#! /usr/bin/env bash set -e if ! docker > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Docker does not seem to be installed." exit 1 fi docker_version="$(docker version -f "{{ .Server.Version }}")" docker_major="$(echo "$docker_version" | cut -d . -f 1)" docker_minor="$(echo "$docker_version" | cut -d . -f 2)" if ([ "$docker_major" -gt 1 ] || ( [ "$docker_major" -eq 1 ] && [ "$docker_minor" -ge 13 ] )) ; then docker_1_13=true else docker_1_13=false fi current_dir="$(pwd -P)" src_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && echo "$current_dir/")" cd "$src_dir" default_port=9732 port="$default_port" docker_image=docker.io/tezos/tezos:alphanet docker_volume=tezos-alphanet-data$suffix suffix= data_dir="$HOME/.tezos-alphanet$suffix" docker_container="tezos-alphanet$suffix" if [ ! -z "$ALPHANET_EMACS" ]; then interactive_flags="-t" else interactive_flags="-it" fi ## Saving state ############################################################ save_identity() { if [ ! -f "$data_dir/identity.json" ]; then echo "Saving the generated identity into '$data_dir/identity.json'..." mkdir -p "$data_dir/" fi docker cp "$docker_container:var/run/tezos/node/identity.json" \ "$data_dir/" } may_restore_identity() { if [ -f "$data_dir/identity.json" ]; then echo "Restoring the peer identity from '$data_dir/identity.json'..." docker exec "$docker_container" mkdir -p /var/run/tezos/node/ docker cp "$data_dir/identity.json" \ "$docker_container:var/run/tezos/node/" docker exec "$docker_container" \ sudo chown tezos "/var/run/tezos/node/identity.json" fi } may_save_client_file() { if docker exec "$docker_container" \ test -f "/var/run/tezos/client/$1" ; then docker cp "$docker_container:var/run/tezos/client/$1" \ "$data_dir/$1" elif [ -f "$data_dir/$1" ] ; then mv "$data_dir/$1" "$data_dir/$1.bak" fi } may_restore_client_file() { if [ -f "$data_dir/$1" ]; then docker cp "$data_dir/$1" \ "$docker_container:var/run/tezos/client/" docker exec "$docker_container" \ sudo chown tezos "/var/run/tezos/client/$1" fi } save_accounts() { if ! docker exec "$docker_container" \ test -f "/var/run/tezos/client/secret keys" ; then return fi if [ ! -f "$data_dir/secret keys" ]; then echo "Saving the secrets into '$data_dir/secret keys'..." echo echo -e "\033[33mWARNING: THE SECRET KEYS FILE IS UNENCRYPTED!!!\033[0m" echo mkdir -p "$data_dir/" fi docker cp "$docker_container:var/run/tezos/client/secret keys" \ "$data_dir/" may_save_client_file "public key hashs" may_save_client_file "public keys" may_save_client_file "contracts" } may_restore_accounts() { docker exec "$docker_container" mkdir -p /var/run/tezos/client/ if [ -f "$data_dir/secret keys" ]; then echo "Restoring the secret keys from '$data_dir/secret keys'..." may_restore_client_file "secret keys" fi may_restore_client_file "public key hashs" may_restore_client_file "public keys" may_restore_client_file "contracts" } ## Container ############################################################### pull_image() { if [ "$TEZOS_ALPHANET_DO_NOT_PULL" = "yes" ] || [ "$ALPHANET_EMACS" ] ; then return ; fi docker pull "$docker_image" } check_container() { res=$(docker inspect \ --format="{{ .State.Running }}" \ --type=container "$docker_container" 2>/dev/null \ || echo false) [ "$res" = true ] } check_volume() { docker volume inspect "$docker_volume" > /dev/null 2>&1 } clear_volume() { if check_volume ; then docker volume rm "$docker_volume" > /dev/null echo -e "\033[32mThe blockchain data has been removed from the disk.\033[0m" else echo -e "\033[32mNo remaining data to be removed from the disk.