(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* Copyright (c) 2019 Nomadic Labs <contact@nomadic-labs.com> *) (* Copyright (c) 2019 Cryptium Labs <contact@cryptium-labs.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) let manager_script_code : Script_repr.lazy_expr = let open Micheline in let open Michelson_v1_primitives in Script_repr.lazy_expr @@ strip_locations @@ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, K_parameter, [ Prim ( 0, T_or, [ Prim ( 0, T_lambda, [ Prim (0, T_unit, [], []); Prim (0, T_list, [Prim (0, T_operation, [], [])], []) ], ["%do"] ); Prim (0, T_unit, [], ["%default"]) ], [] ) ], [] ); Prim (0, K_storage, [Prim (0, T_key_hash, [], [])], []); Prim ( 0, K_code, [ Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_DUP, [], []); Prim (0, I_CAR, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [Seq (0, [Prim (0, I_CDR, [], [])])], [] ) ] ) ] ); Prim ( 0, I_IF_LEFT, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_PUSH, [ Prim (0, T_mutez, [], []); Int (0, Z.zero) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_AMOUNT, [], []); Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_COMPARE, [], []); Prim (0, I_EQ, [], []) ] ); Prim ( 0, I_IF, [ Seq (0, []); Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_UNIT, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_FAILWITH, [], [] ) ] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ); Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [ Seq (0, [Prim (0, I_DUP, [], [])]) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_SWAP, [], []) ] ); Prim (0, I_IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT, [], []); Prim (0, I_ADDRESS, [], []); Prim (0, I_SENDER, [], []); Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_COMPARE, [], []); Prim (0, I_EQ, [], []) ] ); Prim ( 0, I_IF, [ Seq (0, []); Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_UNIT, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_FAILWITH, [], [] ) ] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ); Prim (0, I_UNIT, [], []); Prim (0, I_EXEC, [], []); Prim (0, I_PAIR, [], []) ] ); Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_DROP, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_NIL, [Prim (0, T_operation, [], [])], [] ); Prim (0, I_PAIR, [], []) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) (* Find the toplevel expression with a given prim type from list, because they can be in arbitrary order. *) let find_toplevel toplevel exprs = let open Micheline in let rec iter toplevel = function | (Prim (_, prim, _, _) as found) :: _ when String.equal toplevel (Michelson_v1_primitives.string_of_prim prim) -> Some found | _ :: rest -> iter toplevel rest | [] -> None in iter (Michelson_v1_primitives.string_of_prim toplevel) exprs let add_do : manager_pkh:Signature.Public_key_hash.t -> script_code:Script_repr.lazy_expr -> script_storage:Script_repr.lazy_expr -> (Script_repr.lazy_expr * Script_repr.lazy_expr) tzresult Lwt.t = fun ~manager_pkh ~script_code ~script_storage -> let open Micheline in let open Michelson_v1_primitives in Lwt.return (Script_repr.force_decode script_code) >>=? fun (script_code_expr, _gas_cost) -> Lwt.return (Script_repr.force_decode script_storage) >>|? fun (script_storage_expr, _gas_cost) -> let storage_expr = root script_storage_expr in match root script_code_expr with | Seq (_, toplevel) -> ( match ( find_toplevel K_parameter toplevel, find_toplevel K_storage toplevel, find_toplevel K_code toplevel ) with | ( Some (Prim ( _, K_parameter, [Prim (_, parameter_type, parameter_expr, parameter_annot)], prim_param_annot )), Some (Prim ( _, K_storage, [ Prim (_, code_storage_type, code_storage_expr, code_storage_annot) ], k_storage_annot )), Some (Prim (_, K_code, [code_expr], code_annot)) ) -> (* Note that we intentionally don't deal with potential duplicate entrypoints in this migration as there already might be some in contracts that we don't touch. *) let migrated_code = Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, K_parameter, [ Prim ( 0, T_or, [ Prim ( 0, T_lambda, [ Prim (0, T_unit, [], []); Prim ( 0, T_list, [Prim (0, T_operation, [], [])], [] ) ], ["%do"] ); Prim ( 0, parameter_type, parameter_expr, "%default" :: parameter_annot ) ], [] ) ], prim_param_annot ); Prim ( 0, K_storage, [ Prim ( 0, T_pair, [ Prim (0, T_key_hash, [], []); Prim ( 0, code_storage_type, code_storage_expr, code_storage_annot ) ], [] ) ], k_storage_annot ); Prim ( 0, K_code, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_DUP, [], []); Prim (0, I_CAR, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_IF_LEFT, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_PUSH, [ Prim (0, T_mutez, [], []); Int (0, Z.zero) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_AMOUNT, [], []); Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_COMPARE, [], []); Prim (0, I_EQ, [], []) ] ); Prim ( 0, I_IF, [ Seq (0, []); Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_UNIT, [], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_FAILWITH, [], [] ) ] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ); Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_DUP, [], []) ] ) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_SWAP, [], []) ] ); Prim (0, I_CDR, [], []); Prim (0, I_CAR, [], []); Prim (0, I_IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT, [], []); Prim (0, I_ADDRESS, [], []); Prim (0, I_SENDER, [], []); Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_COMPARE, [], []); Prim (0, I_NEQ, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_IF, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_SENDER, [], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_PUSH, [ Prim ( 0, T_string, [], [] ); String ( 0, "Only the \ owner \ can \ operate." ) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_PAIR, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_FAILWITH, [], [] ) ] ); Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_UNIT, [], []); Prim (0, I_EXEC, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_CDR, [], [] ) ] ) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_PAIR, [], []) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) ] ); Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_CDR, [], []); Prim (0, I_DUP, [], []); Prim (0, I_CDR, [], []) ] ) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_PAIR, [], []); code_expr; Prim (0, I_SWAP, [], []); Prim (0, I_CAR, [], []); Prim (0, I_SWAP, [], []); Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_DUP, [], []); Prim (0, I_CAR, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_CDR, [], [] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) ] ); Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_SWAP, [], []); Prim (0, I_PAIR, [], []) ] ) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_PAIR, [], []) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) ], code_annot ) ] ) in let migrated_storage = Prim ( 0, D_Pair, [ (* Instead of `String (0, Signature.Public_key_hash.to_b58check manager_pkh)` the storage is written as unparsed with [Optimized] *) Bytes ( 0, Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding manager_pkh ); storage_expr ], [] ) in ( Script_repr.lazy_expr @@ strip_locations migrated_code, Script_repr.lazy_expr @@ strip_locations migrated_storage ) | _ -> (script_code, script_storage) ) | _ -> (script_code, script_storage) let add_set_delegate : manager_pkh:Signature.Public_key_hash.t -> script_code:Script_repr.lazy_expr -> script_storage:Script_repr.lazy_expr -> (Script_repr.lazy_expr * Script_repr.lazy_expr) tzresult Lwt.t = fun ~manager_pkh ~script_code ~script_storage -> let open Micheline in let open Michelson_v1_primitives in Lwt.return (Script_repr.force_decode script_code) >>=? fun (script_code_expr, _gas_cost) -> Lwt.return (Script_repr.force_decode script_storage) >>|? fun (script_storage_expr, _gas_cost) -> let storage_expr = root script_storage_expr in match root script_code_expr with | Seq (_, toplevel) -> ( match ( find_toplevel K_parameter toplevel, find_toplevel K_storage toplevel, find_toplevel K_code toplevel ) with | ( Some (Prim ( _, K_parameter, [Prim (_, parameter_type, parameter_expr, parameter_annot)], prim_param_annot )), Some (Prim ( _, K_storage, [ Prim (_, code_storage_type, code_storage_expr, code_storage_annot) ], k_storage_annot )), Some (Prim (_, K_code, [code_expr], code_annot)) ) -> (* Note that we intentionally don't deal with potential duplicate entrypoints in this migration as there already might be some in contracts that we don't touch. *) let migrated_code = Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, K_parameter, [ Prim ( 0, T_or, [ Prim ( 0, T_or, [ Prim (0, T_key_hash, [], ["%set_delegate"]); Prim (0, T_unit, [], ["%remove_delegate"]) ], [] ); Prim ( 0, parameter_type, parameter_expr, "%default" :: parameter_annot ) ], [] ) ], prim_param_annot ); Prim ( 0, K_storage, [ Prim ( 0, T_pair, [ Prim (0, T_key_hash, [], []); Prim ( 0, code_storage_type, code_storage_expr, code_storage_annot ) ], [] ) ], k_storage_annot ); Prim ( 0, K_code, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_DUP, [], []); Prim (0, I_CAR, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_IF_LEFT, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_PUSH, [ Prim (0, T_mutez, [], []); Int (0, Z.zero) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_AMOUNT, [], []); Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_COMPARE, [], []); Prim (0, I_EQ, [], []) ] ); Prim ( 0, I_IF, [ Seq (0, []); Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_UNIT, [], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_FAILWITH, [], [] ) ] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ); Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_DUP, [], []) ] ) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_SWAP, [], []) ] ); Prim (0, I_CDR, [], []); Prim (0, I_CAR, [], []); Prim (0, I_IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT, [], []); Prim (0, I_ADDRESS, [], []); Prim (0, I_SENDER, [], []); Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_COMPARE, [], []); Prim (0, I_NEQ, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_IF, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_SENDER, [], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_PUSH, [ Prim ( 0, T_string, [], [] ); String ( 0, "Only the \ owner \ can \ operate." ) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_PAIR, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_FAILWITH, [], [] ) ] ); Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_CDR, [], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_NIL, [ Prim ( 0, T_operation, [], [] ) ], [] ) ] ) ], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_IF_LEFT, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_SOME, [], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_SET_DELEGATE, [], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_CONS, [], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_PAIR, [], [] ) ] ); Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_DROP, [], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_NONE, [ Prim ( 0, T_key_hash, [], [] ) ], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_SET_DELEGATE, [], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_CONS, [], [] ); Prim ( 0, I_PAIR, [], [] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) ] ); Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_CDR, [], []); Prim (0, I_DUP, [], []); Prim (0, I_CDR, [], []) ] ) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_PAIR, [], []); code_expr; Prim (0, I_SWAP, [], []); Prim (0, I_CAR, [], []); Prim (0, I_SWAP, [], []); Seq ( 0, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_DUP, [], []); Prim (0, I_CAR, [], []); Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim ( 0, I_CDR, [], [] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) ] ); Prim ( 0, I_DIP, [ Seq ( 0, [ Prim (0, I_SWAP, [], []); Prim (0, I_PAIR, [], []) ] ) ], [] ); Prim (0, I_PAIR, [], []) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) ], code_annot ) ] ) in let migrated_storage = Prim ( 0, D_Pair, [ (* Instead of `String (0, Signature.Public_key_hash.to_b58check manager_pkh)` the storage is written as unparsed with [Optimized] *) Bytes ( 0, Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding manager_pkh ); storage_expr ], [] ) in ( Script_repr.lazy_expr @@ strip_locations migrated_code, Script_repr.lazy_expr @@ strip_locations migrated_storage ) | _ -> (script_code, script_storage) ) | _ -> (script_code, script_storage) let has_default_entrypoint expr = let open Micheline in let open Michelson_v1_primitives in match Script_repr.force_decode expr with | Error _ -> false | Ok (expr, _) -> ( match root expr with | Seq (_, toplevel) -> ( match find_toplevel K_parameter toplevel with | Some (Prim (_, K_parameter, [_], ["%default"])) -> false | Some (Prim (_, K_parameter, [parameter_expr], _)) -> let rec has_default = function | Prim (_, T_or, [l; r], annots) -> List.exists (String.equal "%default") annots || has_default l || has_default r | Prim (_, _, _, annots) -> List.exists (String.equal "%default") annots | _ -> false in has_default parameter_expr | Some _ | None -> false ) | _ -> false ) let add_root_entrypoint : script_code:Script_repr.lazy_expr -> Script_repr.lazy_expr tzresult Lwt.t = fun ~script_code -> let open Micheline in let open Michelson_v1_primitives in Lwt.return (Script_repr.force_decode script_code) >>|? fun (script_code_expr, _gas_cost) -> match root script_code_expr with | Seq (_, toplevel) -> let migrated_code = Seq ( 0, List.map (function | Prim (_, K_parameter, [parameter_expr], _) -> Prim (0, K_parameter, [parameter_expr], ["%root"]) | Prim (_, K_code, exprs, annots) -> let rec rewrite_self = function | ( Int _ | String _ | Bytes _ | Prim (_, I_CREATE_CONTRACT, _, _) ) as leaf -> leaf | Prim (_, I_SELF, [], annots) -> Prim (0, I_SELF, [], "%root" :: annots) | Prim (_, name, args, annots) -> Prim (0, name, List.map rewrite_self args, annots) | Seq (_, args) -> Seq (0, List.map rewrite_self args) in Prim (0, K_code, List.map rewrite_self exprs, annots) | other -> other) toplevel ) in Script_repr.lazy_expr @@ strip_locations migrated_code | _ -> script_code