(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) type error += | Balance_too_low of Contract_repr.contract * Tez_repr.t * Tez_repr.t (* `Temporary *) | Counter_in_the_past of Contract_repr.contract * Z.t * Z.t (* `Branch *) | Counter_in_the_future of Contract_repr.contract * Z.t * Z.t (* `Temporary *) | Unspendable_contract of Contract_repr.contract (* `Permanent *) | Non_existing_contract of Contract_repr.contract (* `Temporary *) | Empty_implicit_contract of Signature.Public_key_hash.t (* `Temporary *) | Empty_transaction of Contract_repr.t (* `Temporary *) | Inconsistent_hash of Signature.Public_key.t * Signature.Public_key_hash.t * Signature.Public_key_hash.t (* `Permanent *) | Inconsistent_public_key of Signature.Public_key.t * Signature.Public_key.t (* `Permanent *) | Failure of string (* `Permanent *) | Previously_revealed_key of Contract_repr.t (* `Permanent *) | Unrevealed_manager_key of Contract_repr.t (* `Permanent *) let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"contract.unspendable_contract" ~title:"Unspendable contract" ~description:"An operation tried to spend tokens from an unspendable contract" ~pp:(fun ppf c -> Format.fprintf ppf "The tokens of contract %a can only be spent by its script" Contract_repr.pp c) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding)) (function Unspendable_contract c -> Some c | _ -> None) (fun c -> Unspendable_contract c) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"contract.balance_too_low" ~title:"Balance too low" ~description:"An operation tried to spend more tokens than the contract has" ~pp:(fun ppf (c, b, a) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Balance of contract %a too low (%a) to spend %a" Contract_repr.pp c Tez_repr.pp b Tez_repr.pp a) Data_encoding.(obj3 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding) (req "balance" Tez_repr.encoding) (req "amount" Tez_repr.encoding)) (function Balance_too_low (c, b, a) -> Some (c, b, a) | _ -> None) (fun (c, b, a) -> Balance_too_low (c, b, a)) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"contract.counter_in_the_future" ~title:"Invalid counter (not yet reached) in a manager operation" ~description:"An operation assumed a contract counter in the future" ~pp:(fun ppf (contract, exp, found) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Counter %s not yet reached for contract %a (expected %s)" (Z.to_string found) Contract_repr.pp contract (Z.to_string exp)) Data_encoding. (obj3 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding) (req "expected" z) (req "found" z)) (function Counter_in_the_future (c, x, y) -> Some (c, x, y) | _ -> None) (fun (c, x, y) -> Counter_in_the_future (c, x, y)) ; register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"contract.counter_in_the_past" ~title:"Invalid counter (already used) in a manager operation" ~description:"An operation assumed a contract counter in the past" ~pp:(fun ppf (contract, exp, found) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Counter %s already used for contract %a (expected %s)" (Z.to_string found) Contract_repr.pp contract (Z.to_string exp)) Data_encoding. (obj3 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding) (req "expected" z) (req "found" z)) (function Counter_in_the_past (c, x, y) -> Some (c, x, y) | _ -> None) (fun (c, x, y) -> Counter_in_the_past (c, x, y)) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"contract.non_existing_contract" ~title:"Non existing contract" ~description:"A contract handle is not present in the context \ (either it never was or it has been destroyed)" ~pp:(fun ppf contract -> Format.fprintf ppf "Contract %a does not exist" Contract_repr.pp contract) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding)) (function Non_existing_contract c -> Some c | _ -> None) (fun c -> Non_existing_contract c) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"contract.manager.inconsistent_hash" ~title:"Inconsistent public key hash" ~description:"A revealed manager public key is inconsistent with the announced hash" ~pp:(fun ppf (k, eh, ph) -> Format.fprintf ppf "The hash of the manager public key %s is not %a as announced but %a" (Signature.Public_key.to_b58check k) Signature.Public_key_hash.pp ph Signature.Public_key_hash.pp eh) Data_encoding.