\033[0m" fi } uptodate_container() { running_image=$(docker inspect \ --format="{{ .Image }}" \ --type=container "$docker_container") latest_image=$(docker inspect \ --format="{{ .Id }}" \ --type=image "$docker_image") [ "$latest_image" = "$running_image" ] } assert_container_uptodate() { pull_image > /dev/null if ! uptodate_container; then echo "The current container is not the latest available." echo "Please restart." exit 1 fi } assert_container() { if ! check_container; then echo -e "\033[31mNo container currently running!\033[0m" exit 1 fi } start_container() { if [ "$#" -ge 2 ] && [ "$1" = "--rpc-port" ] ; then docker_export_rpc="-p $2:8732" fi if check_container; then assert_container_uptodate else if ! check_volume; then docker volume create "$docker_volume" fi docker rm "$docker_container" || true > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Launching the docker container..." docker run --rm -dit -p "$port:$port" $docker_export_rpc \ -v "$docker_volume:/var/run/tezos" \ --entrypoint /bin/sh \ --name "$docker_container" \ "$docker_image" > /dev/null may_restore_identity may_restore_accounts fi } stop_container() { if ! check_container; then echo -e "\033[31mNo container to kill!\033[0m" exit 1 fi save_identity ## Saving again, just in case... save_accounts printf "Stopping the container... " docker stop "$docker_container" >/dev/null echo " done" } ## Node #################################################################### init_node() { docker exec "$docker_container" tezos init \ "$@" --net-addr "[::]:$port" save_identity } check_node() { check_container && docker exec "$interactive_flags" "$docker_container" tezos check_node } assert_node() { if ! check_node; then echo -e "\033[31mNode is not running!\033[0m" exit 0 fi } status_node() { if check_node; then echo -e "\033[32mNode is running\033[0m" else echo -e "\033[33mNode is not running\033[0m" fi } start_node() { if check_node; then echo -e "\033[31mCannot run two nodes in the same container!\033[0m" exit 1 fi if $docker_1_13; then tezos_log_env="-eTEZOS_LOG=${TEZOS_LOG:=* -> info}" fi docker exec -d "${tezos_log_env}" \ "$docker_container" tezos run_node sleep 1 docker exec "$docker_container" tezos wait_node echo -e "\033[32mThe node is now running.\033[0m" } log_node() { docker exec "$interactive_flags" "$docker_container" tezos log_node } stop_node() { docker exec "$docker_container" tezos stop_node } ## Baker ################################################################### check_baker() { check_node && docker exec "$interactive_flags" "$docker_container" tezos check_baker } assert_baker() { if ! check_baker; then echo -e "\033[31mBaker is not running!\033[0m" exit 0 fi } status_baker() { if check_baker; then echo -e "\033[32mBaker is running\033[0m" else echo -e "\033[33mBaker is not running\033[0m" fi } start_baker() { if check_baker; then echo -e "\033[31mCannot run two bakers in the same container!\033[0m" exit 1 fi TEZOS_LOG="${TEZOS_LOG:=* -> info}" docker exec -d "$docker_container" tezos run_baker echo -e "\033[32mThe baker is now running.\033[0m" } log_baker() { docker exec "$interactive_flags" "$docker_container" tezos log_baker } stop_baker() { docker exec "$docker_container" tezos stop_baker } ## Baker ################################################################### check_endorser() { check_node && docker exec "$interactive_flags" "$docker_container" tezos check_endorser } assert_endorser() { if ! check_baker; then echo -e "\033[31mEndorser is not running!\033[0m" exit 0 fi } status_endorser() { if check_endorser; then echo -e "\033[32mEndorser is running\033[0m" else echo -e "\033[33mEndorser is not running\033[0m" fi } start_endorser() { if check_endorser; then echo -e "\033[31mCannot run two endorsers in the same container!\033[0m" exit 1 fi TEZOS_LOG="${TEZOS_LOG:=* -> info}" docker exec -d "$docker_container" tezos run_endorser echo -e "\033[32mThe endorser is now running.