%{ (* START HEADER *) [@@@warning "-42"] open Region open AST (* END HEADER *) %} (* See [ParToken.mly] for the definition of tokens. *) (* Entry points *) %start contract interactive_expr %type contract %type interactive_expr %% (* RULES *) (* The rule [series(Item,TERM)] parses a list of [Item] separated by semicolons and optionally terminated by a semicolon, then the terminal TERM. *) series(Item,TERM): Item after_item(Item,TERM) { $1,$2 } after_item(Item,TERM): SEMI item_or_closing(Item,TERM) { match $2 with `Some (item, items, term, closing) -> ($1, item)::items, term, closing | `Closing closing -> [], Some $1, closing } | TERM { [], None, $1 } item_or_closing(Item,TERM): TERM { `Closing $1 } | series(Item,TERM) { let item, (items, term, closing) = $1 in `Some (item, items, term, closing) } (* Compound constructs *) par(X): LPAR X RPAR { let region = cover $1 $3 and value = { lpar = $1; inside = $2; rpar = $3} in {region; value} } brackets(X): LBRACKET X RBRACKET { let region = cover $1 $3 and value = { lbracket = $1; inside = $2; rbracket = $3} in {region; value} } (* Sequences Series of instances of the same syntactical category have often to be parsed, like lists of expressions, patterns etc. The simplest of all is the possibly empty sequence (series), parsed below by [seq]. The non-empty sequence is parsed by [nseq]. Note that the latter returns a pair made of the first parsed item (the parameter [X]) and the rest of the sequence (possibly empty). This way, the OCaml typechecker can keep track of this information along the static control-flow graph. The rule [sepseq] parses possibly empty sequences of items separated by some token (e.g., a comma), and rule [nsepseq] is for non-empty such sequences. See module [Utils] for the types corresponding to the semantic actions of those rules. *) (* Possibly empty sequence of items *) seq(X): (**) { [] } | X seq(X) { $1::$2 } (* Non-empty sequence of items *) nseq(X): X seq(X) { $1,$2 } (* Non-empty separated sequence of items *) nsepseq(X,Sep): X { $1, [] } | X Sep nsepseq(X,Sep) { let h,t = $3 in $1, ($2,h)::t } (* Possibly empy separated sequence of items *) sepseq(X,Sep): (**) { None } | nsepseq(X,Sep) { Some $1 } (* Inlines *) %inline var : Ident { $1 } %inline type_name : Ident { $1 } %inline fun_name : Ident { $1 } %inline field_name : Ident { $1 } %inline record_name : Ident { $1 } (* Main *) contract: nseq(declaration) EOF { {decl = $1; eof = $2} } declaration: type_decl { TypeDecl $1 } | const_decl { ConstDecl $1 } | lambda_decl { LambdaDecl $1 } (* Type declarations *) type_decl: Type type_name Is type_expr option(SEMI) { let stop = match $5 with Some region -> region | None -> type_expr_to_region $4 in let region = cover $1 stop in let value = { kwd_type = $1; name = $2; kwd_is = $3; type_expr = $4; terminator = $5} in {region; value}} type_expr: cartesian { TProd $1 } | sum_type { TSum $1 } | record_type { TRecord $1 } cartesian: nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) { let region = nsepseq_to_region type_expr_to_region $1 in {region; value=$1}} core_type: type_name { TAlias $1 } | type_name type_tuple { let region = cover $1.region $2.region in TApp {region; value = $1,$2} } | Map type_tuple { let region = cover $1 $2.region in let type_constr = {value="map"; region=$1} in TApp {region; value = type_constr, $2} } | Set par(type_expr) { let total = cover $1 $2.region in let type_constr = {value="set"; region=$1} in let {region; value = {lpar; inside; rpar}} = $2 in let tuple = {region; value={lpar; inside=inside,[]; rpar}} in TApp {region=total; value = type_constr, tuple} } | List par(type_expr) { let total = cover $1 $2.region in let type_constr = {value="list"; region=$1} in let {region; value = {lpar; inside; rpar}} = $2 in let tuple = {region; value={lpar; inside=inside,[]; rpar}} in TApp {region=total; value = type_constr, tuple} } | par(type_expr) { TPar $1} type_tuple: par(nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA)) { $1 } sum_type: nsepseq(variant,VBAR) { let region = nsepseq_to_region (fun x -> x.region) $1 in {region; value = $1}} variant: Constr Of cartesian { let region = cover $1.region $3.region and value = {constr = $1; kwd_of = $2; product = $3} in {region; value}} record_type: Record series(field_decl,End) { let first, (others, terminator, closing) = $2 in let region = cover $1 closing and value = { opening = $1; field_decls = first, others; terminator; closing} in {region; value}} field_decl: field_name COLON type_expr { let stop = type_expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover $1.region stop and value = {field_name = $1; colon = $2; field_type = $3} in {region; value}} (* Function and procedure declarations *) lambda_decl: fun_decl { FunDecl $1 } | proc_decl { ProcDecl $1 } | entry_decl { EntryDecl $1 } fun_decl: Function fun_name parameters COLON type_expr Is seq(local_decl) block With expr option(SEMI) { let stop = match $11 with Some region -> region | None -> expr_to_region $10 in let region = cover $1 stop and value = { kwd_function = $1; name = $2; param = $3; colon = $4; ret_type = $5; kwd_is = $6; local_decls = $7; block = $8; kwd_with = $9; return = $10; terminator = $11} in {region; value}} entry_decl: Entrypoint fun_name entry_params COLON type_expr Is seq(local_decl) block With expr option(SEMI) { let stop = match $11 with Some region -> region | None -> expr_to_region $10 in let region = cover $1 stop and value = { kwd_entrypoint = $1; name = $2; param = $3; colon = $4; ret_type = $5; kwd_is = $6; local_decls = $7; block = $8; kwd_with = $9; return = $10; terminator = $11} in {region; value}} entry_params: par(nsepseq(entry_param_decl,SEMI)) { $1 } proc_decl: Procedure fun_name parameters Is seq(local_decl) block option(SEMI) { let stop = match $7 with Some region -> region | None -> $6.region in let region = cover $1 stop and value = { kwd_procedure = $1; name = $2; param = $3; kwd_is = $4; local_decls = $5; block = $6; terminator = $7} in {region; value}} parameters: par(nsepseq(param_decl,SEMI)) { $1 } param_decl: Var var COLON param_type { let stop = type_expr_to_region $4 in let region = cover $1 stop and value = { kwd_var = $1; var = $2; colon = $3; param_type = $4} in ParamVar {region; value} } | Const var COLON param_type { let stop = type_expr_to_region $4 in let region = cover $1 stop and value = { kwd_const = $1; var = $2; colon = $3; param_type = $4} in ParamConst {region; value}} entry_param_decl: param_decl { match $1 with ParamConst const -> EntryConst const | ParamVar var -> EntryVar var } | Storage var COLON param_type { let stop = type_expr_to_region $4 in let region = cover $1 stop and value = { kwd_storage = $1; var = $2; colon = $3; storage_type = $4} in EntryStore {region; value}} param_type: nsepseq(core_param_type,TIMES) { let region = nsepseq_to_region type_expr_to_region $1 in TProd {region; value=$1}} core_param_type: type_name { TAlias $1 } | type_name type_tuple { let region = cover $1.region $2.region in TApp {region; value = $1,$2}} block: Begin series(instruction,End) { let first, (others, terminator, closing) = $2 in let region = cover $1 closing and value = { opening = Begin $1; instr = first, others; terminator; closing = End closing} in {region; value} } | Block LBRACE series(instruction,RBRACE) { let first, (others, terminator, closing) = $3 in let region = cover $1 closing and value = { opening = Block ($1,$2); instr = first, others; terminator; closing = Block closing} in {region; value} } local_decl: lambda_decl { LocalLam $1 } | const_decl { LocalConst $1 } | var_decl { LocalVar $1 } unqualified_decl(OP): var COLON type_expr OP extended_expr option(SEMI) { let init, region = match $5 with `Expr e -> e, expr_to_region e | `EList kwd_nil -> let value = { nil = kwd_nil; colon = Region.ghost; list_type = $3} in