(obj3 (req "public_key" Signature.Public_key.encoding) (req "expected_hash" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding) (req "provided_hash" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)) (function Inconsistent_hash (k, eh, ph) -> Some (k, eh, ph) | _ -> None) (fun (k, eh, ph) -> Inconsistent_hash (k, eh, ph)) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"contract.manager.inconsistent_public_key" ~title:"Inconsistent public key" ~description:"A provided manager public key is different with the public key stored in the contract" ~pp:(fun ppf (eh, ph) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Expected manager public key %s but %s was provided" (Signature.Public_key.to_b58check ph) (Signature.Public_key.to_b58check eh)) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "public_key" Signature.Public_key.encoding) (req "expected_public_key" Signature.Public_key.encoding)) (function Inconsistent_public_key (eh, ph) -> Some (eh, ph) | _ -> None) (fun (eh, ph) -> Inconsistent_public_key (eh, ph)) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"contract.failure" ~title:"Contract storage failure" ~description:"Unexpected contract storage error" ~pp:(fun ppf s -> Format.fprintf ppf "Contract_storage.Failure %S" s) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "message" string)) (function Failure s -> Some s | _ -> None) (fun s -> Failure s) ; register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"contract.unrevealed_key" ~title:"Manager operation precedes key revelation" ~description: "One tried to apply a manager operation \ without revealing the manager public key" ~pp:(fun ppf s -> Format.fprintf ppf "Unrevealed manager key for contract %a." Contract_repr.pp s) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding)) (function Unrevealed_manager_key s -> Some s | _ -> None) (fun s -> Unrevealed_manager_key s) ; register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"contract.previously_revealed_key" ~title:"Manager operation already revealed" ~description: "One tried to revealed twice a manager public key" ~pp:(fun ppf s -> Format.fprintf ppf "Previously revealed manager key for contract %a." Contract_repr.pp s) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding)) (function Previously_revealed_key s -> Some s | _ -> None) (fun s -> Previously_revealed_key s) ; register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"implicit.empty_implicit_contract" ~title:"Empty implicit contract" ~description:"No manager operations are allowed on an empty implicit contract." ~pp:(fun ppf implicit -> Format.fprintf ppf "Empty implicit contract (%a)" Signature.Public_key_hash.pp implicit) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "implicit" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)) (function Empty_implicit_contract c -> Some c | _ -> None) (fun c -> Empty_implicit_contract c) ; register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"contract.empty_transaction" ~title:"Empty transaction" ~description:"Forbidden to credit 0ꜩ to a contract without code." ~pp:(fun ppf contract -> Format.fprintf ppf "Transaction of 0ꜩ towards a contract without code are forbidden (%a)." Contract_repr.pp contract) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contract" Contract_repr.encoding)) (function Empty_transaction c -> Some c | _ -> None) (fun c -> Empty_transaction c) let failwith msg = fail (Failure msg) type big_map_diff_item = { diff_key : Script_repr.expr; diff_key_hash : Script_expr_hash.t; diff_value : Script_repr.expr option; } type big_map_diff = big_map_diff_item list let big_map_diff_item_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { diff_key_hash ; diff_key ; diff_value } -> (diff_key_hash, diff_key, diff_value)) (fun (diff_key_hash, diff_key, diff_value) -> { diff_key_hash ; diff_key ; diff_value }) (obj3 (req "key_hash" Script_expr_hash.encoding) (req "key" Script_repr.expr_encoding) (opt "value" Script_repr.expr_encoding)) let big_map_diff_encoding = let open Data_encoding in def "contract.big_map_diff" @@ list big_map_diff_item_encoding let update_script_big_map c contract = function | None -> return (c, Z.zero) | Some diff -> fold_left_s (fun (c, total) diff_item -> match diff_item.diff_value with | None -> Storage.Contract.Big_map.remove (c, contract) diff_item.diff_key_hash >>=? fun (c, freed) -> return (c, Z.sub total (Z.of_int freed)) | Some v -> Storage.Contract.Big_map.init_set (c, contract) diff_item.diff_key_hash v >>=? fun (c, size_diff) -> return (c, Z.add total (Z.of_int size_diff))) (c, Z.zero) diff let create_base c ?(prepaid_bootstrap_storage=false) (* Free space for bootstrap contracts *) contract ~balance ~manager ~delegate ?script ~spendable ~delegatable = (match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | None -> return Z.zero | Some _ -> Storage.Contract.Global_counter.get c) >>=? fun counter -> Storage.Contract.Balance.init c contract balance >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Manager.init c contract (Manager_repr.Hash manager) >>=? fun c -> begin match delegate with | None -> return c | Some delegate -> Delegate_storage.init c contract delegate end >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Spendable.set c contract spendable >>= fun c -> Storage.Contract.Delegatable.set c contract delegatable >>= fun c -> Storage.Contract.Counter.init c contract counter >>=? fun c -> (match script with | Some ({ Script_repr.code ; storage }, big_map_diff) -> Storage.Contract.Code.init c contract code >>=? fun (c, code_size) -> Storage.Contract.Storage.init c contract storage >>=? fun (c, storage_size) -> update_script_big_map c contract big_map_diff >>=? fun (c, big_map_size) -> let total_size = Z.add (Z.add (Z.of_int code_size) (Z.of_int storage_size)) big_map_size in assert Compare.Z.