(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* Tezos Command line interface - Configuration and Arguments Parsing *) let (//) = Filename.concat module Cfg_file = struct type t = { base_dir: string ; node_addr: string ; node_port: int ; tls: bool ; web_port: int ; } let default = { base_dir = Client_commands.default_base_dir ; node_addr = "" ; node_port = 8732 ; tls = false ; web_port = 8080 ; } open Data_encoding let encoding = conv (fun { base_dir ; node_addr ; node_port ; tls ; web_port } -> (base_dir, Some node_addr, Some node_port, Some tls, Some web_port)) (fun (base_dir, node_addr, node_port, tls, web_port) -> let open Utils in let node_addr = unopt ~default:default.node_addr node_addr in let node_port = unopt ~default:default.node_port node_port in let tls = unopt ~default:default.tls tls in let web_port = unopt ~default:default.web_port web_port in { base_dir ; node_addr ; node_port ; tls ; web_port }) (obj5 (req "base_dir" string) (opt "node_addr" string) (opt "node_port" int16) (opt "tls" bool) (opt "web_port" int16)) let from_json json = Data_encoding.Json.destruct encoding json let read fp = Data_encoding_ezjsonm.read_file fp >>=? fun json -> return (from_json json) let write out cfg = Utils.write_file ~bin:false out (Data_encoding.Json.construct encoding cfg |> Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string) end exception Found of string let preparse name argv = try for i = 0 to Array.length argv - 2 do if argv.(i) = name then raise (Found argv.(i+1)) done ; None with Found s -> Some s let preparse_bool name argv = try for i = 0 to Array.length argv - 1 do if argv.(i) = name then raise (Found "") done ; false with Found _ -> true let preparse_args argv = let base_dir = match preparse "-base-dir" argv with | None -> Client_commands.default_base_dir | Some base_dir -> base_dir in let config_file = match preparse "-config-file" argv with | None -> base_dir // "config" | Some config_file -> config_file in let config_dir = Filename.dirname config_file in let cfg = if not (Sys.file_exists config_file) then { Cfg_file.default with base_dir = base_dir } else match Utils.read_file ~bin:false config_file |> Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_string with | exception (Sys_error msg) -> Format.eprintf "Error: can't read the configuration file: %s\n%s@." config_file msg ; exit 1 | exception _ -> Format.eprintf "Warning: config file not found@." ; { Cfg_file.default with base_dir = base_dir } | Error msg -> Format.eprintf "Error: can't parse the configuration file: %s\n%s@." config_file msg ; exit 1 | Ok cfg_json -> try Cfg_file.from_json cfg_json with exn -> Format.eprintf "Error: can't parse the configuration file: %s\n%a@." config_file (fun ppf exn -> Json_encoding.print_error ppf exn) exn ; exit 1 in let tls = cfg.tls || preparse_bool "-tls" argv in let node_addr = match preparse "-addr" argv with | None -> cfg.node_addr | Some node_addr -> node_addr in let node_port = match preparse "-port" argv with | None -> cfg.node_port | Some port -> try int_of_string port with _ -> Format.eprintf "Error: can't parse the -port option: %S.@." port ; exit 1 in let block = match preparse "-block" Sys.argv with | None -> Client_commands.default_cfg.block | Some block -> match Node_rpc_services.Blocks.parse_block block with | Error _ -> Format.eprintf "Error: can't parse the -block option: %S.@." block ; exit 1 | Ok block -> block in let cfg = { cfg with tls ; node_port ; node_addr } in if Sys.file_exists base_dir && not (Sys.is_directory base_dir) then begin Format.eprintf "Error: %s is not a directory.@." base_dir ; exit 1 ; end ; IO.mkdir base_dir ; if Sys.file_exists config_dir && not (Sys.is_directory config_dir) then begin Format.eprintf "Error: %s is not a directory.@." config_dir ; exit 1 ; end ; IO.mkdir config_dir ; if not (Sys.file_exists config_file) then Cfg_file.write config_file cfg ; (cfg, block) (* Entry point *) type cli_args = { block: Node_rpc_services.Blocks.block ; print_timings: bool ; force: bool ; } let default_cli_args = { block = Client_commands.default_cfg.block ; print_timings = false ; force = false ; } let parse_args usage dispatcher argv = (* Init config reference which will be updated as args are parsed *) let parsed_args = ref default_cli_args in (* Command-line only args (not in config file) *) let cli_args = [ "-base-dir", Arg.String (fun _ -> ( (* preparsed *) )), "The directory where the Tezos client will store all its data.\n\ default: " ^ Client_commands.default_base_dir ; "-config-file", Arg.String (fun _ -> ( (* preparsed *) )), "The main configuration file.\n\ default: " ^ Client_commands.default_base_dir // "config" ; "-timings", Arg.Bool (fun x -> parsed_args := { !parsed_args with print_timings = x }), "Show RPC request times.\n\ default: " ^ string_of_bool default_cli_args.print_timings ; "-force", Arg.Bool (fun x -> parsed_args := { !parsed_args with force = x }), "Show less courtesy than the average user.\n\ default: " ^ string_of_bool default_cli_args.force ; "-block", Arg.String (fun _ -> ( (* preparsed *) )), "The block on which to apply contextual commands.\n\ default: " ^ Node_rpc_services.Blocks.to_string default_cli_args.block ; ] in (* Command-line args which can be set in config file as well *) let file_args = [ (* Network options *) "-addr", Arg.String (fun _ -> ( (* preparsed *) )), "The IP address at which the node's RPC server can be reached.\n\ default: " ^ Cfg_file.default.node_addr ; "-port", Arg.Int (fun _ -> ( (* preparsed *) )), "The TCP port at which the node's RPC server can be reached.\n\ default: " ^ string_of_int Cfg_file.default.node_port ; "-tls", Arg.Bool (fun _ -> ( (* preparsed *) )), "Use TLS to connect to node.\n\ default: " ^ string_of_bool Cfg_file.default.tls ; ] in let all_args = cli_args @ file_args in try let args = ref all_args in let anon dispatch n = match dispatch (`Arg n) with | `Nop -> () | `Args nargs -> args := nargs @ !args | `Fail err -> Format.kasprintf (fun s -> raise (Arg.Help s)) "%a" pp_print_error err | `Res _ -> assert false in let dispatch = dispatcher () in Arg.parse_argv_dynamic ~current:(ref 0) argv args (anon dispatch) "\000" ; match dispatch `End with | `Res res -> (res, !parsed_args) | `Fail err -> Format.kasprintf (fun s -> raise (Arg.Help s)) "%a" pp_print_error err | `Nop | `Args _ -> assert false with | Arg.Bad msg -> (* FIXME: this is an ugly hack to circumvent [Arg] spuriously printing options at the end of the error message. *) let msg = List.hd (Utils.split '\000' msg) in raise (Arg.Help (msg ^ usage all_args ^ "\n")) | Arg.Help _ -> raise (Arg.Help (usage all_args ^ "\n"))