(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Protocol open Alpha_context open Test_tez open Test_utils let account_pair = function | [a1; a2] -> (a1, a2) | _ -> assert false let wrap e = Lwt.return (Environment.wrap_error e) let traverse_rolls ctxt head = let rec loop acc roll = Storage.Roll.Successor.get_option ctxt roll >>= wrap >>=? function | None -> return (List.rev acc) | Some next -> loop (next :: acc) next in loop [head] head let get_rolls ctxt delegate = Storage.Roll.Delegate_roll_list.get_option ctxt delegate >>= wrap >>=? function | None -> return_nil | Some head_roll -> traverse_rolls ctxt head_roll let check_rolls b (account:Account.t) = Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun constants -> Context.Delegate.info (B b) account.pkh >>=? fun { staking_balance ; _ } -> let token_per_roll = constants.parametric.tokens_per_roll in let expected_rolls = Int64.div (Tez.to_mutez staking_balance) (Tez.to_mutez token_per_roll) in Raw_context.prepare b.context ~level:b.header.shell.level ~predecessor_timestamp:b.header.shell.timestamp ~timestamp:b.header.shell.timestamp ~fitness:b.header.shell.fitness >>= wrap >>=? fun ctxt -> get_rolls ctxt account.pkh >>=? fun rolls -> Assert.equal_int ~loc:__LOC__ (List.length rolls) (Int64.to_int expected_rolls) let check_no_rolls (b : Block.t) (account:Account.t) = Raw_context.prepare b.context ~level:b.header.shell.level ~predecessor_timestamp:b.header.shell.timestamp ~timestamp:b.header.shell.timestamp ~fitness:b.header.shell.fitness >>= wrap >>=? fun ctxt -> get_rolls ctxt account.pkh >>=? fun rolls -> Assert.equal_int ~loc:__LOC__ (List.length rolls) 0 let simple_staking_rights () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b,accounts) -> let (a1, _a2) = account_pair accounts in Context.Contract.balance (B b) a1 >>=? fun balance -> Context.Contract.manager (B b) a1 >>=? fun m1 -> Context.Delegate.info (B b) m1.pkh >>=? fun info -> Assert.equal_tez ~loc:__LOC__ balance info.staking_balance >>=? fun () -> check_rolls b m1 let simple_staking_rights_after_baking () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b,accounts) -> let (a1, a2) = account_pair accounts in Context.Contract.balance (B b) a1 >>=? fun balance -> Context.Contract.manager (B b) a1 >>=? fun m1 -> Context.Contract.manager (B b) a2 >>=? fun m2 -> Block.bake_n ~policy:(By_account m2.pkh) 5 b >>=? fun b -> Context.Delegate.info (B b) m1.pkh >>=? fun info -> Assert.equal_tez ~loc:__LOC__ balance info.staking_balance >>=? fun () -> check_rolls b m1 >>=? fun () -> check_rolls b m2 let frozen_deposit (info:Context.Delegate.info) = Cycle.Map.fold (fun _ { Delegate.deposit ; _ } acc -> Test_tez.Tez.(deposit + acc)) info.frozen_balance_by_cycle Tez.zero let check_activate_staking_balance ~loc ~deactivated b (a, (m:Account.t)) = Context.Delegate.info (B b) m.pkh >>=? fun info -> Assert.equal_bool ~loc info.deactivated deactivated >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.balance (B b) a >>=? fun balance -> let deposit = frozen_deposit info in Assert.equal_tez ~loc Test_tez.Tez.(balance + deposit) info.staking_balance let run_until_deactivation () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b,accounts) -> let (a1, a2) = account_pair accounts in Context.Contract.balance (B b) a1 >>=? fun balance_start -> Context.Contract.manager (B b) a1 >>=? fun m1 -> Context.Contract.manager (B b) a2 >>=? fun m2 -> check_activate_staking_balance ~loc:__LOC__ ~deactivated:false b (a1,m1) >>=? fun () -> Context.Delegate.info (B b) m1.pkh >>=? fun info -> Block.bake_until_cycle ~policy:(By_account m2.pkh) info.grace_period b >>=? fun b -> check_activate_staking_balance ~loc:__LOC__ ~deactivated:false b (a1,m1) >>=? fun () -> Block.bake_until_cycle_end ~policy:(By_account m2.pkh) b >>=? fun b -> check_activate_staking_balance ~loc:__LOC__ ~deactivated:true b (a1,m1) >>=? fun () -> return (b, ((a1, m1), balance_start), (a2, m2)) let deactivation_then_bake () = run_until_deactivation () >>=? fun (b, ((_deactivated_contract, deactivated_account) as deactivated, _start_balance), (_a2, _m2)) -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_account deactivated_account.pkh) b >>=? fun b -> check_activate_staking_balance ~loc:__LOC__ ~deactivated:false b deactivated >>=? fun () -> check_rolls b deactivated_account let deactivation_then_self_delegation () = run_until_deactivation () >>=? fun (b, ((deactivated_contract, deactivated_account) as deactivated, start_balance), (_a2, m2)) -> Op.delegation (B b) deactivated_contract (Some deactivated_account.pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_account m2.pkh) b ~operation:self_delegation >>=? fun b -> check_activate_staking_balance ~loc:__LOC__ ~deactivated:false b deactivated >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.balance (B b) deactivated_contract >>=? fun balance -> Assert.equal_tez ~loc:__LOC__ start_balance balance >>=? fun () -> check_rolls b deactivated_account let deactivation_then_empty_then_self_delegation () = run_until_deactivation () >>=? fun (b, ((deactivated_contract, deactivated_account) as deactivated, _start_balance), (_a2, m2)) -> (* empty the contract *) Context.Contract.balance (B b) deactivated_contract >>=? fun balance -> let sink_account = Account.new_account () in let sink_contract = Contract.implicit_contract sink_account.pkh in Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = { origination_size ; cost_per_byte ; _ } ; _ } -> Tez.