(total_size >= Z.zero) ; let prepaid_bootstrap_storage = if prepaid_bootstrap_storage then total_size else Z.zero in Storage.Contract.Paid_storage_space.init c contract prepaid_bootstrap_storage >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Used_storage_space.init c contract total_size | None -> begin match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | None -> Storage.Contract.Paid_storage_space.init c contract Z.zero >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Used_storage_space.init c contract Z.zero | Some _ -> return c end >>=? fun c -> return c) >>=? fun c -> return c let originate c ?prepaid_bootstrap_storage contract ~balance ~manager ?script ~delegate ~spendable ~delegatable = create_base c ?prepaid_bootstrap_storage contract ~balance ~manager ~delegate ?script ~spendable ~delegatable let create_implicit c manager ~balance = create_base c (Contract_repr.implicit_contract manager) ~balance ~manager ?script:None ~delegate:None ~spendable:true ~delegatable:false let delete c contract = match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | None -> (* For non implicit contract Big_map should be cleared *) failwith "Non implicit contracts cannot be removed" | Some _ -> Delegate_storage.remove c contract >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Balance.delete c contract >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Manager.delete c contract >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Spendable.del c contract >>= fun c -> Storage.Contract.Delegatable.del c contract >>= fun c -> Storage.Contract.Counter.delete c contract >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Code.remove c contract >>=? fun (c, _) -> Storage.Contract.Storage.remove c contract >>=? fun (c, _) -> Storage.Contract.Paid_storage_space.remove c contract >>= fun c -> Storage.Contract.Used_storage_space.remove c contract >>= fun c -> return c let allocated c contract = Storage.Contract.Counter.get_option c contract >>=? function | None -> return_false | Some _ -> return_true let exists c contract = match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | Some _ -> return_true | None -> allocated c contract let must_exist c contract = exists c contract >>=? function | true -> return_unit | false -> fail (Non_existing_contract contract) let must_be_allocated c contract = allocated c contract >>=? function | true -> return_unit | false -> match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | Some pkh -> fail (Empty_implicit_contract pkh) | None -> fail (Non_existing_contract contract) let list c = Storage.Contract.list c let fresh_contract_from_current_nonce c = Lwt.return (Raw_context.increment_origination_nonce c) >>=? fun (c, nonce) -> return (c, Contract_repr.originated_contract nonce) let originated_from_current_nonce ~since: ctxt_since ~until: ctxt_until = Lwt.return (Raw_context.origination_nonce ctxt_since) >>=? fun since -> Lwt.return (Raw_context.origination_nonce ctxt_until) >>=? fun until -> filter_map_s (fun contract -> exists ctxt_until contract >>=? function | true -> return_some contract | false -> return_none) (Contract_repr.originated_contracts ~since ~until) let check_counter_increment c contract counter = Storage.Contract.Counter.get c contract >>=? fun contract_counter -> let expected = Z.succ contract_counter in if Compare.Z.(expected = counter) then return_unit else if Compare.Z.(expected > counter) then fail (Counter_in_the_past (contract, expected, counter)) else fail (Counter_in_the_future (contract, expected, counter)) let increment_counter c contract = Storage.Contract.Global_counter.get c >>=? fun global_counter -> Storage.Contract.Global_counter.set c (Z.succ global_counter) >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Counter.get c contract >>=? fun contract_counter -> Storage.Contract.Counter.set c contract (Z.succ contract_counter) let get_script c contract = Storage.Contract.Code.get_option c contract >>=? fun (c, code) -> Storage.Contract.Storage.get_option c contract >>=? fun (c, storage) -> match code, storage with | None, None -> return (c, None) | Some code, Some storage -> return (c, Some { Script_repr.code ; storage }) | None, Some _ | Some _, None -> failwith "get_script" let get_storage ctxt contract = Storage.Contract.Storage.get_option ctxt contract >>=? function | (ctxt, None) -> return (ctxt, None) | (ctxt, Some storage) -> Lwt.return (Script_repr.force_decode storage) >>=? fun (storage, cost) -> Lwt.return (Raw_context.consume_gas ctxt cost) >>=? fun ctxt -> return (ctxt, Some storage) let get_counter c contract = Storage.Contract.Counter.get_option c contract >>=? function | None -> begin match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | Some _ -> Storage.Contract.Global_counter.get