubIO.options#mode error in match parser () with Stdlib.Ok semantic_value -> Trace.ok semantic_value (* Lexing and parsing errors *) | Stdlib.Error error -> @@ Errors.generic error (* System errors *) | exception Sys_error msg -> @@ Errors.generic (Region.wrap_ghost msg) (* Scoping errors *) | exception Scoping.Error (Scoping.Reserved_name name) -> let token = Lexer.Token.mk_ident name.Region.value name.Region.region in (match token with Stdlib.Error LexToken.Reserved_name -> @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost "Reserved name." | Ok invalid -> local_fail ("Reserved name.\nHint: Change the name.\n", None, invalid)) | exception Scoping.Error (Scoping.Duplicate_variant name) -> let token = Lexer.Token.mk_constr name.Region.value name.Region.region in local_fail ("Duplicate constructor in this sum type declaration.\n\ Hint: Change the constructor.\n", None, token) | exception Scoping.Error (Scoping.Non_linear_pattern var) -> let token = Lexer.Token.mk_ident var.Region.value var.Region.region in (match token with Stdlib.Error LexToken.Reserved_name -> @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost "Reserved name." | Ok invalid -> local_fail ("Repeated variable in this pattern.\n\ Hint: Change the name.\n", None, invalid)) | exception Scoping.Error (Scoping.Duplicate_field name) -> let token = Lexer.Token.mk_ident name.Region.value name.Region.region in (match token with Stdlib.Error LexToken.Reserved_name -> @@ Errors.generic @@ Region.wrap_ghost "Reserved name." | Ok invalid -> local_fail ("Duplicate field name in this record declaration.\n\ Hint: Change the name.\n", None, invalid)) (* Parsing a contract in a file *) let parse_file source = apply (fun () -> Unit.contract_in_file source) (* Parsing a contract in a string *) let parse_string source = apply (fun () -> Unit.contract_in_string source) (* Parsing an expression in a string *) let parse_expression source = apply (fun () -> Unit.expr_in_string source) (* Preprocessing a contract in a file *) let preprocess source = apply (fun () -> Unit.preprocess source) (* Pretty-print a file (after parsing it). *) let pretty_print source = match parse_file source with Stdlib.Error _ as e -> e | Ok ast -> let doc = Pretty.print (fst ast) in let buffer = Buffer.create 131 in let width = match Terminal_size.get_columns () with None -> 60 | Some c -> c in let () = PPrint.ToBuffer.pretty 1.0 width buffer doc in Trace.ok buffer