(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Client_embedded_proto_alpha open Tezos_context open Client_alpha let (//) = Filename.concat let rpc_config : Client_rpcs.config = { host = "localhost" ; port = 18732 ; tls = false ; logger = Client_rpcs.null_logger ; } let dictator_sk = Environment.Ed25519.Secret_key.of_b58check_exn "edskRhxswacLW6jF6ULavDdzwqnKJVS4UcDTNiCyiH6H8ZNnn2pmNviL7\ pRNz9kRxxaWQFzEQEcZExGHKbwmuaAcoMegj5T99z" let activate_alpha () = let fitness = Fitness_repr.from_int64 0L in Client_genesis.Client_proto_main.mine rpc_config (`Head 0) (Activate Client_proto_main.protocol) fitness dictator_sk let init () = Random.self_init () ; Unix.chdir (Filename.dirname (Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name)) ; let pid = Node_helpers.fork_node ~port:rpc_config.port ~sandbox:(Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name // "sandbox.json") () in activate_alpha () >>=? fun hash -> return (pid, hash) module Account = struct type t = { alias : string ; sk : secret_key ; pk : public_key ; pkh : public_key_hash ; contract : Contract.t ; } let encoding = let open Environment.Ed25519 in let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { alias ; sk ; pk ; pkh ; contract } -> (alias, sk, pk, pkh, contract) ) (fun (alias, sk, pk, pkh, contract) -> { alias ; sk ; pk ; pkh ; contract }) (obj5 (req "alias" string) (req "sk" Secret_key.encoding) (req "pk" Public_key.encoding) (req "pkh" Public_key_hash.encoding) (req "contract" Contract.encoding)) let pp_account ppf account = let json = Data_encoding.Json.construct encoding account in Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json) let create ?keys alias = let sk, pk = match keys with | Some keys -> keys | None -> Sodium.Sign.random_keypair () in let pkh = Environment.Ed25519.Public_key.hash pk in let contract = Contract.default_contract pkh in { alias ; contract ; pkh ; pk ; sk } type destination = { alias : string ; contract : Contract.t ; pk : public_key ; pkh : public_key_hash ; } let destination_encoding = let open Environment.Ed25519 in let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { alias ; pk ; pkh ; contract } -> (alias, pk, pkh, contract)) (fun (alias, pk, pkh, contract) -> { alias ; pk ; pkh ; contract }) (obj4 (req "alias" string) (req "pk" Public_key.encoding) (req "pkh" Public_key_hash.encoding) (req "contract" Contract.encoding)) let pp_destination ppf destination = let json = Data_encoding.Json.construct destination_encoding destination in Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string json) let create_destination ~alias ~contract ~pk = let pkh = Environment.Ed25519.Public_key.hash pk in { alias ; contract ; pk ; pkh } type bootstrap_accounts = { b1 : t ; b2 : t ; b3 : t ; b4 : t ; b5 : t ; } let bootstrap_accounts = let open Environment.Ed25519 in let bootstrap1_pk = Public_key.of_b58check_exn "edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav" in let bootstrap2_pk = Public_key.of_b58check_exn "edpktzNbDAUjUk697W7gYg2CRuBQjyPxbEg8dLccYYwKSKvkPvjtV9" in let bootstrap3_pk = Public_key.of_b58check_exn "edpkuTXkJDGcFd5nh6VvMz8phXxU3Bi7h6hqgywNFi1vZTfQNnS1RV" in let bootstrap4_pk = Public_key.of_b58check_exn "edpkuFrRoDSEbJYgxRtLx2ps82UdaYc1WwfS9sE11yhauZt5DgCHbU" in let bootstrap5_pk = Public_key.of_b58check_exn "edpkv8EUUH68jmo3f7Um5PezmfGrRF24gnfLpH3sVNwJnV5bVCxL2n" in let bootstrap1_sk = Secret_key.of_b58check_exn "edskRuR1azSfboG86YPTyxrQgosh5zChf5bVDmptqLTb5EuXAm9\ rsnDYfTKhq7rDQujdn5WWzwUMeV3agaZ6J2vPQT58jJAJPi" in let bootstrap2_sk = Secret_key.of_b58check_exn "edskRkJz4Rw2rM5NtabEWMbbg2bF4b1nfFajaqEuEk4SgU7eeDby\ m9gVQtBTbYo32WUg2zb5sNBkD1whRN7zX43V9bftBbtaKc" in let bootstrap3_sk = Secret_key.of_b58check_exn "edskS3qsqsNgdjUqeMsVcEwBn8dkZ5iDRz6aF21KhcCtRiAkWByp\ USbicccR4Vgqm9UdW2Vabuos6seezqgbXTrmcbLUG4rdAC" in let bootstrap4_sk = Secret_key.of_b58check_exn "edskRg9qcPqaVQa6jXWNMU5p71tseSuR7NzozgqZ9URsVDi81wTyP\ JdFSBdeakobyHUi4Xgu61jgKRQvkhXrPmEdEUfiqfiJFL" in let bootstrap5_sk = Secret_key.of_b58check_exn "edskS7rLN2Df3nbS1EYvwJbWo4umD7yPM1SUeX7gp1WhCVpMFXjcC\ yM58xs6xsnTsVqHQmJQ2RxoAjJGedWfvFmjQy6etA3dgZ" in let cpt = ref 0 in match List.map begin fun (pk, sk) -> incr cpt ; let alias = Printf.sprintf "bootstrap%d" !cpt in let pkh = Environment.Ed25519.Public_key.hash pk in { alias ; contract = Contract.default_contract pkh; pkh ; pk ; sk } end [ bootstrap1_pk, bootstrap1_sk; bootstrap2_pk, bootstrap2_sk; bootstrap3_pk, bootstrap3_sk; bootstrap4_pk, bootstrap4_sk; bootstrap5_pk, bootstrap5_sk; ] with | [ b1 ; b2 ; b3 ; b4 ; b5 ] -> { b1 ; b2 ; b3 ; b4 ; b5 } | _ -> assert false let transfer ?(block = `Prevalidation) ?(fee = 5L) ~(account:t) ~destination ~amount () = let amount = match Tez.of_cents amount with None -> Tez.zero | Some a -> a in let fee = match Tez.of_cents fee with None -> Tez.zero | Some a -> a in Client_proto_context.transfer rpc_config block ~source:account.contract ~src_pk:account.pk ~src_sk:account.sk ~destination ~amount ~fee () let originate ?(block = `Prevalidation) ?delegate ?(fee=5L) ~(src:t) ~manager_pkh ~spendable ~balance () = let fee = match Tez.of_cents fee with | None -> Tez.zero | Some amount -> amount in let balance = match Tez.of_cents balance with | None -> Tez.zero | Some amount -> amount in let delegatable, delegate = match delegate with | None -> false, None | Some delegate -> true, Some delegate in Client_proto_context.originate_account rpc_config block ~source:src.contract ~src_pk:src.pk ~src_sk:src.sk ~manager_pkh ~spendable ~balance ~delegatable ?delegate ~fee () let set_delegate ?(block = `Prevalidation) ?(fee = 5L) ~contract ~manager_sk delegate_opt = let fee = match Tez.of_cents fee with | None -> Tez.zero | Some amount -> amount in Client_proto_context.delegate_contract rpc_config block ~source:contract ~manager_sk ~fee delegate_opt let balance ?(block = `Prevalidation) (account : t) = Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.balance rpc_config block account.contract (* TODO: gather contract related functions in a Contract module? *) let delegate ?(block = `Prevalidation) (contract : Contract.t) = Client_proto_rpcs.Context.Contract.delegate rpc_config block contract end module Assert = struct include Assert let equal_pkh ?msg pkh1 pkh2 = let msg = Assert.format_msg msg in let eq pkh1 pkh2 = match pkh1, pkh2 with | None, None -> true | Some pkh1, Some pkh2 -> Environment.Ed25519.Public_key_hash.equal pkh1 pkh2 | _ -> false in let prn = function | None -> "none" | Some pkh -> Environment.Ed25519.Public_key_hash.to_hex pkh in Assert.equal ?msg ~prn ~eq pkh1 pkh2 let equal_tez ?msg tz1 tz2 = let msg = Assert.format_msg msg in let eq tz1 tz2 = Int64.equal (Tez.to_cents tz1) (Tez.to_cents tz2) in let prn = Tez.to_string in Assert.equal ?msg ~prn ~eq tz1 tz2 let balance_equal ~msg account expected_balance = Account.balance account >>=? fun actual_balance -> match Tez.of_cents expected_balance with | None -> failwith "invalid tez constant" | Some expected_balance -> return (equal_tez ~msg actual_balance expected_balance) let delegate_equal ~msg contract expected_delegate = Account.delegate contract >>|? fun actual_delegate -> equal_pkh ~msg actual_delegate expected_delegate let ecoproto_error f = function | Register_client_embedded_proto_alpha.Ecoproto_error errors -> List.exists f errors | _ -> false let generic_economic_error ~msg = Assert.contain_error ~msg ~f:(ecoproto_error (fun _ -> true)) let unknown_contract ~msg = let open Client_embedded_proto_alpha.Storage_functors in Assert.contain_error ~msg ~f:begin ecoproto_error (function | Storage_error _ -> true | _ -> false) end let non_existing_contract ~msg = Assert.contain_error ~msg ~f:begin ecoproto_error (function | Contract_storage.Non_existing_contract _ -> true | _ -> false) end let balance_too_low ~msg = Assert.contain_error ~msg ~f:begin ecoproto_error (function | Contract.