(* Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for CameLIGO *) (* To disable warning about multiply-defined record labels. *) [@@@warning "-30-40-42"] (* Utilities *) open Utils (* Regions The AST carries all the regions where tokens have been found by the lexer, plus additional regions corresponding to whole subtrees (like entire expressions, patterns etc.). These regions are needed for error reporting and source-to-source transformations. To make these pervasive regions more legible, we define singleton types for the symbols, keywords etc. with suggestive names like "kwd_and" denoting the _region_ of the occurrence of the keyword "and". *) module Region = Simple_utils.Region type 'a reg = 'a Region.reg (* Keywords of OCaml *) type keyword = Region.t type kwd_and = Region.t type kwd_begin = Region.t type kwd_else = Region.t type kwd_end = Region.t type kwd_false = Region.t type kwd_fun = Region.t type kwd_rec = Region.t type kwd_if = Region.t type kwd_in = Region.t type kwd_let = Region.t type kwd_match = Region.t type kwd_mod = Region.t type kwd_not = Region.t type kwd_of = Region.t type kwd_or = Region.t type kwd_then = Region.t type kwd_true = Region.t type kwd_type = Region.t type kwd_with = Region.t type kwd_let_entry = Region.t (* Data constructors *) type c_None = Region.t type c_Some = Region.t (* Symbols *) type arrow = Region.t (* "->" *) type cons = Region.t (* "::" *) type cat = Region.t (* "^" *) type append = Region.t (* "@" *) type dot = Region.t (* "." *) (* Arithmetic operators *) type minus = Region.t (* "-" *) type plus = Region.t (* "+" *) type slash = Region.t (* "/" *) type times = Region.t (* "*" *) (* Boolean operators *) type bool_or = Region.t (* "||" *) type bool_and = Region.t (* "&&" *) (* Comparisons *) type equal = Region.t (* "=" *) type neq = Region.t (* "<>" *) type lt = Region.t (* "<" *) type gt = Region.t (* ">" *) type leq = Region.t (* "=<" *) type geq = Region.t (* ">=" *) (* Compounds *) type lpar = Region.t (* "(" *) type rpar = Region.t (* ")" *) type lbracket = Region.t (* "[" *) type rbracket = Region.t (* "]" *) type lbrace = Region.t (* "{" *) type rbrace = Region.t (* "}" *) (* Separators *) type comma = Region.t (* "," *) type semi = Region.t (* ";" *) type vbar = Region.t (* "|" *) type colon = Region.t (* ":" *) (* Wildcard *) type wild = Region.t (* "_" *) (* Virtual tokens *) type eof = Region.t (* Literals *) type variable = string reg type fun_name = string reg type type_name = string reg type field_name = string reg type type_constr = string reg type constr = string reg type attribute = string reg (* Parentheses *) type 'a par = { lpar : lpar; inside : 'a; rpar : rpar } type the_unit = lpar * rpar (* The Abstract Syntax Tree *) type t = { decl : declaration nseq; eof : eof } and ast = t and attributes = attribute list and declaration = Let of let_decl | TypeDecl of type_decl reg (* Non-recursive values *) and let_decl = (kwd_let * kwd_rec option * let_binding * attributes) reg and let_binding = { binders : pattern nseq; lhs_type : (colon * type_expr) option; eq : equal; let_rhs : expr } (* Type declarations *) and type_decl = { kwd_type : kwd_type; name : type_name; eq : equal; type_expr : type_expr } and type_expr = TProd of cartesian | TSum of (variant reg, vbar) nsepseq reg | TRecord of field_decl reg ne_injection reg | TApp of (type_constr * type_tuple) reg | TFun of (type_expr * arrow * type_expr) reg | TPar of type_expr par reg | TVar of variable | TString of Lexer.lexeme reg and cartesian = (type_expr, times) nsepseq reg and variant = { constr : constr; arg : (kwd_of * type_expr) option } and field_decl = { field_name : field_name; colon : colon; field_type : type_expr } and type_tuple = (type_expr, comma) nsepseq par reg and pattern = PConstr of constr_pattern | PUnit of the_unit reg | PFalse of kwd_false | PTrue of kwd_true | PVar of variable | PInt of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg | PNat of (Lexer.lexeme * Z.t) reg | PBytes of (Lexer.lexeme * Hex.t) reg | PString of string reg | PVerbatim of string reg | PWild of wild | PList of list_pattern | PTuple of (pattern, comma) nsepseq reg | PPar of pattern par reg | PRecord of field_pattern reg ne_injection reg | PTyped of typed_pattern reg and constr_pattern = PNone of c_None | PSomeApp of (c_Some * pattern) reg | PConstrApp of (constr * pattern option) reg and list_pattern = PListComp of pattern injection reg | PCons of (pattern * cons * pattern) reg and typed_pattern = { pattern : pattern; colon : colon; type_expr : type_expr } and field_pattern = { field_name : field_name; eq : equal; pattern : pattern } and expr = ECase of expr case reg | ECond of cond_expr reg | EAnnot of annot_expr par reg | ELogic of logic_expr | EArith of arith_expr | EString of string_expr | EList of list_expr | EConstr of constr_expr | ERecord of record reg | EProj of projection reg | EUpdate of update reg | EVar of variable | ECall of (expr * expr nseq) reg | EBytes of (string * Hex.t) reg | EUnit of the_unit reg | ETuple of (expr, comma) nsepseq reg | EPar of expr par reg | ELetIn of let_in reg | EFun of fun_expr reg | ESeq of expr injection reg | ECodeInj of code_inj reg and annot_expr = expr * colon * type_expr and 'a injection = { compound : compound; elements : ('a, semi) sepseq; terminator : semi option } and 'a ne_injection = { compound : compound; ne_elements : ('a, semi) nsepseq; terminator : semi option } and compound = BeginEnd of kwd_begin * kwd_end | Braces of lbrace * rbrace | Brackets of lbracket * rbracket and list_expr = ECons of cons bin_op reg | EListComp of expr injection reg (*| Append of (expr * append * expr) reg*) and string_expr = Cat of cat bin_op reg | String of string reg | Verbatim of string reg and constr_expr = ENone of c_None | ESomeApp of (c_Some * expr) reg | EConstrApp of (constr * expr option) reg and arith_expr = Add of plus bin_op reg | Sub of minus bin_op reg | Mult of times bin_op reg | Div of slash bin_op reg | Mod of kwd_mod bin_op reg | Neg of minus un_op reg | Int of (string * Z.t) reg | Nat of (string * Z.t) reg | Mutez of (string * Z.t) reg and logic_expr = BoolExpr of bool_expr | CompExpr of comp_expr and bool_expr = Or of kwd_or bin_op reg | And of kwd_and bin_op reg | Not of kwd_not un_op reg | True of kwd_true | False of kwd_false and 'a bin_op = { op : 'a; arg1 : expr; arg2 : expr } and 'a un_op = { op : 'a; arg : expr } and comp_expr = Lt of lt bin_op reg | Leq of leq bin_op reg | Gt of gt bin_op reg | Geq of geq bin_op reg | Equal of equal bin_op reg | Neq of neq bin_op reg and record = field_assign reg ne_injection and projection = { struct_name : variable; selector : dot; field_path : (selection, dot) nsepseq } and selection = FieldName of variable | Component of (string * Z.t) reg and field_assign = { field_name : field_name; assignment : equal; field_expr : expr } and update = { lbrace : lbrace; record : path; kwd_with : kwd_with; updates : field_path_assignment reg ne_injection reg; rbrace : rbrace } and field_path_assignment = { field_path : path; assignment : equal; field_expr : expr } and path = Name of variable | Path of projection reg and 'a case = { kwd_match : kwd_match; expr : expr; kwd_with : kwd_with; lead_vbar : vbar option; cases : ('a case_clause reg, vbar) nsepseq reg } and 'a case_clause = { pattern : pattern; arrow : arrow; rhs : 'a } and let_in = { kwd_let : kwd_let; kwd_rec : kwd_rec option; binding : let_binding; kwd_in : kwd_in; body : expr; attributes : attributes } and fun_expr = { kwd_fun : kwd_fun; binders : pattern nseq; lhs_type : (colon * type_expr) option; arrow : arrow; body : expr; } and cond_expr = { kwd_if : kwd_if; test : expr; kwd_then : kwd_then; ifso : expr; kwd_else : kwd_else; ifnot : expr } (* Code injection. Note how the field [language] wraps a region in another: the outermost region covers the header "[%" and the innermost covers the . *) and code_inj = { language : string reg reg; code : expr; rbracket : rbracket; } (* Projecting regions from some nodes of the AST *) let rec last to_region = function [] -> Region.ghost | [x] -> to_region x | _::t -> last to_region t let nsepseq_to_region to_region (hd,tl) = let reg (_, item) = to_region item in Region.cover (to_region hd) (last reg tl) let type_expr_to_region = function TProd {region; _} | TSum {region; _} | TRecord {region; _} | TApp {region; _} | TFun {region; _} | TPar {region; _} | TString {region; _} | TVar {region; _} -> region let list_pattern_to_region = function PListComp {region; _} | PCons {region; _} -> region let constr_pattern_to_region = function PNone region | PSomeApp {region;_} | PConstrApp {region;_} -> region let pattern_to_region = function | PList p -> list_pattern_to_region p | PConstr c -> constr_pattern_to_region c | PUnit {region;_} | PTrue region | PFalse region | PTuple {region;_} | PVar {region;_} | PInt {region;_} | PString {region;_} | PVerbatim {region;_} | PWild region | PPar {region;_} | PRecord {region; _} | PTyped {region; _} | PNat {region; _} | PBytes {region; _} -> region let bool_expr_to_region = function Or {region;_} | And {region;_} | True region | False region | Not {region;_} -> region let comp_expr_to_region = function Lt {region;_} | Leq {region;_} | Gt {region;_} | Geq {region;_} | Neq {region;_} | Equal {region;_} -> region let logic_expr_to_region = function BoolExpr e -> bool_expr_to_region e | CompExpr e -> comp_expr_to_region e let arith_expr_to_region = function Add {region;_} | Sub {region;_} | Mult {region;_} | Div {region;_} | Mod {region;_} | Neg {region;_} | Int {region;_} | Mutez {region; _} | Nat {region; _} -> region let string_expr_to_region = function Verbatim {region;_} | String {region;_} | Cat {region;_} -> region let list_expr_to_region = function ECons {region; _} | EListComp {region; _} (* | Append {region; _}*) -> region and constr_expr_to_region = function ENone region | EConstrApp {region; _} | ESomeApp {region; _} -> region let expr_to_region = function ELogic e -> logic_expr_to_region e | EArith e -> arith_expr_to_region e | EString e -> string_expr_to_region e | EList e -> list_expr_to_region e | EConstr e -> constr_expr_to_region e | EAnnot {region;_ } | ELetIn {region;_} | EFun {region;_} | ECond {region;_} | ETuple {region;_} | ECase {region;_} | ECall {region;_} | EVar {region; _} | EProj {region; _} | EUnit {region;_} | EPar {region;_} | EBytes {region; _} | ESeq {region; _} | ERecord {region; _} | EUpdate {region; _} | ECodeInj {region; _} -> region let declaration_to_region = function | Let {region;_} | TypeDecl {region;_} -> region let selection_to_region = function FieldName f -> f.region | Component c -> c.region let path_to_region = function Name var -> var.region | Path {region; _} -> region