c | None -> failwith "get_counter" end | Some v -> return v let get_manager c contract = Storage.Contract.Manager.get_option c contract >>=? function | None -> begin match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | Some manager -> return manager | None -> failwith "get_manager" end | Some (Manager_repr.Hash v) -> return v | Some (Manager_repr.Public_key v) -> return (Signature.Public_key.hash v) let get_manager_key c contract = Storage.Contract.Manager.get_option c contract >>=? function | None -> failwith "get_manager_key" | Some (Manager_repr.Hash _) -> fail (Unrevealed_manager_key contract) | Some (Manager_repr.Public_key v) -> return v let is_manager_key_revealed c contract = Storage.Contract.Manager.get_option c contract >>=? function | None -> return_false | Some (Manager_repr.Hash _) -> return_false | Some (Manager_repr.Public_key _) -> return_true let reveal_manager_key c contract public_key = Storage.Contract.Manager.get c contract >>=? function | Public_key _ -> fail (Previously_revealed_key contract) | Hash v -> let actual_hash = Signature.Public_key.hash public_key in if (Signature.Public_key_hash.equal actual_hash v) then let v = (Manager_repr.Public_key public_key) in Storage.Contract.Manager.set c contract v >>=? fun c -> return c else fail (Inconsistent_hash (public_key,v,actual_hash)) let get_balance c contract = Storage.Contract.Balance.get_option c contract >>=? function | None -> begin match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | Some _ -> return Tez_repr.zero | None -> failwith "get_balance" end | Some v -> return v let is_delegatable = Delegate_storage.is_delegatable let is_spendable c contract = match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | Some _ -> return_true | None -> Storage.Contract.Spendable.mem c contract >>= return let update_script_storage c contract storage big_map_diff = let storage = Script_repr.lazy_expr storage in update_script_big_map c contract big_map_diff >>=? fun (c, big_map_size_diff) -> Storage.Contract.Storage.set c contract storage >>=? fun (c, size_diff) -> Storage.Contract.Used_storage_space.get c contract >>=? fun previous_size -> let new_size = Z.add previous_size (Z.add big_map_size_diff (Z.of_int size_diff)) in Storage.Contract.Used_storage_space.set c contract new_size let spend_from_script c contract amount = Storage.Contract.Balance.get c contract >>=? fun balance -> match Tez_repr.(balance -? amount) with | Error _ -> fail (Balance_too_low (contract, balance, amount)) | Ok new_balance -> Storage.Contract.Balance.set c contract new_balance >>=? fun c -> Roll_storage.Contract.remove_amount c contract amount >>=? fun c -> if Tez_repr.(new_balance > Tez_repr.zero) then return c else match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | None -> return c (* Never delete originated contracts *) | Some pkh -> Delegate_storage.get c contract >>=? function | Some pkh' -> (* Don't delete "delegate" contract *) assert (Signature.Public_key_hash.equal pkh pkh') ; return c | None -> (* Delete empty implicit contract *) delete c contract let credit c contract amount = begin if Tez_repr.(amount <> Tez_repr.zero) then return c else Storage.Contract.Code.mem c contract >>=? fun (c, target_has_code) -> fail_unless target_has_code (Empty_transaction contract) >>=? fun () -> return c end >>=? fun c -> Storage.Contract.Balance.get_option c contract >>=? function | None -> begin match Contract_repr.is_implicit contract with | None -> fail (Non_existing_contract contract) | Some manager -> create_implicit c manager ~balance:amount end | Some balance -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(amount +? balance) >>=? fun balance -> Storage.Contract.Balance.set c contract balance >>=? fun c -> Roll_storage.Contract.add_amount c contract amount let spend c contract amount = is_spendable c contract >>=? fun spendable -> if not spendable then fail (Unspendable_contract contract) else spend_from_script c contract amount let init c = Storage.Contract.Global_counter.init c Z.zero let used_storage_space c contract = Storage.Contract.Used_storage_space.get_option c contract >>=? function | None -> return Z.zero | Some fees -> return fees let paid_storage_space c contract = Storage.Contract.Paid_storage_space.get_option c contract >>=? function | None -> return Z.zero | Some paid_space -> return paid_space let set_paid_storage_space_and_return_fees_to_pay c contract new_storage_space = Storage.Contract.Paid_storage_space.get c contract >>=? fun already_paid_space -> if Compare.Z.(already_paid_space >= new_storage_space) then return (Z.zero, c) else let to_pay = Z.sub new_storage_space already_paid_space in Storage.Contract.Paid_storage_space.set c contract new_storage_space >>=? fun c -> return (to_pay, c) module Big_map = struct let mem ctxt contract key = Storage.Contract.Big_map.mem (ctxt, contract) key let get_opt ctxt contract key = Storage.Contract.Big_map.get_option (ctxt, contract) key end