\033[0m" } log_endorser() { docker exec "$interactive_flags" "$docker_container" tezos log_endorser } stop_endorser() { docker exec "$docker_container" tezos stop_endorser } ## Misc #################################################################### run_client() { declare -a container_args=(); for arg in "$@"; do if [[ "$arg" == 'container:'* ]]; then local_path="${arg#container:}" if [[ "$local_path" != '/'* ]]; then local_path="$current_dir/$local_path" fi docker exec "$docker_container" mkdir -p -m 777 /tmp/copied/ file_name=$(basename "${local_path}") docker_path="/tmp/copied/$file_name" docker cp "${local_path}" "$docker_container:${docker_path}" docker exec "$docker_container" sudo chmod 644 "${docker_path}" container_args+=("file:$docker_path"); else container_args+=("${arg}"); fi done docker exec "$interactive_flags" "$docker_container" tezos client "${container_args[@]}" docker exec "$docker_container" rm -rf /tmp/copied # Remove copied files save_accounts } run_shell() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then docker exec -it "$docker_container" bash else docker exec -it "$docker_container" bash -c "$@" fi save_accounts } display_head() { docker exec "$interactive_flags" "$docker_container" tezos \ client rpc call /blocks/head with '{}' docker exec "$interactive_flags" "$docker_container" tezos \ client rpc call /blocks/head/proto/context/level with '{}' } ## Main #################################################################### start() { pull_image start_container "$@" init_node "$@" start_node start_baker start_endorser save_accounts warn_script_uptodate } go_alpha_go() { docker exec "$interactive_flags" "$docker_container" tezos client \ activate \ protocol ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK \ with fitness 1 \ and passes 1 \ and key dictator } stop() { stop_node || true stop_container } status() { pull_image if ! uptodate_container; then echo -e "\033[31mThe container is running but not the latest available.\033[0m" exit 1 fi echo -e "\033[32mThe container is running and up to date.\033[0m" warn_script_uptodate verbose status_node status_baker status_endorser } warn_script_uptodate() { if [[ $ALPHANET_EMACS ]]; then return fi docker cp "$docker_container:home/tezos/scripts/alphanet.sh" \ ".alphanet.sh.new" if ! diff .alphanet.sh.new "$0" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo -e "\033[33mWarning: the container contains a new version of 'alphanet.sh'.\033[0m" echo -e "\033[33mYou might run '$0 update_script' to synchronize.\033[0m" elif [ "$1" = "verbose" ] ; then echo -e "\033[32mThe script is up to date.\033[0m" fi rm .alphanet.sh.new } assert_uptodate() { assert_container assert_container_uptodate warn_script_uptodate } update_script() { pull_image tmp="$(docker run --rm -dit --entrypoint /bin/sleep "$docker_image" 20)" docker cp "$tmp:home/tezos/scripts/alphanet.sh" ".alphanet.sh.new" docker stop "$tmp" > /dev/null if ! diff .alphanet.sh.new "$0" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then mv .alphanet.sh.new "$0" echo -e "\033[32mThe script has been updated.\033[0m" else rm .alphanet.sh.new echo -e "\033[32mThe script is up to date.\033[0m" fi } usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [GLOBAL_OPTIONS] <command> [OPTIONS]" echo " Main commands:" echo " $0 start [--rpc-port <int>] [OPTIONS]" echo " Launch a full Tezos alphanet node in a docker container" echo " automatically generating a new network identity." echo " An account 'my_account' for a manager 'my_identity' is also" echo " created to be used via the client." echo " OPTIONS (others than --rpc-port) are directly passed to the" echo " Tezos node, see '$0 shell tezos-node config --help'" echo " for more details." echo " By default, the RPC port is not exported outside the docker" echo " container. WARNING: when exported some RPCs could be harmful" echo " (e.g. 