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end let non_spendable ~msg = Assert.contain_error ~msg ~f:begin ecoproto_error (function | Contract_storage.Unspendable_contract _ -> true | _ -> false) end let inconsistent_pkh ~msg = Assert.contain_error ~msg ~f:begin ecoproto_error (function | Public_key_storage.Inconsistent_hash _ -> true | _ -> false) end let initial_amount_too_low ~msg = Assert.contain_error ~msg ~f:begin ecoproto_error (function | Contract.Initial_amount_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end let non_delegatable ~msg = Assert.contain_error ~msg ~f:begin ecoproto_error (function | Contract_storage.Non_delegatable_contract _ -> true | _ -> false) end let wrong_delegate ~msg = Assert.contain_error ~msg ~f:begin ecoproto_error (function | Mining.Wrong_delegate _ -> true | _ -> false) end let invalid_endorsement_slot ~msg = Assert.contain_error ~msg ~f:begin ecoproto_error (function | Mining.Invalid_endorsement_slot _ -> true | _ -> false) end end module Mining = struct let get_first_priority ?(max_priority=1024) level (contract : Account.t) block = Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Rights.mining_rights_for_delegate rpc_config ~max_priority ~first_level:level ~last_level:level block contract.Account.pkh () >>=? fun possibilities -> try let _, prio, _ = List.find (fun (l,_,_) -> l = level) possibilities in return prio with Not_found -> failwith "No slot found at level %a" Raw_level.pp level let rec mine_stamp block delegate_sk shell mining_slot seed_nonce_hash = Client_proto_rpcs.Constants.stamp_threshold rpc_config block >>=? fun stamp_threshold -> let rec loop () = let proof_of_work_nonce = Sodium.Random.Bigbytes.generate Constants.proof_of_work_nonce_size in let unsigned_header = Block.forge_header shell { mining_slot ; seed_nonce_hash ; proof_of_work_nonce } in let signed_header = Environment.Ed25519.Signature.append delegate_sk unsigned_header in let block_hash = Block_hash.hash_bytes [signed_header] in if Mining.check_hash block_hash stamp_threshold then proof_of_work_nonce else loop () in return (loop ()) let inject_block block ?force ~priority ~timestamp ~fitness ~seed_nonce ~src_sk operation_list = let block = match block with `Prevalidation -> `Head 0 | block -> block in Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.info rpc_config block >>=? fun bi -> let seed_nonce_hash = Nonce.hash seed_nonce in Client_proto_rpcs.Context.next_level rpc_config block >>=? fun level -> let operations = Operation_list_list_hash.compute [Operation_list_hash.compute operation_list] in let shell = { Store.Block_header.net_id = bi.net ; predecessor = bi.hash ; timestamp ; fitness ; operations } in let slot = { Block.level = level.level ; priority = Int32.of_int priority } in mine_stamp block src_sk shell slot seed_nonce_hash >>=? fun proof_of_work_nonce -> Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.block rpc_config block ~net:bi.net ~predecessor:bi.hash ~timestamp ~fitness ~operations ~level:level.level ~priority:priority ~seed_nonce_hash ~proof_of_work_nonce () >>=? fun unsigned_header -> let signed_header = Environment.Ed25519.Signature.append src_sk unsigned_header in Client_node_rpcs.inject_block rpc_config ?force signed_header [operation_list] >>=? fun block_hash -> return block_hash let mine ?(force = false) ?