(* type file_location = { *) (* filename : string ; *) (* start_line : int ; *) (* start_column : int ; *) (* end_line : int ; *) (* end_column : int ; *) (* } *) type virtual_location = string type t = | File of Region.t (* file_location *) | Virtual of virtual_location let make (start_pos:Lexing.position) (end_pos:Lexing.position) : t = (* TODO: give correct unicode offsets (the random number is here so that searching for wrong souce locations appearing in messages will quickly lead here *) File (Region.make ~start:(Pos.make ~byte:start_pos ~point_num:(-1897000) ~point_bol:(-1897000)) ~stop:(Pos.make ~byte:end_pos ~point_num:(-1897000) ~point_bol:(-1897000))) let virtual_location s = Virtual s let dummy = virtual_location "dummy" let generated = virtual_location "generated" type 'a wrap = { wrap_content : 'a ; location : t ; } let wrap ?(loc = generated) wrap_content = { wrap_content ; location = loc } let get_location x = x.location let unwrap { wrap_content ; _ } = wrap_content let map f x = { x with wrap_content = f x.wrap_content } let pp_wrap f ppf { wrap_content ; _ } = Format.fprintf ppf "%a" f wrap_content let lift_region : 'a Region.reg -> 'a wrap = fun x -> wrap ~loc:(File x.region) x.value let lift : Region.region -> t = fun x -> File x let r_extract : 'a Region.reg -> t = fun x -> File x.region let r_split : 'a Region.reg -> ('a * t) = fun x -> x.value , File x.region