'inject_block', 'force_validation', ...), it is" echo " advised not to export them publicly." echo " $0 <stop|kill>" echo " Friendly or brutally stop the node." echo " $0 restart" echo " Friendly stop the node, fetch the latest docker image and " echo " update this script, then start the node again." echo " The blockchain data are preserved." echo " $0 clear" echo " Remove all the blockchain data from the disk (except" echo " for secret keys and other configuration backup)." echo " $0 status" echo " Check that the running node is running and up to date." echo " Upgrade is automatically done by the start command." echo " $0 head" echo " Display info about the current head of the blockchain." echo " $0 client <COMMAND>" echo " Pass a command to the tezos client." echo " $0 update_script" echo " Replace 'alphanet.sh' with the one found in the docker image." echo " Advanced commands:" echo " $0 container <start|stop|status>" echo " $0 node <start|stop|status|log>" echo " $0 baker <start|stop|status|log>" echo " $0 endorser <start|stop|status|log>" echo " $0 shell" echo "Node configuration backup directory: $data_dir" echo "Global options are currently limited to:" echo " --port <int>" echo " change public the port Tezos node" echo "Container prefix:" echo " container:<FILE>" echo " can be used anywhere 'file:<FILE>' is permitted in client commands." echo " It will cause the referenced file to be copied into the docker conainer." echo " Files will be renamed, which may make errors difficult to read" } ## Dispatch ################################################################ if [ "$#" -ge 2 ] && [ "$1" = "--port" ] ; then port="$2" suffix=".$port" shift 2 fi command="$1" if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] ; then usage ; exit 1; else shift ; fi case "$command" in ## Main start) start "$@" ;; restart) if check_container; then stop_container fi update_script export TEZOS_ALPHANET_DO_NOT_PULL=yes exec "$0" start "$@" ;; clear) if check_container; then echo -e "\033[31mCannot clear data while the container is running.\033[0m" exit 1 fi clear_volume ;; status) assert_container status ;; stop) assert_container stop ;; kill) stop_container ;; ## Container container) subcommand="$1" if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] ; then usage ; exit 1 ; else shift ; fi case "$subcommand" in start) start_container "$@" warn_script_uptodate ;; status) if check_container; then echo -e "\033[32mContainer is running\033[0m" else echo -e "\033[33mContainer is not running\033[0m" fi ;; stop) stop_container ;; *) usage exit 1 esac ;; ## Node node) subcommand="$1" if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] ; then usage ; exit 1; else shift ; fi case "$subcommand" in start) assert_uptodate start_node ;; status) assert_uptodate status_node ;; log) assert_uptodate log_node ;; stop) assert_uptodate stop_node ;; *) usage exit 1 esac ;; ## Baker baker) subcommand="$1" if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] ; then usage ; exit 1; else shift ; fi case "$subcommand" in status) assert_uptodate status_baker ;; start) assert_uptodate assert_node start_baker ;; log) assert_uptodate log_baker ;; stop) assert_uptodate stop_baker ;; *) usage exit 1 esac ;; ## Endorser endorser) subcommand="$1" if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] ; then usage ; exit 1; else shift ; fi case "$subcommand" in status) assert_uptodate status_endorser ;; start) assert_uptodate assert_node start_endorser ;; log) assert_uptodate log_endorser ;; stop) assert_uptodate stop_endorser ;; *) usage exit 1 esac ;; ## Misc. head) assert_uptodate assert_node display_head ;; go_alpha_go) assert_uptodate assert_node go_alpha_go ;; shell) assert_uptodate run_shell "$@" ;; client) assert_uptodate assert_node run_client "$@" ;; check_script) assert_uptodate ;; update_script) update_script ;; *) usage exit 1 ;; esac