(operations = []) contract block = Client_mining_blocks.info rpc_config block >>=? fun bi -> let seed_nonce = match Nonce.of_bytes @@ Sodium.Random.Bigbytes.generate Constants.nonce_length with | Error _ -> assert false | Ok nonce -> nonce in let timestamp = Time.add (Time.now ()) 1L in Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level rpc_config block >>=? fun level -> let level = Raw_level.succ level.level in get_first_priority level contract block >>=? fun priority -> (Fitness_repr.to_int64 bi.fitness >|= Register_client_embedded_proto_alpha.wrap_error) >>=? fun fitness -> let fitness = Fitness_repr.from_int64 @@ Int64.add fitness (Int64.of_int @@ List.length operations + 1) in Level.pp_full Format.str_formatter bi.level ; inject_block ~force ~priority ~timestamp ~fitness ~seed_nonce ~src_sk:contract.sk block operations let endorsement_reward contract block = Client_mining_blocks.info rpc_config block >>=? fun bi -> get_first_priority bi.level.level contract block >>=? fun prio -> Mining.endorsement_reward ~block_priority:(Int32.of_int prio) >|= Register_client_embedded_proto_alpha.wrap_error >>|? Tez.to_cents end module Endorse = struct let inject_endorsement block _level ?async ?force src_sk source slot = Client_blocks.get_block_hash rpc_config block >>=? fun block_hash -> Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.net rpc_config block >>=? fun net -> Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Forge.Delegate.endorsement rpc_config block ~net ~source ~block:block_hash ~slot:slot () >>=? fun bytes -> let signed_bytes = Environment.Ed25519.Signature.append src_sk bytes in Client_node_rpcs.inject_operation rpc_config ?force ?async signed_bytes >>=? fun oph -> return oph let signing_slots ?(max_priority = 1024) block delegate level = Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Rights.endorsement_rights_for_delegate rpc_config ~max_priority ~first_level:level ~last_level:level block delegate () >>=? fun possibilities -> let slots = List.map (fun (_,slot) -> slot) @@ List.filter (fun (l, _) -> l = level) possibilities in return slots let endorse ?(force = false) ?slot (contract : Account.t) block = Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level rpc_config block >>=? fun level -> let level = Raw_level.succ @@ level.level in begin match slot with | Some slot -> return slot | None -> begin signing_slots block contract.Account.pkh level >>=? function | slot::_ -> return slot | [] -> failwith "No slot found at level %a" Raw_level.pp level end end >>=? fun slot -> inject_endorsement block level contract.sk contract.pk slot ~force >>=? fun oph -> return oph (* FIXME @vb: I don't understand this function, copied from @cago. *) let endorsers_list block { Account.b1 ; b2 ; b3 ; b4 ; b5 } = let get_endorser_list result (account : Account.t) level block = Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Rights.endorsement_rights_for_delegate rpc_config block account.pkh ~max_priority:16 ~first_level:level ~last_level:level () >>|? fun slots -> List.iter (fun (_,slot) -> result.(slot) <- account) slots in let result = Array.make 16 b1 in Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level rpc_config block >>=? fun level -> let level = Raw_level.succ @@ level.level in get_endorser_list result b1 level block >>=? fun () -> get_endorser_list result b2 level block >>=? fun () -> get_endorser_list result b3 level block >>=? fun () -> get_endorser_list result b4 level block >>=? fun () -> get_endorser_list result b5 level block >>=? fun () -> return result let endorsement_rights ?(max_priority = 1024) (contract : Account.t) block = Client_proto_rpcs.Context.level rpc_config block >>=? fun level -> let delegate = contract.pkh in let level = level.level in Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Rights.endorsement_rights_for_delegate rpc_config ~max_priority ~first_level:level ~last_level:level block delegate () end