let value = { lpar = Region.ghost; inside = value; rpar = Region.ghost} in EList (Nil {region=kwd_nil; value}), kwd_nil | `ENone region -> let value = { lpar = Region.ghost; inside = { c_None = region; colon = Region.ghost; opt_type = $3}; rpar = Region.ghost} in EConstr (NoneExpr {region; value}), region in let stop = match $6 with Some region -> region | None -> region in $1, $2, $3, $4, init, $6, stop} const_decl: Const unqualified_decl(EQUAL) { let name, colon, const_type, equal, init, terminator, stop = $2 in let region = cover $1 stop and value = { kwd_const = $1; name; colon; const_type; equal; init; terminator} in {region; value}} var_decl: Var unqualified_decl(ASS) { let name, colon, var_type, assign, init, terminator, stop = $2 in let region = cover $1 stop and value = { kwd_var = $1; name; colon; var_type; assign; init; terminator} in {region; value}} extended_expr: expr { `Expr $1 } | Nil { `EList $1 } | C_None { `ENone $1 } instruction: single_instr { Single $1 } | block { Block $1 : instruction } single_instr: conditional { Cond $1 } | case_instr { Case $1 } | assignment { Assign $1 } | loop { Loop $1 } | proc_call { ProcCall $1 } | fail_instr { Fail $1 } | Skip { Skip $1 } | record_patch { RecordPatch $1 } | map_patch { MapPatch $1 } | set_patch { SetPatch $1 } | map_remove { MapRemove $1 } | set_remove { SetRemove $1 } set_remove: Remove expr From Set path { let region = cover $1 (path_to_region $5) in let value = { kwd_remove = $1; element = $2; kwd_from = $3; kwd_set = $4; set = $5} in {region; value}} map_remove: Remove expr From Map path { let region = cover $1 (path_to_region $5) in let value = { kwd_remove = $1; key = $2; kwd_from = $3; kwd_map = $4; map = $5} in {region; value}} set_patch: Patch path With injection(Set) { let region = cover $1 $4.region in let value = { kwd_patch = $1; path = $2; kwd_with = $3; set_inj = $4} in {region; value}} map_patch: Patch path With map_injection { let region = cover $1 $4.region in let value = { kwd_patch = $1; path = $2; kwd_with = $3; map_inj = $4} in {region; value}} injection(Kind): Kind series(expr,End) { let first, (others, terminator, closing) = $2 in let region = cover $1 closing and value = { opening = Kwd $1; elements = Some (first, others); terminator; closing = End closing} in {region; value} } | Kind End { let region = cover $1 $2 and value = { opening = Kwd $1; elements = None; terminator = None; closing = End $2} in {region; value} } | Kind LBRACKET series(expr,RBRACKET) { let first, (others, terminator, closing) = $3 in let region = cover $1 closing and value = { opening = KwdBracket ($1,$2); elements = Some (first, others); terminator; closing = RBracket closing} in {region; value} } | Kind LBRACKET RBRACKET { let region = cover $1 $3 and value = { opening = KwdBracket ($1,$2); elements = None; terminator = None; closing = RBracket $3} in {region; value}} map_injection: Map series(binding,End) { let first, (others, terminator, closing) = $2 in let region = cover $1 closing and value = { opening = Kwd $1; bindings = Some (first, others); terminator; closing = End closing} in {region; value} } | Map End { let region = cover $1 $2 and value = { opening = Kwd $1; bindings = None; terminator = None; closing = End $2} in {region; value} } | Map LBRACKET series(binding,RBRACKET) { let first, (others, terminator, closing) = $3 in let region = cover $1 closing and value = { opening = KwdBracket ($1,$2); bindings = Some (first, others); terminator; closing = RBracket closing} in {region; value} } | Map LBRACKET RBRACKET { let region = cover $1 $3 and value = { opening = KwdBracket ($1,$2); bindings = None; terminator = None; closing = RBracket $3} in {region; value}} binding: expr ARROW expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = { source = $1; arrow = $2; image = $3} in {region; value}} record_patch: Patch path With record_injection { let region = cover $1 $4.region in let value = { kwd_patch = $1; path = $2; kwd_with = $3; record_inj = $4} in {region; value}} fail_instr: Fail expr { let region = cover $1 (expr_to_region $2) and value = {kwd_fail = $1; fail_expr = $2} in {region; value}} proc_call: fun_call { $1 } conditional: If expr Then if_clause option(SEMI) Else if_clause { let region = cover $1 (if_clause_to_region $7) in let value = { kwd_if = $1; test = $2; kwd_then = $3; ifso = $4; terminator = $5; kwd_else = $6; ifnot = $7} in {region; value}} if_clause: instruction { ClauseInstr $1 } | LBRACE series(instruction,RBRACE) { let first, (others, terminator, closing) = $2 in let region = cover $1 closing in let value = { lbrace = $1; inside = (first, others), terminator; rbrace = closing} in ClauseBlock {value; region}} case_instr: Case expr Of option(VBAR) cases End { let region = cover $1 $6 in let value = { kwd_case = $1; expr = $2; kwd_of = $3; lead_vbar = $4; cases = $5; kwd_end = $6} in {region; value}} cases: nsepseq(case,VBAR) { let region = nsepseq_to_region (fun x -> x.region) $1 in {region; value = $1}} case: pattern ARROW instruction { let region = cover (pattern_to_region $1) (instr_to_region $3) and value = {pattern = $1; arrow = $2; instr = $3} in {region; value}} assignment: lhs ASS rhs { let stop = rhs_to_region $3 in let region = cover (lhs_to_region $1) stop and value = {lhs = $1; assign = $2; rhs = $3} in {region; value}} rhs: expr { Expr $1 } | C_None { NoneExpr $1 : rhs } lhs: path { Path $1 } | map_lookup { MapPath $1 } loop: while_loop { $1 } | for_loop { $1 } while_loop: While expr block { let region = cover $1 $3.region and value = { kwd_while = $1; cond = $2; block = $3} in While {region; value}} for_loop: For var_assign Down? To expr option(step_clause) block { let region = cover $1 $7.region in let value = { kwd_for = $1; assign = $2; down = $3; kwd_to = $4; bound = $5; step = $6; block = $7} in For (ForInt {region; value}) } | For var option(arrow_clause) In expr block { let region = cover $1 $6.region in let value = { kwd_for = $1; var = $2; bind_to = $3; kwd_in = $4; expr = $5; block = $6} in For (ForCollect {region; value})} var_assign: var ASS expr { let region = cover $1.region (expr_to_region $3) and value = {name = $1; assign = $2; expr = $3} in {region; value}} step_clause: Step expr { $1,$2 } arrow_clause: ARROW var { $1,$2 } (* Expressions *) interactive_expr: expr EOF { $1 } expr: expr Or conj_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in ELogic (BoolExpr (Or {region; value})) } | conj_expr { $1 } conj_expr: conj_expr And set_membership { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in ELogic (BoolExpr (And {region; value})) } | set_membership { $1 } set_membership: core_expr Contains set_membership { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop in let value = { set = $1; kwd_contains = $2; element = $3} in ESet (SetMem {region; value}) } | comp_expr { $1 } comp_expr: comp_expr LT cat_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in ELogic (CompExpr (Lt {region; value})) } | comp_expr LEQ cat_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in ELogic (CompExpr (Leq {region; value})) } | comp_expr GT cat_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in ELogic (CompExpr (Gt {region; value})) } | comp_expr GEQ cat_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in ELogic (CompExpr (Geq {region; value})) } | comp_expr EQUAL cat_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in ELogic (CompExpr (Equal {region; value})) } | comp_expr NEQ cat_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in ELogic (CompExpr (Neq {region; value})) } | cat_expr { $1 } cat_expr: cons_expr CAT cat_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in EString (Cat {region; value}) } | cons_expr { $1 } cons_expr: add_expr CONS cons_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in EList (Cons {region; value}) } | add_expr { $1 } add_expr: add_expr PLUS mult_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in EArith (Add {region; value}) } | add_expr MINUS mult_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in EArith (Sub {region; value}) } | mult_expr { $1 } mult_expr: mult_expr TIMES unary_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in EArith (Mult {region; value}) } | mult_expr SLASH unary_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in EArith (Div {region; value}) } | mult_expr Mod unary_expr { let start = expr_to_region $1 and stop = expr_to_region $3 in let region = cover start stop and value = {arg1 = $1; op = $2; arg2 = $3} in EArith (Mod {region; value}) } | unary_expr { $1 } unary_expr: MINUS core_expr { let stop = expr_to_region $2 in let region = cover $1 stop and value = {op = $1; arg = $2} in EArith (Neg {region; value}) } | Not core_expr { let stop = expr_to_region $2 in let region = cover $1 stop and value = {op = $1; arg = $2} in ELogic (BoolExpr (Not {region; value})) } | core_expr { $1 } core_expr: Int { EArith (Int $1) } | var { EVar $1 } | String { EString (String $1) } | Bytes { EBytes $1 } | C_False { ELogic (BoolExpr (False $1)) } | C_True { ELogic (BoolExpr (True $1)) } | C_Unit { EUnit $1 } | tuple_expr { ETuple $1 } | list_expr { EList $1 } | none_expr { EConstr (NoneExpr $1) } | fun_call { ECall $1 } | map_expr { EMap $1 } | set_expr { ESet $1 } | record_expr { ERecord $1 } | projection { EProj $1 } | Constr arguments { let region = cover $1.region $2.region in EConstr (ConstrApp {region; value = $1,$2}) } | C_Some arguments { let region = cover $1 $2.region in EConstr (SomeApp {region; value = $1,$2})} set_expr: injection(Set) { SetInj $1 } map_expr: map_lookup { MapLookUp $1 } | map_injection { MapInj $1 } map_lookup: path brackets(expr) { let region = cover (path_to_region $1) $2.region in let value = {path=$1; index=$2} in {region; value}} path: var { Name $1 } | projection { Path $1 } record_expr: record_injection { RecordInj $1 } projection: record_name DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) { let stop = nsepseq_to_region selection_to_region $3 in let region = cover $1.region stop and value = { record_name = $1; selector = $2; field_path = $3} in {region; value}} selection: field_name { FieldName $1 } | Int { Component $1 } record_injection: Record series(field_assignment,End) { let first, (others, terminator, closing) = $2 in let region = cover $1 closing and value = { opening = $1; fields = first, others; terminator; closing} in {region; value}} field_assignment: field_name EQUAL expr { let region = cover $1.region (expr_to_region $3) and value = { field_name = $1; equal = $2; field_expr = $3} in {region; value}} fun_call: fun_name arguments { let region = cover $1.region $2.region in {region; value = $1,$2}} tuple_expr: tuple_inj { TupleInj $1 } tuple_inj: par(nsepseq(expr,COMMA)) { $1 } arguments: tuple_inj { $1 } list_expr: injection(List) { List $1 } | nil { Nil $1 } nil: par(typed_empty_list) { $1 } typed_empty_list: Nil COLON type_expr { {nil = $1; colon = $2; list_type = $3}} none_expr: par(typed_none_expr) { $1 } typed_none_expr: C_None COLON type_expr { {c_None = $1; colon = $2; opt_type = $3}} (* Patterns *) pattern: nsepseq(core_pattern,CONS) { let region = nsepseq_to_region pattern_to_region $1 in PCons {region; value=$1}} core_pattern: var { PVar $1 } | WILD { PWild $1 } | Int { PInt $1 } | String { PString $1 } | C_Unit { PUnit $1 } | C_False { PFalse $1 } | C_True { PTrue $1 } | C_None { PNone $1 } | list_patt { PList $1 } | tuple_patt { PTuple $1 } | C_Some par(core_pattern) { let region = cover $1 $2.region in PSome {region; value = $1,$2}} list_patt: brackets(sepseq(core_pattern,SEMI)) { Sugar $1 } | par(cons_pattern) { Raw $1 } cons_pattern: core_pattern CONS pattern { $1,$2,$3 } tuple_patt: par(nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA)) { $1 }