(cost_per_byte *? Int64.of_int origination_size) >>?= fun origination_burn -> let amount = match Tez.(balance -? origination_burn) with Ok r -> r | Error _ -> assert false in Op.transaction (B b) deactivated_contract sink_contract amount >>=? fun empty_contract -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_account m2.pkh) ~operation:empty_contract b >>=? fun b -> (* self delegation *) Op.delegation (B b) deactivated_contract (Some deactivated_account.pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_account m2.pkh) ~operation:self_delegation b >>=? fun b -> check_activate_staking_balance ~loc:__LOC__ ~deactivated:false b deactivated >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.balance (B b) deactivated_contract >>=? fun balance -> Assert.equal_tez ~loc:__LOC__ Tez.zero balance >>=? fun () -> check_rolls b deactivated_account let deactivation_then_empty_then_self_delegation_then_recredit () = run_until_deactivation () >>=? fun (b, ((deactivated_contract, deactivated_account) as deactivated, balance), (_a2, m2)) -> (* empty the contract *) let sink_account = Account.new_account () in let sink_contract = Contract.implicit_contract sink_account.pkh in Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = { origination_size ; cost_per_byte ; _ } ; _ } -> Tez.(cost_per_byte *? Int64.of_int origination_size) >>?= fun origination_burn -> let amount = match Tez.(balance -? origination_burn) with Ok r -> r | Error _ -> assert false in Op.transaction (B b) deactivated_contract sink_contract amount >>=? fun empty_contract -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_account m2.pkh) ~operation:empty_contract b >>=? fun b -> (* self delegation *) Op.delegation (B b) deactivated_contract (Some deactivated_account.pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_account m2.pkh) ~operation:self_delegation b >>=? fun b -> (* recredit *) Op.transaction (B b) sink_contract deactivated_contract amount >>=? fun recredit_contract -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_account m2.pkh) ~operation:recredit_contract b >>=? fun b -> check_activate_staking_balance ~loc:__LOC__ ~deactivated:false b deactivated >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.balance (B b) deactivated_contract >>=? fun balance -> Assert.equal_tez ~loc:__LOC__ amount balance >>=? fun () -> check_rolls b deactivated_account let delegation () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b,accounts) -> let (a1, a2) = account_pair accounts in let m3 = Account.new_account () in Account.add_account m3; Context.Contract.manager (B b) a1 >>=? fun m1 -> Context.Contract.manager (B b) a2 >>=? fun m2 -> let a3 = Contract.implicit_contract m3.pkh in Context.Contract.delegate_opt (B b) a1 >>=? fun delegate -> begin match delegate with | None -> assert false | Some pkh -> assert (Signature.Public_key_hash.equal pkh m1.pkh) end; Op.transaction (B b) a1 a3 Tez.fifty_cents >>=? fun transact -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_account m2.pkh) b ~operation:transact >>=? fun b -> Context.Contract.delegate_opt (B b) a3 >>=? fun delegate -> begin match delegate with | None -> () | Some _ -> assert false end; check_no_rolls b m3 >>=? fun () -> Op.delegation (B b) a3 (Some m3.pkh) >>=? fun delegation -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_account m2.pkh) b ~operation:delegation >>=? fun b -> Context.Contract.delegate_opt (B b) a3 >>=? fun delegate -> begin match delegate with | None -> assert false | Some pkh -> assert (Signature.Public_key_hash.equal pkh m3.pkh) end; check_activate_staking_balance ~loc:__LOC__ ~deactivated:false b (a3,m3) >>=? fun () -> check_rolls b m3 >>=? fun () -> check_rolls b m1 let tests = [ Test.tztest "simple staking rights" `Quick (simple_staking_rights) ; Test.tztest "simple staking rights after baking" `Quick (simple_staking_rights_after_baking) ; Test.tztest "deactivation then bake" `Quick (deactivation_then_bake) ; Test.tztest "deactivation then self delegation" `Quick (deactivation_then_self_delegation) ; Test.tztest "deactivation then empty then self delegation" `Quick (deactivation_then_empty_then_self_delegation) ; Test.tztest "deactivation then empty then self delegation then recredit" `Quick (deactivation_then_empty_then_self_delegation_then_recredit) ; Test.tztest "delegation" `Quick (delegation) ; ]