(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Alpha_context (** Returns the proposal submitted by the most delegates. Returns None in case of a tie, if proposal quorum is below required minimum or if there are no proposals. *) let select_winning_proposal ctxt = Vote.get_proposals ctxt >>=? fun proposals -> let merge proposal vote winners = match winners with | None -> Some ([proposal], vote) | Some (winners, winners_vote) as previous -> if Compare.Int32.(vote = winners_vote) then Some (proposal :: winners, winners_vote) else if Compare.Int32.(vote > winners_vote) then Some ([proposal], vote) else previous in match Protocol_hash.Map.fold merge proposals None with | Some ([proposal], vote) -> Vote.listing_size ctxt >>=? fun max_vote -> let min_proposal_quorum = Constants.min_proposal_quorum ctxt in let min_vote_to_pass = Int32.div (Int32.mul min_proposal_quorum max_vote) 100_00l in if Compare.Int32.(vote >= min_vote_to_pass) then return_some proposal else return_none | _ -> return_none (* in case of a tie, let's do nothing. *) (** A proposal is approved if it has supermajority and the participation reaches the current quorum. Supermajority means the yays are more 8/10 of casted votes. The participation is the ratio of all received votes, including passes, with respect to the number of possible votes. The participation EMA (exponential moving average) uses the last participation EMA and the current participation./ The expected quorum is calculated using the last participation EMA, capped by the min/max quorum protocol constants. *) let check_approval_and_update_participation_ema ctxt = Vote.get_ballots ctxt >>=? fun ballots -> Vote.listing_size ctxt >>=? fun maximum_vote -> Vote.get_participation_ema ctxt >>=? fun participation_ema -> Vote.get_current_quorum ctxt >>=? fun expected_quorum -> (* Note overflows: considering a maximum of 8e8 tokens, with roll size as small as 1e3, there is a maximum of 8e5 rolls and thus votes. In 'participation' an Int64 is used because in the worst case 'all_votes is 8e5 and after the multiplication is 8e9, making it potentially overflow a signed Int32 which is 2e9. *) let casted_votes = Int32.add ballots.yay ballots.nay in let all_votes = Int32.add casted_votes ballots.pass in let supermajority = Int32.div (Int32.mul 8l casted_votes) 10l in let participation = (* in centile of percentage *) Int64.(to_int32 (div (mul (of_int32 all_votes) 100_00L) (of_int32 maximum_vote))) in let outcome = Compare.Int32.(participation >= expected_quorum && ballots.yay >= supermajority) in let new_participation_ema = Int32.(div (add (mul 8l participation_ema) (mul 2l participation)) 10l) in Vote.set_participation_ema ctxt new_participation_ema >>=? fun ctxt -> return (ctxt, outcome) (** Implements the state machine of the amendment procedure. Note that [freeze_listings], that computes the vote weight of each delegate, is run at the beginning of each voting period. *) let start_new_voting_period ctxt = Vote.get_current_period_kind ctxt >>=? function | Proposal -> begin select_winning_proposal ctxt >>=? fun proposal -> Vote.clear_proposals ctxt >>= fun ctxt -> Vote.clear_listings ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> match proposal with | None -> Vote.freeze_listings ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt | Some proposal -> Vote.init_current_proposal ctxt proposal >>=? fun ctxt -> Vote.freeze_listings ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> Vote.set_current_period_kind ctxt Testing_vote >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt end | Testing_vote -> check_approval_and_update_participation_ema ctxt >>=? fun (ctxt, approved) -> Vote.clear_ballots ctxt >>= fun ctxt -> Vote.clear_listings ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> if approved then let expiration = (* in two days maximum... *) Time.add (Timestamp.current ctxt) (Constants.test_chain_duration ctxt) in Vote.get_current_proposal ctxt >>=? fun proposal -> fork_test_chain ctxt proposal expiration >>= fun ctxt -> Vote.set_current_period_kind ctxt Testing >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt else Vote.clear_current_proposal ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> Vote.freeze_listings ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> Vote.set_current_period_kind ctxt Proposal >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt | Testing -> Vote.freeze_listings ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> Vote.set_current_period_kind ctxt Promotion_vote >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt | Promotion_vote -> check_approval_and_update_participation_ema ctxt >>=? fun (ctxt, approved) -> begin if approved then Vote.get_current_proposal ctxt >>=? fun proposal -> activate ctxt proposal >>= fun ctxt -> return ctxt else return ctxt end >>=? fun ctxt -> Vote.clear_ballots ctxt >>= fun ctxt -> Vote.clear_listings ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> Vote.clear_current_proposal ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> Vote.freeze_listings ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> Vote.set_current_period_kind ctxt Proposal >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt type error += (* `Branch *) | Invalid_proposal | Unexpected_proposal | Unauthorized_proposal | Too_many_proposals | Empty_proposal | Unexpected_ballot | Unauthorized_ballot let () = let open Data_encoding in (* Invalid proposal *) register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"invalid_proposal" ~title:"Invalid proposal" ~description:"Ballot provided for a proposal that is not the current one." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid proposal") empty (function Invalid_proposal -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Invalid_proposal) ; (* Unexpected proposal *) register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"unexpected_proposal" ~title:"Unexpected proposal" ~description:"Proposal recorded outside of a proposal period." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Unexpected proposal") empty (function Unexpected_proposal -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Unexpected_proposal) ; (* Unauthorized proposal *) register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"unauthorized_proposal" ~title:"Unauthorized proposal" ~description:"The delegate provided for the proposal is not in the voting listings." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Unauthorized proposal") empty (function Unauthorized_proposal -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Unauthorized_proposal) ; (* Unexpected ballot *) register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"unexpected_ballot" ~title:"Unexpected ballot" ~description:"Ballot recorded outside of a voting period." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Unexpected ballot") empty (function Unexpected_ballot -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Unexpected_ballot) ; (* Unauthorized ballot *) register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"unauthorized_ballot" ~title:"Unauthorized ballot" ~description:"The delegate provided for the ballot is not in the voting listings." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Unauthorized ballot") empty (function Unauthorized_ballot -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Unauthorized_ballot) ; (* Too many proposals *) register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"too_many_proposals" ~title:"Too many proposals" ~description:"The delegate reached the maximum number of allowed proposals." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Too many proposals") empty (function Too_many_proposals -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Too_many_proposals) ; (* Empty proposal *) register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"empty_proposal" ~title:"Empty proposal" ~description:"Proposal lists cannot be empty." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Empty proposal") empty (function Empty_proposal -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Empty_proposal) (* @return [true] if [List.length l] > [n] w/o computing length *) let rec longer_than l n = if Compare.Int.(n < 0) then assert false else match l with | [] -> false | _ :: rest -> if Compare.Int.(n = 0) then true else (* n > 0 *) longer_than rest (n-1) let record_proposals ctxt delegate proposals = begin match proposals with | [] -> fail Empty_proposal | _ :: _ -> return_unit end >>=? fun () -> Vote.get_current_period_kind ctxt >>=? function | Proposal -> Vote.in_listings ctxt delegate >>= fun in_listings -> if in_listings then Vote.recorded_proposal_count_for_delegate ctxt delegate >>=? fun count -> fail_when (longer_than proposals (Constants.max_proposals_per_delegate - count)) Too_many_proposals >>=? fun () -> fold_left_s (fun ctxt proposal -> Vote.record_proposal ctxt proposal delegate) ctxt proposals >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt else fail Unauthorized_proposal | Testing_vote | Testing | Promotion_vote -> fail Unexpected_proposal let record_ballot ctxt delegate proposal ballot = Vote.get_current_period_kind ctxt >>=? function | Testing_vote | Promotion_vote -> Vote.get_current_proposal ctxt >>=? fun current_proposal -> fail_unless (Protocol_hash.equal proposal current_proposal) Invalid_proposal >>=? fun () -> Vote.has_recorded_ballot ctxt delegate >>= fun has_ballot -> fail_when has_ballot Unauthorized_ballot >>=? fun () -> Vote.in_listings ctxt delegate >>= fun in_listings -> if in_listings then Vote.record_ballot ctxt delegate ballot else fail Unauthorized_ballot | Testing | Proposal -> fail Unexpected_ballot let last_of_a_voting_period ctxt l = Compare.Int32.(Int32.succ l.Level.voting_period_position = Constants.blocks_per_voting_period ctxt ) let may_start_new_voting_period ctxt = let level = Level.current ctxt in if last_of_a_voting_period ctxt level then start_new_voting_period ctxt else return ctxt